
Wanna Play Ping Pong Like World Champion?

Sandra Huang GuideinChina 2018-10-05


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Introduce you 

to Ping Pong

Ping Pong, aka table tennis, is a sport in which players hit a lightweight ball back and forth across the table using small bats. The sport originated in Victorian England. The game takes place on a hard table divided by a net. Players must allow a ball played towards them to bounce one time on their side of the table, and must return it so that it bounces on the opposite side at least once. A point is scored when a player fails to return the ball within the rules. Play is fast and demands quick reactions.

Here is a clip of our foreign friends playing Ping Pong.

How did they fall in love with Ping Pong?

James, From Britain

He started to play Ping Pong from age 11. He has already played for 17 years. Before he came to China, he would always watch the game of Liqing Wang, who is one of the best Ping Pong players in China. James has even played a game with Liqing Wang.

Eric, From Germany

He has played Ping Pong for over 10 years. He said that Ping Pong is quite popular in Germany. In China, he felt that the way people play Ping Pong was quite different. There are a variety of players. In Germany, they have Timo Boll, who actually beat Liqing Wang in 2002 and won the World Cup.

Bowen, From Turkey

Bowen says that he played Ping Pong at both high school and college. He thought that he played pretty well before he came to China. However, after he played with his classmates in China, he realized that he was not as good at it as he thought.

Famous Chinese player

Liqin Wang

Retired, and holds three majors (3 World Championships). He was been ranked #1 by ITTF for 25 consecutive months, from 2000 to 2002.

Lin Ma

Retired, the only male player ever to win Olympic gold in Singles, Doubles and Team. He holds a professional era record of 5 major titles (4 World Cupsand 1 Olympic Gold), having won more World Cups than any other male table tennis player in history.

Xin Xu

First left-handed player in China to win three championships in Singles.

Long Ma

The current Olympic and World Champion, ranked # 2 in the world.

Jike Zhang

Zhang became the fourth male player in the history of table tennis to achieve a career Grand Slam when he won gold in men's singles at the Olympic games in London 2012.

How to play Ping Pong?

  1. Find a place to play.

  2. Find someone to play with.

  3. Buy Ping Pong Paddles.

  4. Know how to grip the paddle.

  5. Learn about basic rules.

  6. Play! 

Here is a very basic tutorial on Ping Pong.


Comment below to share your experience with Ping Pong. Which player do you like the most?

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