在其他领域几乎没有共识的民主共和两党,心有灵犀地对中国气象飞艇集体展示了愤怒。CGTN主持人王冠调侃道,美国国会不如通过一个名为“痛批中国以团结美国”(Bonding through Beijing Bashing Act)的BBB法案。而这个BBB的谐音梗正是拜登多年前给美国民众画下的大饼:Build Back Better翻修美国老旧基础设施法案。王冠认为,拜登需要政治空间来实现所谓不对抗和不寻求新冷战的对华政策。但在可预见的未来,白宫的对华理性或将持续被其内政所裹挟。
What happens when the U.S. fears a rising competitor and its two main parties are at loggerheads? It whips up a "Chinese spy balloon" hysteria to trigger collective rage against China and cause a distraction from its own failures and transgressions. In this episode of Reality Check, CGTN's Wang Guan comes up with a new acronym to describe Washington politicians' behavior: BBB -- Bonding through Beijing Bashing. It's to hide the inconvenient truth that it's the U.S. that's been spying on other countries through surveillance balloons, including the former USSR and China. Though President Biden says he doesn't want a new Cold War, his China policy is compromised by his need to please the Republicans.