Whither the world's democracy? For China, it is a whole-process people's democracy. 世界民主走向何方?全过程人民民主是中国给出的答案。 Only the people's hearts and minds can tell a real democracy from a fake one. The Chinese government is the world's most trusted by its people. The "Edelman Trust Barometer 2022" shows public trust in the Chinese government tops the list with 91 percent in 2021. A more-than-a-decade long Harvard University poll finds 90 percent of Chinese people have been satisfied with their government for many consecutive years. 民主真与假,关键看民心。中国政府是世界上最受人民信任的政府。《2022年度爱德曼信任晴雨表》报告显示,2021年中国民众对政府信任度高达91%,位居世界首位。哈佛大学一项持续十多年的民调发现,中国老百姓对政府的满意度连年超过90%。 People's direct participation in governance is a crucial factor in this overwhelming trust in government.人民直接参与治理是中国民众对政府保持高信任度的重要原因之一。 China has the world's largest grassroots election.中国有着世界上规模最大的基层选举。 Since the reform and opening-up, county- and township-level voter turnout in the elections to people's congresses remained at around 90 percent. From the first half of 2021 to the end of June in 2022, 2,629,447 deputies in China's 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities were elected to county- and township-level people's congresses. 1.064 billion voters were involved in the process. 改革开放以来,中国县乡两级人大换届选举的选民参选率一直保持在90%左右。从2021年上半年到2022年6月底,中国31个省、自治区、直辖市直接选举产生了2629447名县乡两级人大代表。选举涉及10.64亿选民。 They are also instrumental in formulating policies, including the five-year plan, Chinese government's most important public policy. In 2020, the 14th Five-Year Plan was made available for public consultation online. It was the first time online consultation for five-year plans was launched. Over 1,000 suggestions from 1.018 million suggestions were directly adopted. 选民在"五年规划"等重大政策制定中也起着重要的作用。2020年,"十四五"规划编制工作在网上公开征求意见。这是"五年规划"编制史上首次开展"网络问计",累计收到超过101.8万条建言,从中梳理出的1000余条建议被直接吸收采纳。 A critical modern innovation of the legislative mechanism is the grassroots-level legislation contact points. The first batch was established in 2015. By July 2022, 22 contact points were established, covering two-thirds of China's provinces. These are the "bottom-up legislative fast-track" that gathers public opinion and perception. 基层立法联系点是立法机制的一项重要创新。第一批基层立法联系点自2015年开始设立。截至2022年7月, 一共设立了22个基层立法联系点,覆盖全国2/3的省份。这些是中国汇聚民意民智的"立法直通车"。 In various parts of China, diverse forms of consultative democracy based on local realities have been explored and tried: Democratic consultation meetings, villagers' councils, residents' workshops, courtyard discussions, neighborhood meetings, outdoor meetings and so on.中国各地从自身实际出发,探索出诸如民主恳谈会、村民议事会、居民论坛、小院议事厅、板凳民主、坝坝会等一系列丰富多样的协商民主形式。 And many places in China have established a system for solving people's problems, such as "government's functional departments answering the call for help from neighborhood administrators," "a quick response task force" and "a 12345 hotline service in addressing complaints."中国多个地方建立了"街巷吹哨、部门报到""马上即办""12345(热线电话)接诉即办"等解民忧工作体系。 China's whole-process people's democracy has a complete institutional framework with a complete set of participatory practices. It is the most extensive, authentic and effective form of democracy in China. 中国全过程人民民主拥有完整的制度程序和完整的参与实践。这是在中国最广泛、真实、管用的民主制度。