The highly anticipated series tells the story of a high schooler named Hyun-soo (Song Kang) who moves into an old apartment complex called Green Home, after the death of his family members.这部备受期待的剧集讲述了高中生车贤秀(宋江饰)在家人在一次事故中丧生后,搬到了一个叫做“绿色之家”的旧公寓。
Hyun-soo's plans for his own death is cut short by the arrival of monsters from all over South Korea.车贤秀原本计划自杀,但他的计划被整个韩国突然变成了怪物成群的乱世所打破……
As long-hidden desires in humans turn them into monsters, Hyun-soo and other Green Home residents find themselves trapped in the building, trying to survive while ensuring that they themselves don't become monsters.怪物由人心的欲望转变而来,车贤秀和其他“绿色之家”公寓的幸存者发现他们被困在了大楼里,他们一面和自己内心的欲望作斗争,让自己免于变身怪物,一面努力生存下去。
乖乖,一集30亿韩元的“巨资”真不是盖的,这也引出了该剧的一大看点:Impressive visuals and CGI(让人印象深刻的视觉效果和CGI): Such a thriller can't do without scary monsters, and bringing these creatures to life are top-notch visual and special effects teams from around the world. 如此拔群的惊悚效果,都要归功于吓人的怪物们,而塑造如此栩栩如生怪物的功劳,都要感谢来自全球顶尖的视觉和特效团队。
Legacy Effects, an American SFX studio which has worked in Hollywood films such as the Avenger series, X-Men series and Avatar, worked on the visuals of the lotus root monster.美国特效工作室Legacy Effects曾为众多好莱坞大片,如《复联》系列、《X战警》系列、《阿凡达》打造怪物的视觉效果。
Spectral Motion, a global SFX company known for its work on Stranger Things, was in charge of the visual of the muscle monster, spider monster and others.另一家全球知名的特效制作公司Spectral Motion(代表作《怪奇物语》)负责剧中肌肉怪、蜘蛛怪还有其他怪物的视觉效果。
"There are some people who look like humans but are worse than monsters, and some monsters that are better than some human beings".有一些人看起来像人类,但实际上比怪物还糟糕,有一些怪物,会比人类更像人。
推荐理由:其实我更爱《小镇滋味》这个译名,网飞不愧是网飞,连个人体美食番都拍的这么逗趣(大雾==),建议饭间食用,因为女主抱着各种胳膊大腿吃的喷香真的很下饭666丧尸版摩登家庭,男主真的又帅又深情又好笑。被砍了真的意!难!平! 《复生》In the Flesh(2013-2014) 全二季豆瓣:8.7+
推荐理由:英剧即使拍丧尸题材也是那么文艺,注射了相关药物可以找回记忆和情感的丧尸,他们被称为“部分死亡综合症患者”。作品借明面上“异类要如何融入群体”的故事,引出了LGBT命题、宗教等一系列深刻的话题……个人超爱的一部英剧,OST每首都很戳,强推!(虽然也被砍了……) 《死亡片场》Dead Set (2008)全一季豆瓣:7.4