
拍客独家 | 中国印象:我曾经292次从德国飞往中国

CGTN CGTN 2022-11-10

卡尔-海因茨·嘉斯是一位生活在德国法兰克福的肉类加工行业企业家。年逾八旬的他在近40年的时间里曾经292次从德国飞往中国。他是首位被中国人民对外友好协会授予 “人民友好使者”称号的德国人,将德国香肠制品的生产工艺带到中国。在短片中,嘉斯讲述了1981年在瑞士与中国代表团的偶遇,并分享了对中德关系的看法。“我与中国的故事是从在瑞士遇见杨得志将军开始的。”嘉斯说,“我这辈子都不曾想到这种事会发生在我身上,这可能是发生在我身上最好的事。”

Karl-Heinz Gass is a meat processing entrepreneur from Frankfurt, Germany. He is over 80 years old and has traveled to China 292 times in almost 40 years, leaving his footprints across the country. He was the first German to whom the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries awarded the title of "Friendship Ambassador," and he has promoted German sausage processing technology in China. In this video, he talks about how he became acquainted with China at a chance meeting with the Chinese delegation in Switzerland in 1981, the dramatic changes he has witnessed in China, and the friendship between China and Germany. "My story with China begins with a chance encounter with General Yang Dezhi in Switzerland," says Gass, "I never expected that anything like this would happen in my life. It's probably the best thing that ever happened to me."



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