尽管西方有不少反对声音,但德国总理奥拉夫·朔尔茨的访华之行成功地为全球第二大经济体与欧盟最具影响力国家之间的关系注入了新活力。Despite much Western opposition, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's visit to China has succeeded in energizing the relationship between the world’s second largest economy and the EU's most influential country. 朔尔茨访华之前,德国国内各方就中德经济关系展开了激烈辩论,有人指责称此访表明德国“依赖”中国......但这些指责在很大程度上都夸大其词了。The recent trip came amongst a fierce debate over Germany's economic ties with China, with accusations of so-called German "dependence" on China…accusations which have been largely exaggerated. 中国已经连续六年成为德国第一大贸易伙伴。与 2020 年相比,去年中德双边贸易额增长了15 %以上。一位德国经济学家指出,德国约有3%的劳动力(超过100万个工作岗位)从事对华出口相关的工作。China has been Germany's largest trading partner for six consecutive years. Bilateral trade last year grew over 15 percent from 2020. One German economist noted that around 3 percent of the country's work force – or over 1 million jobs – come from exports to China. 一位德国企业家表示:“尽管存在重重困难与挑战,对许多德国公司来说,中国的市场规模和成长机会依然无与伦比。One German businessman said that "despite all odds and challenges, China remains unrivaled in terms of market size and market growth opportunities for many German companies." 全球最大的财富管理机构瑞银集团董事长科尔姆·凯莱赫近期在香港举行的金融论坛上说:“我们现在都不看美国媒体报道,我们都很看好中国的发展。”他还说:“全球银行家都非常看好中国。”Speaking at a recent financial forum in Hong Kong, Colm Kelleher, Chair of UBS – the world's biggest wealth manager – said, quote, "We’re not reading the American press, we actually buy the [China] story," adding that "global bankers are all 'very pro-China'." 总而言之,“对华脱钩”的说法极具误导性,而朔尔茨先生访华是明智之举;不仅有利于德国,也有利于全世界。In a nutshell, the talk of "decoupling from China" is misleading, and Mr. Scholz's China trip was a wise decision; not only for Germany… but also the world. 不少西方舆论认为,中西方之间的意识形态和地缘政治博弈面临失控危险。朔尔茨访华之行有助于以正视听,再度凸显出国与国之间保持投资贸易往来的重要性。In the West, there has been growing out-of-control noise about ideological and geopolitical competition between the West and China. Scholz's visit has set the record straight, renewing the importance of continuous investment and trade among nations. 朔尔茨先生表示:“可靠和信任——这两种价值观在中国和德国的文化中扮演着重要的角色。同时,它们也是外交关系和政治伙伴关系的基础。”"Reliability and trust – these two values play an important role in German and Chinese cultures," said Mr. Scholz, adding that these values form the basis of partnerships. 中国国家主席习近平指出,朔尔茨访华将增进双方了解和互信,深化各领域务实合作。Chinese President Xi Jinping says Scholz's visit will enhance trust between Beijing and Berlin and will enable more cooperation. 面对能源短缺、粮食安全问题、气候变化、俄乌冲突和美国可能对华发起的新冷战,我们所有人都要回答一个严肃的问题:我们能否共同应对这些挑战?还是说我们将继续进行政治博弈,全然不顾迫在眉睫的全球挑战?With energy shortages, food insecurity, climate change, the Ukraine conflict and a looming Cold War 2.0 from the U.S., a grave question for all of us is: can we work together to face these challenges? Or will we continue to engage in political fights while the world is on fire? 合作催生伙伴关系,奠定繁荣稳定的基础。挑起意识形态斗争很容易,但后果是什么?是不稳定、是对抗、是军事冲突,甚至引发第三次世界大战。如果出现这种局面,每个人都会受到伤害。Cooperation begets partnership, followed by stability and prosperity. Picking ideological fights is easy, but what are the consequences? Instability, confrontation, and the possibility of military conflict or even a third World War in which everyone suffers. 这样的斗争没有赢家。There are no winners in such a fight. 朔尔茨总理是新冠肺炎疫情暴发后首位访华的西方主要领导人。此访传达出非常清晰的信号。负责任的大国必须携手合作,促进和加强全球贸易与投资,从而维护全球和平与稳定,而不是片面地强调分歧,导致世界更加四分五裂。Mr. Scholz's China trip is the first by a major Western leader since the pandemic began. The message can’t be clearer: Responsible powers must join hands to improve and enhance global trade and investment, leading to greater peace and stability, instead of focusing on differences which only serve to further divide the world. 推荐阅读:就实论事 | 是什么阻碍了中美关系? 就实论事 | 疫情的代价拍客独家 | 中国印象:我曾经292次从德国飞往中国