

思懿Angel 眾神的禮物 2023-07-24













Antonio Escohotado說:“草藥之母具有抗致幻覺性”,它會讓你意識到你所生活的幻覺,你所居住的謊言,而這並不總是讓人感到舒服。



每種發生致死的原因都來自於劑量過高; 對於任何物質,如精神科藥物或中樞藥物都會發生因過度劑量而產生死亡。







在這裡包括你內在隱瞞的情感,障礙,角色等等,也就是說我們是在嘔吐過去之中我們曾獲得的不是我們的情況; 它具有象徵性的力量,這是一種深刻的療癒,然而癒合是由於在有意識底下的意識,而不是因為可能發生或不發生的嘔吐,並且通常每晚只發生一次或兩次。







它是為通向最深層部分的道路掃清了內在道路。 為了實現這一目標,擁有一個準備充分的團隊來支持參與者的過程,這些過程需要在數週進行準備,一個或多個草藥之母儀式的經驗以及隨後的整合,以加強和鞏固在此期間所能實現的理解與經驗。

儀式的成本既不昂貴也不便宜,這使執行者能夠提供優質的服務。 價值與其價格非常不同,因為與參與者相比,它的價值高於成本。 要實現這一目標,必須要實現它。



所以這裡的問題是:你覺得自己有多少價值? 你的治療費用是多少?






這意味著我們開闢了理解和不判斷的空間,人們可以通過這些空間來感受自己的情感並與內在的主人聯繫,與之協調,以便他們不再在自己之外尋找答案並開始在自己內部找到答案 - 因此,我們正在採取治療性恐怖主義來反對任何使人成為奴隸生活的想法,我們邀請人們了解他們基於內疚和恐懼(主要來自父母)所得到的關於他們自己的結論,以便使這些結構崩潰讓真正的自我出現,我們邀請人們恢復他們自己的意願,而不是像教派那樣使其無效。











執行者的工作重點放在限制條件上,我們不要忘記Theilard de Chardin所說的真理:“我們不是生活在靈性體驗中的人類,而是生活在人類經歷中的靈性生物”,因此專注於落實在日常現實中和魔法從中散發出來。



專業的執行者會在儀式之前說明並研討,以消除來參與者的障礙並澄清個人對草藥的錯誤期望,讓參與者進入開放和信任的儀式,這就是為什麼有可能發生的最糟糕的事情是什麼都沒有發生; 草藥之母已被巫師使用超過40,000年,世界衛生組織已正式承認它不是一種藥物。

大量研究表明,她對身體和心理健康都有有益的心理治療效果,例如由Jordi Riba醫生和他的團隊在巴塞羅那的Sant Pau醫院進行的研究,證明了草藥之母有可能產生重新闡述你過往從經驗上所獲得的認知。 注入一個解放的新觀念之後全新的面對他們的創傷記憶。






另一個地方是南美洲秘魯的熱帶雨林,全程15天14夜,並非觀光遊學團,參與全息的薩滿神聖草藥儀式,會邀請到最專業的icaros 唱誦的薩滿巫醫,包括Ayahuasca 在內的kambo、Sananga 、san pedro 等叢林神聖植物儀式。還有馬丘比丘,薩滿鼓工作坊。此次行程思懿會帶9個人一起去。可以加微信咨詢。














This text, written by a psychologist and psychotherapist,

is a conscious clarification of all the misinformation circulating the internet regarding a shamanic tool that is expanding throughout the world.

This is an invitation to deactivate blockages and erroneous expectations, to deepen into the true fear, so that you can decide whether you want to overcome them.

FEAR OF GOING CRAZY: Ayahuasca does not produce psychosis; the experience with ayahuasca is a real experience, much more real than many of the experiences in your day to day life, which are lies appearing as temporary truths, filtered by conditionings and masks. It does not produce hallucinations, since that pychopathological term is referred to by psychiatrists as a “perception without an object” whilst under the effects of ayahuasca everything is shown to the eyes just as it is in daily life, but with a more real presence, since it brings a lucid state to the person which places them fully in the here and now. With closed eyes, one may have visions, which are internal representations of emotions or repressed truths, just as internal graphics charged with emotion which are the surface of what is shown to us, a way in which consciousness calls our attention, inviting us to allow ourselves to feel that emotion, deepen into it and open the door of comprehension of that which is happening to us. To comprehend is a process of acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude and integration that leads to an inevitable reconciliation, as Alberto Varela affirms, and it happens from the heart.

