
上海狮語|《入舆问津》 焯雄个展 | 策展人:任越 | 4月22日开幕


入舆问津 —— 焯雄个展
At First it was Extremely Narrow
Zhuo Xiong Solo Exhibition
上海狮語画廊 Leo Gallery Shanghai

焯雄 Zhuo Xiong
任越 Ren Yue
2023.04.22 周六 Sat. 4-6PM
Ferguson Lane|376 Wu Kang Road
Xuhui District, Shanghai



Crafting the Totemic Times






对谈时间:4月22日 周六 15:00-16:00 




焯雄 Zhuo Xiong

烟尘如影 2 Smoke like Shadows 2

混合媒介 Mixed Media

142 x 91cm, 2022


Leo Gallery proudly presents Zhuo Xiong’s solo exhibition ‘At First It Was Extremely Narrow’, showing from April 22 to June 25, 2023. The exhibition is of a selection of paintings most representative of the artist’s oeuvre from 2016 to the present - it is the first complete selection of the artist’s creative context in China within recent years.

焯雄 Zhuo Xiong

愿无违 Not Against My Will

混合媒介 Mixed Media

60 x 75cm, 2022


Zhuo’s long term study of how private memories and impressions merge with the experienced reality of people at the bottom of society is thematically reflected in his experimental use and study of easel materials and painting tools.

                                                                                        焯雄 Zhuo Xiong

大地裙摆 Hem of the Land

混合媒介 Mixed Media

30 x 40cm, 2019


The artist’s childhood in the pastoral fields of Inner Mongolia combined with several changes to his cultural environment in his creative career thus far has set apart Zhuo Xiong’s mixed media artworks from the established aesthetic frameworks and material attributes of contemporary abstract painting. From long term social observations and instant translations of emotions into art, he creates a visual vocabulary which both expresses and secludes.

焯雄 Zhuo Xiong

圈地跑马 Horse Running in Enclosure

混合媒介 Mixed Media

142 x 91cm, 2022


The exhibition aims to create parallel and positional connections between the artworks through their placement within the Leo Gallery space - whether their positions are extremely narrow or incredibly wide from each other. 

关于艺术家 | About the Artist

焯雄 Zhuo Xiong



焯雄近期的展览包括伦敦考陶尔德画廊《SURGE》、La Galleria Mall《Aesthetic Feast》 群展、大卫霍克尼画廊《Thumb Nails》群展、巴黎约瑟夫画廊《Briser-break down the borders》等。他的作品被广州亚运会、英国议会议员和企鹅兰登书屋董事长盖尔·雷布克(Gail Rebuck)女士等机构与藏家收藏。 

Zhuo Xiong, born in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, graduated from the Royal College of Art in 2018 with a master’s degree in oil painting. He now resides and works in New York.

His artwork is composed of memories, lineages, and identities of his hometown that were locked and stored away. They recount his personal psychological journey and cultural experiences from his home country in Northern China, his life in Southern China and overseas. Zhuo Xiong draws inspiration from his wandering travels, emphasizing an opposition toward traditional Western oil painting - infusing his observations of every corner of life into the canvas. He aims to express his opposing feelings of reverence and rebellion for traditional painting through his works.

Zhuo recent exhibitions include ‘SURGE’at London Courtauld Institute of Art, ‘Aesthetic Feast’ group exhibition at La Galleria Mall, ‘Thumb Nails’ group exhibition at the Hockney Gallery, ‘Briser-break down the borders’ at Galerie Joseph and more. His works have been collected by institutions and collectors such as the Guangzhou Asian Games and Baroness Gail Rebuck, a member of the British House of Lords and chair of publishing group Penguin Random House.

关于策展人 | About the Curator

任越 Ren Yue

任越,写作者、艺术编辑、译者,目前工作生活于上海。她毕业于清华大学社会学系及芝加哥艺术学院理论与批评专业,关注社会参与性艺术的第一现场及其延伸,以及泛人文/技术地理议题,并试图通过对话、访谈和线上社群共建,摸索研究与呈现艺术行业从业者具身化经验的替代方法。她的研究、评论写作和线上文本策划见于TightBelt、LEAP《艺术界》、《艺术当代》、《ArtReview 艺术世界》、798艺术、V-ART、《城市设计》等刊物和线上平台。

Ren Yue writes, edits and translates. She graduated from Tsinghua University (Sociology) and the School of Art Institute Chicago (Theory and Criticism), now lives and works in Shanghai. She observes and talks about ongoing events that happen at multiple intersections of art and societal settings, and researches through conversations, interviews and (online) community building. Her writing and curatorial projects are presented by magazines and online platforms including TightBelt, LEAP, Art China, ArtReview/ArtReview Asia, 798 Art and others.


For all inquiries regarding sales and services

please contact: info@leogallery.com.cn


狮語画廊丨上海  Leo Gallery Shanghai上海徐汇区武康路376号武康庭内Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, ShanghaiTues-Sun 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)+86 2154653261  Shanghai@leogallery.com.cnwww.leogallery.com.cn
狮語画廊丨香港 Leo Gallery Hong Kong香港天后屈臣道8号海景大厦C区1203号1203, Block C, Sea View Estate, 8 Watson Road , Tin Hau, Hong Kong
Tues-Sat 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)  +852 28032333 hongkong@leogallery.com.cnwww.leogallery.com.cn


