在接受CGTN主持人许钦铎专访时,尼泊尔驻华大使比什努·普斯卡·施雷斯塔表示,进博会作为世界上第一个以进口为主题的展会,意义非凡。它向世界释放中国坚持对外开放的信号,欢迎各国商品进入中国市场。大使还介绍了尼泊尔的自然风光和风土人情,“对于每一位游客,尼泊尔之行会成为他们一生难忘的经历。” In an interview with CGTN, Nepali Ambassador to China Bishnu Pukar Shrestha said that the CIIE, as the world's first import-themed exhibition, is very important and timely. It sends out the message that China is being opened to all of the world, and China is ready to import from all of the world. The ambassador also introduced why Nepal is an important destination for global tourists. "It should be one of the lifetime experiences for every tourist if they go to visit Nepal." 推荐阅读:CGTN对话思想者 | 波兰前副总理:美英应与中国务实合作 共同造福社会 CGTN对话思想者|克罗地亚地缘经济论坛主席:中国国际进口博览会彰显大国慷慨