

CGTN CGTN 2022-11-21

编者按:党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央统筹中华民族伟大复兴战略全局和世界百年未有之大变局,带领全党全国人民取得历史性成就。在党的二十大召开之际,CGTN《先声夺人》推出《全景解码中国之道》系列,十大主题,十年印记,通过十篇评论大稿,全面解读中国成功之道。此篇主题为科技强国展铁翼 ,讲述中国十年来的科技成就。

Editor's note: Over the past decade, China has made great accomplishments while navigating through a tumultuous global environment. As the 20th National Congress of Communist Party of China approaches, CGTN First Voice has prepared a 10-part series titled "The China Path: A Panoramic Decoding" to take you through the landmarks and watershed events over the past ten years and decode the secret of China's development. This is part seven of the series, focusing on China's scientific and technological advancements.

年龄5岁,身高1米3,体重63公斤,活泼开朗;喜欢跑步、太极,擅长下棋、写字、画画;曾担任主持人,做过舞者、导览员等工作。I'm a 5-year-old that is 1.3 meters tall and weighs 63 kilograms. I'm light-hearted. I like jogging and doing Tai Chi, and am particularly good at Chinese chess, calligraphy and drawing. I've worked in many roles such as an event host, a dancer, a docent, etc.
这是位神童吧?其实不然,这是机器人Walker X的自我介绍。2021年WAIC第四届世界人工智能大会上,会跑会下棋会交流的Walker X一出场就成为“顶流”。机器人是先进制造业和推动人类生活方式转变的关键点,也是当今各国科技公司争先研发的目标。一个可以基本模仿人运动的机器人至少需要安装20-30个伺服驱动器,而能完成下棋、写字、画画等复杂行为的Walker X则装备了41个国产的高性能伺服驱动器。Sounds like a prodigy, right? Well, no. This is the self-introduction of a robot. In 2021, Walker X, a robot that can run, play Chinese chess, and interact with people, debuted at the 4th World Artificial Intelligence Conference and immediately became the center of attention. Pivotal to the development of advanced manufacturing and the transformation of human lifestyles, robotics is an area where research and development (R&D) projects are getting rolled out at full steam by sci-tech companies around the world these days. While a robot that can mimic basic human movements needs to be powered by at least 20 to 30 servo motors, Walker X is equipped with 41 high-performance Chinese-made servos that allow it to perform more complex tasks such as playing Chinese chess, calligraphy and drawing.
科技创新一直是中国立国强国之本。“两弹一星”、北斗导航、探月工程展示了国家的硬实力;杂交水稻、新药创制、高速铁路从根本上改善了人民的生活;国产手机、5G网络、量子信息等领域的突破更是在国际上彰显了中国的创造力和研发能力。2021年,中国在研发上的投入居于世界第二,全社会研发投入占GDP的2.44%。基础研究经费同比增长15.6%,占全社会研发投入的6.09%。技术合同成交额超过3.7万亿元。国内发明专利授权量和PCT国际专利申请量居世界首位。国际科技论文数量和论文被引用数量均位居世界前列。高技术产品出口额高达9800亿美元。中国一步步成为了全球科技创新的中坚力量。Science and technology innovations are always at the foundation of China's development and the growth of its national strength. The "Two Bombs, One Satellite" project, the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System and Lunar Exploration Program have all translated to the country's hard power; hybrid rice, the development of new drugs and the high-speed rail network have helped to raise people's living standards; and domestically manufactured mobile phones, the 5G network and breakthroughs in areas such as quantum information have shown to the world China's creativity and R&D capabilities. In 2021, China became the world's second largest R&D spender with a total R&D expenditure of 2.44 percent of its GDP, and 6.09 percent of such spending going to basic research, marking a year-on-year growth of 15.6 percent. Meanwhile, the turnover of China's technology contracts exceeded 3.7 trillion yuan and the number of its domestic patents granted and of international patents filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty ranked first worldwide. Moreover, China also leads the world in terms of the numbers of its internationally published science and technology related papers and citations. All of these, together with nearly $980 billion worth of high-tech product exports, have made China a science and technology backbone for the world.

