2007年7月12日,在伊拉克战争爆发4年之后,美军用世界上最强的武装直升机之一阿帕奇袭击了新巴格达区的泰阿尼亚。12岁的赛义德和他4岁的妹妹杜亚身受重伤后被一名陌生的美军士兵救下,他们的父亲却在当天的袭击中丧命。两个孩子的人生从此改变。 2022年12月,摄制组几经周折在巴格达见到了哥哥赛义德。更加机缘巧合的是,我们还找到了当年阿帕奇袭击现场救下赛义德兄妹的美国士兵伊森·麦考德。当得知摄制组在巴格达找到了赛义德兄妹后,麦考德接受了采访。这是他第一次得到两兄妹的消息,也是10年来首次接受国际媒体采访。面对镜头,他表示“我感觉被利用了”、“我们不该去那里”。采访结束后,我们再三跟他确认,这段话是否可以公布在国际媒体上,是否会对他的人身安全等造成影响?他说:“说出这些,我终于可以放下了。”On July 12, 2007, four years after the start of the Iraq War, U.S. Apache helicopters attacked the Al-Amin al-Thaniyah neighborhood of New Baghdad. 12-year-old Sajad and his 4-year-old sister Duah were seriously injured. They were rescued by a U.S. soldier. Unfortunately, their father was killed. For those two children, life would never be the same again.In December 2022, a CGTN film crew tracked down Sajad in Baghdad.By chance, the crew also found the soldier who saved Sajad and his sister back in 2007. Ethan McCord, a U.S. army ranger, was among the first U.S. soldiers to arrive on the scene of the Apache attack.He agreed to be interviewed for "The Legacy of War" after learning that the CGTN crew had made contact with the brother and sister whose lives he'd saved. It was the first time he'd heard any news about them, since carrying them from their father's destroyed van. Speaking to the camera, he says: "I feel used, I feel used for being in Iraq. … We should have never been there. "The crew subsequently contacted him several times, to confirm that he had no objections to his interview being aired, considering that it might jeopardize his safety. But Ethan believes it's important for him that the story is told, and he just wants to say sorry. 推荐阅读:山河破碎20载 —— 希望之声:摩苏尔废墟上的乐队