
Final call: the Women's City Living Survey closes this Sunday

2018-02-03 TimeOutBeijing

We want to know what you think

The Women's City Living Survey is meant to roughly gauge how women feel about living in Beijing. Is it absolutely brilliant? Mama huhu? Really very quite good? The questions are geared towards women, though anyone can fill out the survey if that tickles your fancy. Just don’t get your knickers in a knot when we assume your gender.

Scan or long-press the QR code for the survey:

All responses are anonymous, and responses to open-ended entry boxes might be published by Time Out. If there's anything we haven't addressed which you would like to comment on, please use the last page of the survey to do so. Don't forget to click 'next' at the bottom of each page to complete the full survey!

The Women's City Living Survey closes this Sunday at midnight. Having issues with the QR code? Hit 'Read more' for a link to the survey on our site.

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