“有意无意,你在画画的过程,也是自我修炼的过程。”——陈家泠 陈家泠,画家,海派水墨画领军人物。1937年出生于浙江杭州,现长居上海。他对传统中国画的水墨语言予以创新,其画作清新简约、灵动飘逸。在绘画的世界里,他如顽童,用自然线条勾勒山水、花鸟与人物,在宣纸、陶瓷、缂丝等不同介质上追求神来之笔。身处耄耋之年,陈家泠笔耕不辍,他用画笔描摹时代,以水墨挥就人情。2022年上海疫情期间,他闭门画梅50幅,并创作了50幅重温历代文人咏梅诗词的书法作品。穷天人之道,通古今之变,他以梅花精神自勉,凌寒独自开。 "Whether I'm aware of it or not, drawing is also a process of self-cultivation." – Chen Jialing Chen Jialing is a leading figure in the Shanghai School of traditional ink painting. Born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in 1937, he has spent the past six decades residing in Shanghai. In his innovative approach to traditional Chinese ink painting, he uses free-spirited lines to describe reality and picture the world around him. While in home quarantine in 2022, Chen created 50 plum blossom paintings and 50 works of calligraphy based on ancient poems eulogizing the flower. He says he embraces the unique spirit of the plum blossom, which it shows by standing alone against the cold. 推荐阅读:“大师列传”国际版|冯大中:文心雕虎,宿心故园 “大师列传”国际版|王明明:诗心涵泳,丹青立境 “大师列传”国际版|郑小瑛:“硬核奶奶”的音乐人生