
Get What You Want in a Chinese Bar

2015-08-10 GiC Team GuideinChina

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Sitting in a bar, trying to order something but don't know the Chinese words and the bar tender just can't speak English? No worries, we have you covered! Here are the Chinese names of these drinks you definitely want to know!


liquor/烈酒/liè jiǔ

Whisky/威士忌/wēi shì jì

Vodka/伏特加/fú tè jiā

Brandy/白兰地/bái lán dì

Tequila/龙舌兰/lóng shé lán

Rum/朗姆酒/lǎng mǔ jiǔ

Gin/金酒/jīn jiǔ

Cocktail/鸡尾酒/jī wěi jiǔ

Pink Lady/红粉佳人/hóng fěn jiā rén

Martini /马天尼/mǎ tiān ní

Margarita/玛格丽特/mǎ gé lì tè

Virgin Mary/纯真玛丽/chún zhēn mǎ lì

Sex on the Beach/激情海岸/jī qíng hǎi àn

Manhattan/曼哈顿/màn hā dùn

Brandy Alexander/白兰地亚山大/bái lán dì yà shān dà

Brandy Ginger/白兰地姜汁/bái lán dì jiāng zhī

Mai Tai /迈泰/mài tài

Scotch Soda/苏格兰苏打/ sū gé lán sū dǎ

Vodka Tonic /伏特加汤力/fú tè jiā tāng lì

Long Island Ice Tea/长岛冰茶/cháng dǎo bīng chá

Irish Coffee/爱尔兰咖啡/ài ěr lán kā fēi

Blue Hawaii/蓝色夏威夷/lán sè xià wēi yí

Mojito/莫吉托/mò jí tuō

Wine/葡萄酒/pútáojiǔRed wine /红酒/hóng jiǔWhite wine/白葡萄酒/bái pú táo jiǔChampagne/香槟酒/xiāng bīn jiǔ

Soft Drinks

Soft drinks/碳酸饮料/tàn suān yǐn liào

Coca-Cola/可口可乐 /kě kǒu kě lè

Diet coke/健怡可乐/jiàn yí kě lè

Sprite/雪碧/xuě bì

Soda water/苏打水/sū dǎ shuǐ

Tonic water/汤力水/tāng lì shuǐ

Red Bull/红牛/hóng niú

Juice/果汁/guǒ zhīFresh juice/鲜榨果汁/xiān zhà guǒ zhīOrange juice/橙汁/chéng zhī Watermelon juice/西瓜汁 /xī guā zhī Mango juice /芒果汁 /máng guǒ zhī Pineapple juice/菠萝汁 /bō luó zhī

water /水/shuǐ Spring water /矿泉水/kuàng quán shuǐ Sparkling Water /气泡水/qì pào shuǐ Tap water --Please don't do this!

pictures from internet

Editor's Words
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