
上海狮語|《昨日的世界》 胡顺香个展 | 策展人:宁文 |7月22号开幕

上海狮語画廊 狮語画廊

昨日的世界 —— 胡顺香个展
The World of Yesterday 
Hu Shunxiang Solo Exhibition
Leo Gallery Shanghai

Artist | Hu Shunxiang
Curator | Ning Wen
开幕 Opening|2023.07.22 周六 Sat. 4-6PM
展期 Duration|2023.07.22-08.27
Ferguson Lane|376 Wu Kang Road
Xuhui District, Shanghai


Text by Ning Wen

 胡顺香 Hu Shunxiang
昨日的世界 No.2 The World of Yesterday No.2,2023
布面油画 Oil on Canvas
180 x 150cm

狮語画廊欣然宣布将于 2023 年 7 月 22 日至 8 月 27 日举办胡顺香的个展《昨日的世界》。展览由宁文策划,涵盖了艺术家近年来横跨七个系列共33件作品,较完整地呈现了艺术家近三年的新作。这是一个关于人存在本身所面临之困境的展览,一个关于失落、希望、恐惧、爱、死亡、绽放、自由、生命与生活的展览。
Leo Gallery is pleased to announce that it will host Hu Shunxiang's solo exhibition The World of Yesterday from July 22 to August 27, 2023. Curated by Ning Wen, the exhibition is a selection of 33 artworks from 7 series that are representative of the artist's oeuvre from 2020 to the present. This is an exhibition about the dilemma of human existence itself - loss, hope, fear, love, death, blossoming, freedom, life, and living.
胡顺香 Hu Shunxiang
九道门 Nine Gates2022-2023
综合材料 Mixed Media
155 x 168 x 23cm

《九道门》作品细节 Nine Gates Detail

Throughout her career, Hu's works have had a classical quality in their external form, perhaps due to her background in studying oil painting. However, the core of her work is rich in a literary and philosophical spirit, exploring many common issues that humanity is faced with in the current world. In the artist's subconscious, she has a natural affinity for mystical things. Hu's creative work is mainly centered around texts, stories, dramas, and films, and her forms of expression include painting, painting installations, stage plays, and more. The artist excels in using different media to engage in her creative work. For The World of Yesterday, she acts not only as an artist but also as a director and screenwriter.
胡顺香 Hu Shunxiang
出走的娜拉 The Departure of Nora,2022
综合材料 Mixed Media
100 x 100cm + 30 x 30cm + 28 x 30 x 19cm

从视觉层面来看,胡顺香的作品具有两个非常突出的特点。一是画面中出现的人,一般都是面目模糊的,因为艺术家不希望他/她是一个非常具体的人或者是特定的人,“我希望他/她可以是任何一个人,当你在代入的时候,他/她是具有共同性、具有普遍性的生命,而不是特殊性。”二是她作品的调子,整体上用色都是比较偏灰的。这不禁让人联想到比利时画家吕克·图伊曼斯(Luc Tuymans)那或苍白、或诡异的色调。图伊曼斯的创作基于新闻图片中具有争议的、具体的某个人,再重新进行编码、创作出新的图像,呈现出时代的感觉;而胡顺香也在探索一个时代的群像,在这个层面上,胡顺香与图伊曼斯具有某种相通之处。
From a visual perspective, Hu's works have two prominent features. One is that the human figures appearing on the canvases are generally vague because the artist does not want him/her to be a very specific person: "I hope he/she can be anyone, an individual and life with commonality and universality - not particularity.” Secondly, the overall color she chooses is dyed with a greyish tone. This cannot help but remind people of the pale or eerie tone of the Belgian painter Luc Tuymans, whose works are based on specific people in the news who are particularly controversial. Tuymans re-interpreted those materials to form new images which capture the emotional atmosphere of the times, while Hu explores what the group portrait of the era we live in is like. In this sense, Hu Shunxiang and Tuymans share a certain similarity.
胡顺香 Hu Shunxiang
时时刻刻 The Hours,2023
综合材料 Mixed Media
117 x 109 x 22.5cm(展开)

Hu is an artist with abundant creativity. Since the completion of the first complete painting installation Outside the Plan in 2018, Hu has successively completed several independent series of works such as The Departure of Nora, To Walk Invisible, Decameron, and The Knight of the Rose. 
胡顺香 Hu Shunxiang
隐于书后 To Walk Invisible2022
综合材料 Mixed Media
80 x 80 x 80cm+38 x 38 x 38cm x 3Pieces+40 x 40 x 148cm x 3Pieces

