
Grade 17 Typhoon! 10k+ Trees Have Fallen! But They Keep Fighting

Suki C GuideinChina 2018-10-04


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2018 No.8 typhoon Maria (severe typhoon level) made landfall in coastal regions of Huangqi Peninsula, Lianjiang County, Fujian at 9:10 a.m. on July 11. The maximum wind intensity and minimum air pressure at the typhoon center registered scale 14 (42m/s) and 960 hPa respectively.

Strong gales uprooted many trees, broke fishing rafts and caused hazards on roads in Lianjiang, a fishing county.

Chen Zuliang, a member of the county's flood control office, said that more than 8,000 residents had been evacuated.

The county is closely monitoring conditions on roads, ports and water facilities. More than 6,800 people are on standby for rescue missions or to repair damage caused by the typhoon.

Fujian ordered all fishing boats to return to harbor by Tuesday noon and workers at offshore fish farms were required to return to land.

In Lianjiang, Fujian, three to five meters waves suddenly flooded into the village. The villagers piled up sandbags in front of their homes to try and withstand the invasion of the sea.

In Ningde, Fujian, data from the local meteorological department showed that the maximum wind force when the typhoon landed exceeded gale force of 17, and the wind speed was close to 100 kilometers per hour. The wind caused more than 10,000 trees in the city to fall and break. In order to avoid the heavy rains causing flash floods and causing urban stagnation, Ningde has already released 10 million square meters of storage capacity in the downstream of the main rivers in the urban area.

In some areas of Cangnan, Zhejiang, there is a phenomenon of heavy seawater intrusion. The coastal road in Dayu Town was destroyed by huge waves and damaged houses.

In Sanmen, Zhejiang, the strong winds brought by Typhoon Maria felled a local greenhouse. The greenhouse film and steel pipes are now hanging from the high-voltage line, causing the line to trip, and 10 villages now have power outages. The local power supply department urgently organized human repairs and restored power supply.

From July 10, Mianyang, Sichuan has been under constant heavy rain. Large floods occurred in all rivers in Mianyang. The flood has caused more than 50,000 people in Mianyang to be affected. At present, more than 7,000 people have been transferred to the safe area.

Flood scouring railway bridge. 

From 8:00 am July 10, the heavy rains in Guangyuan City caused the water level of many rivers in the territory to skyrocket. Local key cultural relics protection unit (Jianmenxia Road, Mingyuexia) was flooded. The rainfall is still continuing and the scenic spot is temporarily closed.

In more than 30 counties in Shanxi, the maximum rainfall reached 50-100 millimeters, and in 9 counties it reached more than 100 millimeters.

On 11 July, heavy rain occurred in the Northern Yulin, Western Baoji, Northern Xianyang and Western Hanzhoung.

On July 11, beside Southern Shaanxi, rainfall has stopped most regions, the Shaanxi meteorological department reported.

On July 9, there were heavy rains and storms in Gansu. The rainfall led to flooding of the White LongJiang and White River. The counties and towns were generally affected.

As a result of the rising water, the water has spilled over the surface of the pavement-emergency rescue service are still working on repairs.


The flood and debris disaster caused damage to all the villages and towns in Guasu. Most of the farmland and houses were flooded, and all were damaged to varying degrees.

Thanks to Chinese soldiers, who are working hard to rebuild the damaged facility. 

The police officers worked together to clean up the collapsed plants and clear burrows. Rescuers evacuate the masses in an orderly manner.

Gardeners deal with the fallen trees.

Mrs. Hou was injured when breaking branches, when dealing with lodging trees.

She suffered from a left shoulder clavicle fracture, and on awaking from surgery, the first sentence she said was, "has the cordon been pulled?"

 Electricity workers, seize the repair circuit to restore power supply.

Another firefighter rescued the fishermen from the winds and waves.

The typhoon is fierce, but the streets are always clean and tidy. Thanks to everyone involved in rescue and restoration. Because of them, homes are still homes during the typhoon.

A final warning has now been issued for the storm. It fell below typhoon strength during the latter part of July 12.

Typhoon Maria is not expected to fully dissipate until July 15. By which time much of Northern Fujian and parts of Jiangxi provinces are likely to be hit by widespread floods and mudslides.

If you have a plan to visit these provinces, we'd recommend finding an alternative destination or waiting until the typhoon has gone. People who are already in these disaster areas, should remain in a safe place or move far from typhoon contact areas.

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