
Bet You Didn’t Know This Google Multi-Function on WeChat

Xin L GuideinChina 2018-10-04

Everyone is talking about it and showing off their masterpiece on their Moments! You are outdated if you don’t know about this! What’s all this fuss about? Google’s new mini game that launched on WeChat on July 18th!

Operating under the name of 猜画小歌 (cai hua xiao ge), this new mini game dominated the WeChat social media platform on its first day, giving the US technology giant another foothold in a market where its core search engine business is banned. In 猜画小歌 (Chinese version), players are given only 20 seconds to draw an item on their smartphone or tablet. The goal is to get Google's AI software to correctly identify the drawing before the clock runs out, and the play progresses from simple items like clouds to more complicated ones like elephants.

This mini game is only in Chinese, but when I showed it to my friends, they used it to learn and review their Chinese words!!!


猜画小歌 is similar to the Quick Draw function that Google launched back in 2016, which is basically the English version of 猜画小歌. Scan the QR code and check it out later!😊(VPN is needed.)

Quick Draw

(Long press and Scan the QR code )

People are obsessed with sharing their creations with their friends, and after a few rounds everyone is asking: "How the hell can/can’t AI know what I was drawing?”

It can recognize “WTF is this” messing kid doodle but it can’t recognize a perfectly detailed drawing. How is that possible???

Same thing happened with Quick Draw.

Scientists David Ha and Douglas Eck from Google Brain, a deep-learning artificial intelligence research team at Google, have come up with a novel RNN (Recurrent Neural Network) that would generate handwritten drawings of common objects. This RNN, called Sketch-RNN, would seek and learn information from loads of drawings made by humans which will then be segregated again into different classes and used to train to generate them. This may help artists and graphic designers in their work when coming up with newer patterns or ideas.

Can you recognize the object that I drew in 猜画小歌 down below???


Tap on the blank below to see the answer



Tap on the blank below to see the answer



Tap on the blank below to see the answer

Washing machine


Tap on the blank below to see the answer



Tap on the blank below to see the answer



Tap on the blank below to see the answer



Tap on the blank below to see the answer

Palm tree


Tap on the blank below to see the answer


Source : Google, Quartz, Souhu, Analyticsindiamag

Supervisor : Crystal Huang

Editor : XL

Proofreader : Ed Bellin

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