英国前首相戈登·布朗表示,现在世界面临着重重危机,关系到生死存亡,各国应该联起手来。中国参与和推动全球治理体系变革,目的不是推倒重来、另起炉灶,而是与时俱进、创新完善。Now faced with today's multiple crises that are threatening death and destruction, there should be a coming together, says Gordon Brown, former prime minister of the UK. As a participant in, builder of, and contributor to that system, China hopes to help the system move with the times through innovation and improvement, rather than reinvent the wheel. 推荐阅读:先声夺人|美国前财长:中美应同舟共济 共同繁荣 先声夺人|新加坡荣誉国务资政:世界不需要脱钩,需要携手