次展出的部分作品虽然涉及女性话题,但这并非一个女性主义的展览,因为它终极上探讨的是人活着的本身。呈现于画廊一层的作品相对更加关注女性话题,比如“出走的娜拉”;而“隐于书后”和“时时刻刻”,则分别致敬了勃朗特三姐妹(the Bronte Sisters)与弗吉妮娅·伍尔芙(Virginia Woolf)——艺术家对于她们的命运感同身受,跨越这么长的历史时间,其实这些问题直到今天依然存在。而二层的作品大部分是2022年至2023年的新作,主要呈现了“九道门”、“十日谈”和“玫瑰骑士”三个重要系列。作品以一个个隐秘的故事徐徐展开,涉及男女两性、人之存在本身以及全球共同经历过一个特殊历史时期之后艺术家的个人思考。
Although some of the works exhibited this time involve female topics, this is not a feminist exhibition because it ultimately explores human existence itself. The works presented on the first floor of the gallery are relatively more focused on female aspects, such as The Departure of Nora while To Walk Invisible and The Hours pay homage to the Bronte Sisters and Virginia Woolf, respectively - the artist empathizes with their fates, for the problems women have faced across such a long period of history still exist today. The majority of the works on the second floor are works from 2022 to 2023, presenting three important series: Nine Gates, Decameron, and The Knight of the Rose. The works unfold in a series of hidden stories about men and women, human existence itself, and the artist's reflections on a particular period in history that everyone in this world has shared.
胡顺香 Hu Shunxiang
《玫瑰骑士》系列 - 一条鞭子 The Knight of the Rose Series - A Whip
综合材料 Mixed Media
60 x 80cm + 30.5 x 30.5cm + 32.7 x 32.2 x 1.4cm


“The most important thing is the expression", says Hu. "My works are closely related to my life experience. The process of creation is an umbilical cord connecting my life and art. For me, to create is not the purpose, but the method to reflect on life.”

关于艺术家 | About the Artist

胡顺香 Hu Shunxiang



胡顺香于2019年获得ARTCLOUD 2019中国SAP艺术大奖,2013年大瑭“传家”中国新锐艺术家“年度新人奖”,并参与北京长城公社N.A.I.C PROJECT x ARTDEPOT 第二季青年艺术家驻地项目。她也多次受邀参加跨界合作项目,如2018北京国际设计周博览会,2020“上海国际广告奖”评委证书设计等。她的作品曾参展于广东美术馆、罗中立美术馆、陕西省美术博物馆、洛杉矶艺术博览会、台北国际艺术博览会、上海ART021艺术博览会、艺术北京博览会等,她也曾并受邀参加第55届威尼斯双年展平行展。

Hu Shunxiang, born in Shandong province, graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Insitute in 2011 with a Bachelor's degree in oil painting. She now resides and works in Chengdu.

The classical quality in her artwork stems from the background as a student of oil painting. In the artist's subconscious, she has a natural affinity for mysticism. Her work is essentially centered around texts and stories, and she specializes in using different mediums, including painting, pictorial installations, and theatrical productions. In these works, she is both the artist, director, and scriptwriter of her works and her paintings are often filled with strong dramatic conflicts and hidden storytelling. Hu Shunxiang is concerned with both the topic of women and the essence of human existence that goes beyond the perspective of gender, and at the core of her work is a rich literary and philosophical spirit.

Hu Shunxiang was awarded the ARTCLOUD 2019 China SAP Art Award in 2019 and the "Newcomer of the Year Award" for young Chinese artists at the 2013 Dajia "Inheritance" Awards. She also participated in the N.A.I.C PROJECT x ARTDEPOT second season youth artist residency program at the Commune by the Beijing Great Wall. She has been invited to participate in various cross-disciplinary collaborative projects, such as the 2018 Beijing International Design Week Expo and the 2020 Shanghai International Advertising Award judge certificate design. Her works have been exhibited at the Guangdong Museum of Art, the Lu Zhongli Museum of Art, the Shanxi Provincial Museum of Art, the Los Angeles Art Show, ART Taipei, ART021, and Art Expo Beijing. She was also invited to participate in the 55th Venice Biennale Parallel Exhibition.

关于策展人 | About the Curator

宁文 Ning Wen

宁文,知美术馆学术总监、“消失的展览”策展人,先后毕业于北京师范大学和伦敦大学金史密斯学院(Goldsmiths, University of London),曾参与国内多家私人美术馆的建构与国际推广:包括三影堂摄影艺术中心、伊比利亚当代艺术中心、泰康人寿艺术品收藏部/泰康空间、CHAO艺术中心。

她同时也是FT中文网、 ARTFORUM中文网、《艺术新闻/中文版》(TANC)、卷宗 Wallpaper、《典藏》(台湾)、《望 NOBLELESS》 等媒体特邀作者。宁文曾担任2018年成都·蓬皮杜:“全球都市”国际艺术双年展(Cosmopolis #1.5: Enlarged Intelligence)宣传总监,现任知美术馆学术总监。
Ning Wen, the Academic Director of Zhi Art Museum, the curator of Invisible, graduated from Beijing Normal University and Goldsmiths, University of London. She has participated in the facilitation and international promotion of many private art institutions in China, including Three Shadows Photography Art Center, Iberia Center for Contemporary Art, Taikang Life Art Collection Department/Taikang Space, and CHAO Art Center.

She is also a guest writer for FT China, ARTFORUM China, TANC, Wallpaper, Art Collection (Taiwan), and NOBLELESS. She was the publicity director of the 2018 Chengdu-Pompidou: Cosmopolis #1.5: Enlarged Intelligence International Art Biennale. She is currently the Academic Director of Zhi Art Museum.

For all inquiries regarding sales and services
please contact: info@leogallery.com.cn 


同期展览 Current Exhibition‍

  香港 Hong Kong

狮語画廊丨上海  Leo Gallery Shanghai
Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031, China.
Tues-Sun: 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)
+86 (21) 54653261 

狮語画廊丨香港 Leo Gallery Hong Kong
 Sheung Wan, 46 Sai Street, Hong Kong
Tues -Sat 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)  
+852 28032333 