十九届五中全会通过的“十四五”规划和2035年远景目标纲要中,科技自立自强排在首位。关键、核心的技术无法靠等待、购买获得。必须通过自主研发、持续投入才能得到真正属于自己的技术。The 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035, adopted at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), both make science and technology independence and development the top priority. Crucial and core technologies cannot be truly acquired through waiting or purchasing from others. They are only obtainable through independent R&D activities and continued investments.
自党的十八大以来,党中央对科技创新重视程度之高、政策密度之大、推动力度之强前所未有,这也是中国十年来科技迅猛发展的重要原因之一。例如,江苏省连云港市在过去的十年中连续开创了多个中国和世界第一——全球最长的风电叶片,全球首套8.8米智能化输送装备,自主研发的碳纤维万吨级生产线等,并成功研发了20多款新药。在政策的支持下,连云港2021年高新技术企业数量高达449家,是2012年的10倍。Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the central government has promoted science and technology innovations and introducing relevant policies at a scale never witnessed before, which is an important reason behind the country's robust science and technology advancements for the past decade. A case in point is the success of the city of Lianyungang in Jiangsu Province. Over these years, the city achieved many firsts, both globally and domestically. The world's longest wind turbine blade and first set of 8.8-meter intelligent mining scraper conveyors were manufactured in Lianyungang, and the city was also where China's first independently developed 10,000-ton carbon fiber production line was installed and more than 20 new drugs were developed. Thanks to favorable policies, 449 high- and new-technology companies had been established in Lianyungang by 2021, 10 times the number in 2012. 
世界知识产权组织发布的全球创新指数报告显示,中国创新能力综合排名从2012年的第34位提升到2021年的第12位。目前,中国已经与全球160多个国家和地区建立了科技合作,参加国际组织和多边机制超过200个。此外,中国还积极参与ITER、GEO、SKA等一系列国际科学计划和工程,在卫生健康、气候变化、清洁能源、人工智能、生物医药、现代农业等诸多领域同国际展开交流合作,为解决全球性问题贡献更多中国的科技方案。In the Global Innovation Index released by the World Intellectual Property Organization, China's ranking rose to the 12th in 2021 from the 34th in 2012. So far, China has established science and technology partnerships with over 160 countries and regions and is a member of more than 200 international organizations and multilateral mechanisms. Meanwhile, China also participates in a number of international science programs and projects, such as ITER, GEO, and SKA, exchanging ideas in areas including health, climate change, clean energy, artificial intelligence, biomedicine and modern agriculture with global partners, and offering China's technological solutions to global issues.

像Walker X这样的产品面世也代表着中国新兴科技和民生正在加快融合。中国5G信号的普及和智能手机的广泛应用已经让人民的生活从“线下”转为“线上”。手机支付、手机叫车、手机申报早已经成为人们日常生活不可缺少的环节。在当今全球经济数字化的浪潮中,中国通过自己的数字科技和民生的融合,走在了世界的前沿,并成为国家高质量发展最强劲的引擎。The advent of products such as Walker X represents an accelerated integration of emerging technologies into people's life in China. The scaling of the 5G network and the widespread use of smartphones have driven everyday life online, making mobile payments, mobile car-hailing and mobile information submission indispensable for almost everyone. Progresses in this regard have made China stand out above other countries and emerge as the most powerful engine for high-quality national development.
工信部的数据显示,从2012年至2021年,中国数字经济规模从11万亿元增长到超45万亿元,数字经济占国内生产总值比重由21.6%提升至39.8%。最近几年,虽然受到疫情等外部因素冲击,但数字技术对传统产业的变革与赋能并未中断,而且还进一步推动创新迭代与提速。一方面,线上消费持续升级,直播购物、在线教育、网络问诊、远程办公等新模式新业态不断涌现。另一方面,各行各业的数字化水平不断提升,“智改数转”步伐加快,传统产业正加速向数字化、网络化、智能化方向延伸拓展。《中国互联网发展报告2021》显示,中国数字产业化规模达到7.5万亿元,不断催生新产业新业态新模式,正在向全球高端产业链迈进;产业数字化进程持续加快,规模达到31.7万亿元,工业、农业、服务业数字化水平不断提升。According to statistics from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, during the ten years between 2012 and 2021, the size of China's digital economy increased from 11 trillion to 45 trillion yuan and its share in national GDP rose from 21.6 percent to 39.8 percent. In spite of external factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the recent years have seen digital technology uninterruptedly transforming traditional industries, as well as facilitating innovations. As online shopping flourishes, new business models such as live commerce, online education, remote medical consultations and remote work are mushrooming. Additionally, digitalization picks up pace in all social sectors, and traditional industries are accelerating their expansion in the direction of digitalization, networking, and intelligence. According to the 2021 Report on China's Internet Development, the country's digital industrialization had hit 7.5 trillion yuan in scale, spawning new industries and business models, and working its way into the high-end global industrial chain. Accordingly, industrial digitalization continues to speed up, reaching 31.7 trillion yuan, and digitalization keeps levelling up in industry, agriculture, and services.

“神童”的面世只是中国科技迅猛发展的一个缩影。创新是引领发展的第一动力。过去的十年,在大力推动科技创新的背景下,中国科技速度的发展之快和与人民生活融合之深前所未有。中国科技正在推动着生产、生活方式和经济运转发生深刻变革。放眼未来,以科技创新为基础,中国将在数字和科技时代保持领先优势,并用自己的创新能力增进人民福祉、造福世界。Walker X is only one of the manifestations of China's soaring scientific and technological advancements. Innovation is the primary driver for development. In the past decade, with great prominence given to innovation, science and technology, China are surging ahead at a speed never seen before and getting integrated into people's lives to an unprecedented degree. Hence, the methods of production, people's lifestyles and the ways the economy grows are undergoing profound changes. In the future, science and technology innovations can help China secure its leading role in the digital and technological era and enable the country to usher in more benefits to its own people and others across the world. 
推荐阅读:  CGTN先声夺人之全景解码中国之道 | 解密中国之治的文化基因

