

D&I 同济大学设计创意学院 2022-08-28
6月24日,在全球生物设计挑战赛(BioDesign Challenge)的决赛中,同济大学设计创意学院代表队的作品Power Mutualism从来自18个国家的参赛作品中脱颖而出,晋级6强,最终斩获Outstanding Science Prize大奖,成为首支在全球生物设计挑战赛获奖的中国队

The Biodesign Challenge Summit 2022 was held June 24 online, and Tongji D&I Students won the The Outstanding Science Prize, which is a first in China.

BioDesign Challenge是新兴的跨学科设计大赛,举办7年来,辐射影响逐年扩大,是面向全球高校及高中学生的高水平赛事,大赛旨在鼓励年轻一代探索和尝试生物科技设计,促进艺术家、设计师、生物学家的融合群体营造,培育第一代生物设计师,并且在生物科技及其受众之间建立启迪性的公共对话。大赛鼓励参赛者以跨学科的视角,探索生物科技设计在应对社会问题,赋能人类和社会发展方面的潜能。大赛举办以来吸引了哈佛大学、罗德岛设计学院、阿尔托大学等全球顶尖设计参加。
Boidesign Challenge(BDC) is an education program and competition that is shaping the first generation of biodesigners. It partners high school and university students with scientists, artists, and designers to envision, create, and critique transformational applications in biotech. Over the past 7 years, BDC has been increasingly influential, and the participants are from a number of top universities such as Harvard University, Rhode Island School of Design, Aalto University.

2022年BioDesign Challenge共有55所学校参加,同济大学设计创意学院作为今年唯一的中国大陆代表队参赛。本次参赛由周洪涛教授组织协调,任丽莎、Francesca Valsecchi、 刘震元和Saverio Silli老师指导9组学生作品参赛,由杨皓、莫娇、朱小村、王琦、杨曼和陶思旻老师组成顾问和支持团队,代表学院参加主奖角逐的作品由教师团队投票选出。
55 universities and schools have participated in 2022 BioDesign Challenge, and Tongji University College of Design and Innovation is the only one from China’s mainland. The participation is coordinated by Prof. Hongtao Zhou, and 9 teams tutored by a number of professors, Lisha Ren, Francesca Valsecchi, Zhenyuan Liu, and Saverio Silli made their application, supported by a consulting team Hao Yang, Jiao Mo, Xiaocun Zhu, Qi Wang, Man Yang, Simin Tao. And Power Mutualism was recommended to the final.



About Power Mutualism

Power Mutualism(电能共生体)是胡可儿和袁硕同学在任丽莎副教授指导下完成的作品,并受到代尔夫特理工大学材料体验实验室与同济大学环境科学与工程学院张亚雷课题组的学术支持。Power Mutualism是一种可穿戴自驱动型蓝藻细菌发电材料能够从人体汗液、阳光和空气中获取养分,通过蓝藻细菌光合和呼吸作用释放电能,为可穿戴小型智能设备提供绿色能源,满足近未来可穿戴传感网络的分布式能源需求。该项目因整合科技与设计的创新实践获得评委团高度评价,最终斩获Outstanding Science Prize。
Power Mutualism is a graduation project completed by Keer Hu under the supervision of Associate Professor Lisha Ren, with academic support from the Materials Experience Lab at Delft University of Technology and Yalei Zhang's group at the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, and technical cooperation from her teammate Shuo Yuan. Power Mutualism is a wearable self-driven power-generation biomaterial based on cyanobacteria bio-photovoltaics. It generates electricity through cyanobacteria’s photosynthesis and respiration while harvesting energy from human bodily fluids, air and sunlight. It provides green energy for small wearable smart devices to meet the distributed energy needs of near-future wearable sensing networks. It received high applauding because its integration of technology and design innovation, and was awarded Outstanding Science Prize.

Outstanding Science Prize该奖项颁发给在科学实验方面设计执行优秀、或表现出对科学技术精通的参赛团队,该奖项要求参赛团队不但能够在科学框架内充分理解系统和结构,并且在设计作品中重复考虑了伦理性和作品的再造性。
Among the prizes, The Outstanding Science Prize is awarded to the team that designs and executes outstanding scientific experiments or exhibits mastery of scientific techniques. These students not only obtain an adept understanding of systems and structures in a scientific framework, but also consider the ethics and reproducibility of their work.



Other projects of D&I participants

Speculative Scenario of Unintentional Urban Mutualism
指导老师:Francesca Valsecchi, Saverio Silli

The Net
指导老师:Francesca Valsecchi, Saverio Silli

Mobility as Physarum
指导老师:刘震元 刘胧 樊中

指导老师:刘震元 刘胧 樊中

“Plan B” 


water detection system with bioluminescent bacteria

All teams and faculty members have overcome the difficulties caused by the current situation and made innovative exploration, which will continue in the context of interdisciplinary and international cooperation.

编辑 / 榴莲
责编 / 伊文

