目前,全国多个城市逐步优化调整疫情防控相关措施,组织复工复产,以最大程度保护人民群众生命安全和身体健康,最大限度减少疫情对群众生产生活秩序和经济社会发展的影响。来自哥伦比亚的视频博主Fernando Munoz Bernal重新开始了他的房车之旅,并分享了他对中国疫情防控政策的看法。他表示,中国之所以有信心放松新冠疫情防控措施,是因为相比疫情之初,奥密克戎变异株致病危险性更小,而且中国现在有更多的关于疫情的数据和更多的防疫工具来控制疫情,这是负责任的做法。 Fernando Munoz Bernal, a vlogger from Colombia, resumed his RV tour in China and shared his thoughts on China's optimized epidemic response measures. He said China is confident of lowering its COVID-19 prevention measures because the Omicron variant poses less risk than that of 2020, and now China has more data and more tools to fight the disease, which is very responsible.