





Former US President Barack Obama delivered a blistering critique of the Trump administration's response to the coronavirus crisis, describing it as "an absolute chaotic disaster" during a private call Friday night with people who worked for him in the White House and across his administration. 



Being selfish, being tribal, being divided, and seeing others as an enemy… has become a stronger impulse in American life. It’s part of the reason why the response to this global crisis has been so anemic and spotty.”


"It has been an absolute chaotic disaster when that mindset — of 'what's in it for me' and 'to heck with everybody else' — when that mindset is operationalized in our government,” he said.


"I, by the way, am going to be spending as much time as necessary and campaigning as hard as I can for Joe Biden."


The White House struck back hard at Obama’s remarks.

“President Trump’s coronavirus response has been unprecedented and saved American lives,” White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany told The New York Post.


注:去年在得知拜登要参加2020美国总统大选后,特朗普便针锋相对地赠了拜登一个外号Sleepy Joe,类似的还有Very slow sleepy/SleepyCreepy Joe。



President Trump sought in March to deflect criticism of his administration’s response to the coronavirus onto his predecessor, complaining that a federal agency decision under President Barack Obama had made it harder to quickly enact widespread testing for the virus.


Pence, Trump’s point person on the coronavirus concurred with Trump’s assessment during the airline meeting.

“The last administration asserted FDA jurisdiction over testing, and the development of tests like this,” Pence said. “The president changed that on Saturday … states now have the ability to actually conduct the coronavirus test in state labs, university laboratories, and that’s because of the change the president authorized.”


美国公共卫生实验室协会发言人米歇尔·福尔曼(Michelle Forman)表示,在奥巴马时期,确实有一些“加强开发实验室测试限制”的讨论,但最终“没有一项被落实”。她还说,该协会不认为奥巴马时期有任何规则改变了对实验室的监管方式。

Michelle Forman, a spokeswoman for the Association of Public Health Laboratories, whose members had complained that the Food and Drug Administration took too long to approve their tests, said there were some discussions during the Obama administration about whether to tighten restrictions on laboratories that developed their own tests, but “nothing was ever put into place.”

She said the association, which represents state and local government labs, was not aware of any Obama-era rules that changed how the labs were regulated or how applications in a public health crisis were reviewed.

前美国国安会医疗和生物防御准备事务主管、奥巴马时期食品和药物管理局代理首席科学家露西安娜·鲍里奥(Luciana Borio)也表示,自己不知道有任何此类规则的改变。

Dr. Luciana Borio, who oversaw public health preparedness for the National Security Council in Mr. Trump’s White House and was previously the acting chief scientist at the Food and Drug Administration under Mr. Obama, also said she was unaware of any such rule changes during the last administration.

奥巴马时期食品和药物管理局副理事约书亚·沙夫斯坦(Joshua Sharfstein)告诉记者,早在2004年,美国的《生物防护工程法案》(Project Bioshield Act)就授权食品和药物管理局在公共卫生紧急情况下监管各实验室的疾病检测。2009年面对H1N1病毒,奥巴马才使用了这个法案。


The Project Bioshield Act of 2004 enabled the Food and Drug Administration to require labs to get agency permission to perform certain tests during a public health emergency. In 2009, the Obama administration used that authority for the first time for the H1N1 virus, according to Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, who was then the agency’s principal deputy commissioner.

Separately, during the Obama administration, the Food and Drug Administration first started proposing the regulation of lab-developed tests, but that was to apply outside of emergency situations. 

综合来源:新华社,观察者网,中国日报双语新闻,CNN,NYPost,Washington Times,New York Times

