

世纪君 21世纪英文报 2019-11-07


独家:邻居录下鲍里斯与女友Carrie Symonds在寓所中的喊叫争吵声


Police were called to the home of Boris Johnson and his partner, Carrie Symonds, in the early hours of last Friday morning after neighbours heard a loud altercation involving screaming, shouting and banging. The argument could be heard outside the property.


A neighbour told the Guardian they heard a woman screaming. At one point Symonds could be heard telling Johnson to “get off me” and “get out of my flat”.


The neighbour said that after becoming concerned they knocked on the door but received no response. “I [was] hoping that someone would answer the door and say ‘We’re okay’. I knocked three times and no one came to the door.”



The neighbour decided to call 999. Two police cars and a van arrived within minutes, shortly after midnight, but left after receiving reassurances from both the individuals in the flat that they were safe.



In the fifth and final round last Thursday, Boris Johnson came out on top with 160 out of the 313 votes cast. Jeremy Hunt received 77 votes and Michael Gove was knocked out with 75.



When contacted by the Guardian last Friday, police initially said they had no record of a domestic incident at the address. But when given the case number and reference number, as well as identification markings of the vehicles that were called out, police issued a statement saying: “At 00:24hrs on Friday, 21 June, police responded to a call from a local resident in [south London]. The caller was concerned for the welfare of a female neighbour.


“Police attended and spoke to all occupants of the address, who were all safe and well. There were no offences or concerns apparent to the officers and there was no cause for police action.”



The neighbour said they recorded the altercation from inside their flat out of concern for Symonds. On the recording, heard by the Guardian, Johnson can be heard refusing to leave the flat and telling Symonds to “get off my f***ing laptop” before there is a loud crashing noise.


Symonds is heard saying Johnson had ruined a sofa with red wine: “You just don’t care for anything because you’re spoilt. You have no care for money or anything.”




Johnson ducked repeated questions during a leadership hustings in Birmingham the day before. Questioned by journalist, he said: "I don't think they want hear about that kind of thing," prompting applause from party members. "I think what they want to hear is what my plans are for the country and the party."



A poll conducted last weekend showed support for Johnson had fallen sharply following the incident. His eight-point lead earlier in the week had fallen to three points behind Jeremy Hunt. Among Tory voters, when asked who would make the best prime minister, Johnson’s lead had slumped from 27% to 11% in the same period, according to Survation, which carried out the polls for the Mail on Sunday.



Asked about the issue, Hunt told Sky News: "I think someone who wants to be PM should answer questions on everything, but I'm not going to comment on character."


Hunt said he thought the story about Mr Johnson's row with his girlfriend was "irrelevant to the leadership debate" because the country was in "such a serious situation" over Brexit.


眼看选战已经到了白热化地步,鲍里斯却以这样的新闻上头条,也难怪英国工党脱欧发言人Keir Starmer在推特上转发了《卫报》有关新闻后,发表了这样的评论:还有人比鲍里斯更不适合当首相的吗?


Next month around 160,000 Conservative Party members will choose the next leader of the Tory Party - and the next prime minister. Members will receive their ballots between 6 and 8 July, with the new leader expected to be announced in the week beginning 22 July.


在吵架事件几天之后,一张鲍里斯和女友的牵手照片在部分英媒上传播开来, 甚至还登上了几份报纸的头条。

A picture of Boris Johnson holding hands with his girlfriend Carrie Symonds features on several front pages.

包括《镜报》和《Metro》还都用了“Carrie on”这样的谐音双关来吸引眼球。英文中carry on可以表示“坚持、继续”等含义,这里则用了鲍里斯女友的名字Carrie来代替carry,暗指两人关系继续~

“What a Carrie on,” says the Mirro. The Metro has the same “Carrie on” pun in its main headline.



Boris Johnson has repeatedly refused to say whether his campaign team passed a photograph of him and his partner to newspapers as a PR strategy during a radio interview.


The pictures appeared in selected newspapers without any details of where and when they were taken, or by whom.









综合来源:中国日报网,中国新闻网,环球时报GlobalTimes,The Guardian,CNN,BBC,Daily Mail

