最近,随着寒冬将至、欧洲能源危机加剧,继中国电热毯、取暖器等过冬产品后(戳这里回顾),在中国火了好久的“光腿神器”,如今也开始在欧洲热销。As winter comes, the demand for heating equipment and winter essentials has surged in European countries amid the intensifying energy shortage.China's manufacturers of women’s skin-colored thermal tights, electric blankets and electric heaters are revving up production to meet the increasing foreign orders.
women’s skin-colored thermal tights 肉色保暖连裤袜
据中新经纬10月15日报道,跨境平台速卖通(AliExpress)提供的数据显示,10月至今,类似打底裤的裤袜“光腿神器”销售额取得了131%的环比增长,其中最多的订单来自荷兰、德国和法国的女性。据悉,“光腿神器”为类似打底裤(leggings)的连裤袜(tights),因为与皮肤颜色相近,穿上后看上去像是露着双腿,对于爱美的女孩子来说,是秋冬季节兼顾保暖与美丽的“神器”。在海外电商平台亚马逊上,一些中国制造销售的“光腿神器”备受国外买家好评。其中,有德国买家给出五星好评,并评论道:“这款连裤袜超级舒服柔软,不会很紧绷且因为是加绒的所以很保暖。我会再买两条的!”一位美国买家则欣喜的表示:“我太喜欢了,非常舒服,尤其是在寒冷的冬天穿。我一般都在这个上面再套一层带款式的连裤袜,比如网袜等,看起来太真了,好多人都问我腿冷不冷,但是一点也不冷!非常保暖。”另一位英国姑娘也晒出了买家秀,并写道:“……我买来在冬天穿短裙的时候穿,它让我的腿型看起来非常棒(我以为因为有加绒穿上会看起来腿粗,但完全没有。)而且穿上不透肉……非常保暖!这点最重要了,冬天我也可以穿裙子了!”“光腿神器”在国外走红的消息经媒体报道后,很快便登上微博热搜。不少中国网友感叹:“光腿神器yyds”,“打响中国品牌,中国制造”。和“光腿神器”一起并称“中国过冬八件套”的,还有秋衣秋裤(thermal underwear)、法兰绒睡衣(flannel pajamas)、热水袋(hot water bottles)、暖手宝(hand warmers)、电暖器(electric heaters)、电热毯(electric blankets)和高领毛衣(turtleneck sweaters)。如今,这些中国过冬产品也正被欧洲消费者买爆。“Whatsonweibo”网站9月29日文章:《中国制造的“神奇”冬季必备产品是如何让在能源危机中的欧洲人保暖的》据国外网站“Whatsonweibo”报道,近期,欧洲的家庭和企业都感受到了能源危机的压力,天然气的短缺导致了天价的取暖费和电费。9月26日北溪天然气管道爆炸和随后的天然气泄漏,让前景更加黯淡。Households and businesses across Europe are feeling the pinch of the energy crisis: the shortage of natural gas has led to sky-high prices for heating and electricity. The explosions and subsequent gas leaks that occurred on the Nord Stream natural gas pipelines on September 26 have only made prospects bleaker.为了寻找保暖和减少能源支出的创新方法,中国制造的产品在欧洲消费者中备受欢迎。中国工厂也正在扩大生产规模,以满足不断增长的需求。Looking for creative ways to stay warm and reduce energy bills, made-in-China products are in high demand among European consumers, and Chinese factories are scaling up their production to meet the growing demand.该网站还提到,电热毯等过冬产品在中国被称为“御寒神器(magical weapons to defend against the cold)”。而“神器”这个词通常被用来形容能通过简单又智能的方式来解决紧急问题的产品。Chinese media describe domestically produced electric blankets as the “magical weapons to defend against the cold”. The word “shénqì”, meaning “magical tool” or “magical weapon”, is often used to refer to products or objects that provide a simple or smart solution to a pressing problem.
神器:magical tool/ magical weapon
国外社交媒体上,不少喜提“御寒神器”的外国网友,发帖分享了激动的心情。有网友发照片表示,家里的猫主子也是“长”在了电热毯上。“为过冬做准备,买到了个热水袋和一个可以把手和脚伸出来的睡袋,我会看起来比平时更臃肿,但是很暖和!”据中国海关总署的统计数据,今年1月至7月,中国电热毯出口额达到3340万美元,比2021年增长97%。Statistics from the General Administration of Customs shows the electric blanket export volume reached $33.4 million from Jan to July this year, up 97 percent from 2021.浙江省义乌的海关数据则显示,中国小商品中心义乌的取暖设备出口增长41.6%,达到1.9亿元人民币(约合2640万美元)。In Zhejiang province's Yiwu, China's small commodity hub, warming equipment exports rose 41.6 percent to 190 million yuan ($26.4 million), the city's customs showed.另据《环球时报》10月14日报道,在欧洲,高领毛衣则成为了仅次于电热毯的冬季流行趋势,中国的冬装出口商正在加班加点地赶制欧洲订单。The turtleneck sweater trend has become a winter hit second only to electric blankets in Europe, and winter clothing exporters in China are working overtime to catch up with European orders.10月7日,厦门巨择进出口有限公司负责人罗军在接受《环球时报》采访时表示:“最近30天,男士秋季高领毛衣的搜索量涨了13倍”。"Searches for men's turtlenecks have increased 13 times in the last 30 days in our company's online shop," Luo Jun, head of Xiamen Premium Import & Export Co told the Global Times.中国跨境电商速卖通的数据显示,在过去一个月里,“毛衣/套头衫”在该平台上的搜索量上升到了男装类的第一名。Data from Chinese international e-commerce platform AliExpress showed that the search volume for "sweater/pullover" on AliExpress has risen to the first place in the menswear category in the past month.除了高领毛衣,中国人冬天爱穿的秋衣秋裤和羽绒服,在欧洲也很受欢迎。In addition to the turtleneck sweater, other clothes which Chinese like to wear for the winter, such as thermal underwear and down jackets, are also popular in Europe.速卖通10月7日数据显示,10月以来,保暖内衣(thermal underwear,即秋衣秋裤)的销售额环比增长246%。其中法国增长最快,达到372%,其次是意大利的365%和德国的362%。Sales of thermal underwear in Europe have increased by 246 percent from the previous month, AliExpress said on Oct 7, adding that France witnessed the top growth of 372 percent, followed by Italy at 365 percent and 362 percent for Germany.此外,中国生产的法兰绒睡衣(flannel pajamas)和热水袋(hot water bottles)在欧洲的销量也有所增长,自10月以来,法兰绒睡衣在欧洲的销量环比增长了95%。此外,10月至今,中国产热水袋在全欧洲销售额取得了300%的环比增长。速卖通平台上销售的热水袋截图
In addition, sales of Chinese-style flannel pajamas have also grown in Europe, with sales of flannel pajamas across Europe increasing by 95 percent month-on-month since October, while sales of hot water bottles have increased by 300 percent month-on-month since October.
综合来源:中新经纬,Global Times, China Daily,Whatsonweibo,中国家用电器协会网,AliExpress,Amazon