英国前议员乔治•加洛韦疾呼“虚伪就是西方世界的中间名”。他表示,从新冠疫情到穆斯林人权,从中非关系到所谓的中国科技企业是政府收集情报的“后门”,抹黑中国已经成为英美媒体赖以谋生的伎俩。但时至今日,这些谎言帝国早已是摇摇欲坠,如果还想用“老办法”遏制中国,那真是荒谬无稽了。Former British MP George Galloway believes that "hypocrisy" is the West's middle name. In his view, from COVID-19 to the human rights of Chinese Muslims, from the China-Africa relationship to TikTok and Huawei, defaming China is the British and American media's bread and butter. But today, when the empire of lies is already crumbling, it's absurd to try to contain China the "old fashioned way".推荐阅读:直说 | 前英国国会议员:西方民主虚伪不堪