Antonio Escohotado says: “ayahuasca is anti-hallucinogenic”, it makes you aware of the hallucination which you live in, the lie you inhabit and this is not always comfortable to see.

FEAR OF DEATH: There are tens of documented death cases from ayahuasca; in every case the doses were excessively high; with any substance, such as psychiatric medicine or somatic medicines, death by overdoes can occur. If we made a list with all the substances that human beings ingest with a medicinal purpose, ayahuasca would be in the last places as far as death causes go; nevertheless, as soon as there is a case there is an immediate media exaltation, just as it happens whenever there is a plane crashe (with planes still being the safest transport statistically) but it enhances the fears and phobias; hence, it is not the ayahuasca but its irresponsible use and gargantuan dosages which produce accidents. Our facilitators adjust the doses adequately according the prior observation of each person, also giving a standard dose which, based on our experience with many people in many countries, we have seen to facilitate the entry into the experience without any risk.

FEAR OF VOMIT: The vomiting that happen during an ayahuasca session is the result of expelling and letting go of the obstacles that difficult the free expression of our being: we can include here withheld emotions, blockages, character roles… that is, we vomit that which is not ours, conditionings acquired in the past; it is charged with a symbolic strength, which is profoundly healing, however the healing happens due to the conscious awareness, not because of the vomiting that may or not happen, and generally occurs only once or twice a night; it is a liberating vomit, which does not imply a physical discomfort such as when one is drunk or sick, but which produces a relief, one also vomits physical toxins, since ayahuasca produces a potent healing and purging also on a physical level.

FEAR OF BEING SCAMMED: The cost of any activity of inner evolution always entails a risk for the participant, since there tend to be doubts and thoughts beforehand regarding whether or not their payment will be justified. The shadow of being framed is logically present, and this can block a person’s predisposition towards the experience.

When people leave our retreats, they are thankful and value what they receive, fully satisfying. This is the fear of being scammed.

In the specific case of our retreats, it implies all the organisation of a human structure which for years has integrated many techniques and has refined them to be more accessible for the participants. According to their accounts, it clears the way for a path leading to the deepest part of themselves. In order for this to happen, it is necessary for a team of well-prepared facilitators to back the personal processes which entail, throughout a weekend, a preparation, one or several ayahuasca sessions and a subsequent integration which enhance and consolidate the comprehensions achieved during the experience.

The cost of a retreat is neither expensive nor cheap, it is what allows us to give a quality service. The value is very different from its price, since according to participants it is worth more than it costs. To realise this, one has to live it.

Those of us in charge of the administration of retreats are very aware of the percentage of money invested in each area, and the profit actually left for the company to continue supporting the expansion of these healing retreats.

The ayahuasca is not charged for, what is charged is the therapeutical work of the facilitators which are available 24 hours over three days, taking care and supporting the participants, and all the organisational costs involved, which any person who has ever organised an event knows exists.

So the question here is: how much do you feel you are worth? What is the cost of your healing?

Many people ask us whether there is a shaman during the retreats; we have occasionally brought from the jungle to tour around Europe with us, but had to stop doing this since people passed on the responsibility of their healing to the shaman while our works focuses on people finding within themselves their own inner shaman, their own inner master. People are constantly trying to displace the responsibility of their healing outwards “the facilitator told me what was going on for me”, “the ayahuasca healed me”, “the ayahuasca told me”… when in truth, they heal themselves, the ayahuasca is only a catalyser which accelerates the process thus the responsibility and the authority are given back to the person, so they cease to give away their power. We bring the beverage from the Colombian rainforest in the Putumayo and we work with taitas (shamans) who cook it and facilitate it to us, we have their authorisation and blessing to share it in Europe, they know our work and we even have a signed authorisation from Taita Querubin (maximum authority and lineage holder of the Cofan nation, known as the doctors of the Amazon)

FEAR OF ENTERING A SECT: Ayahuasca International focuses its work on these two points: the reconnection to one’s own consciousness and the recovery of personal power. This mean we are opening up spaces for comprehension and no-judgement where people can open to feel their emotions and connect with their inner master, to reconcile with it, so that they cease to search for answers outside of themselves and start finding them within themselves – we are thus doing therapeutic terrorism against any idea which reduces a person to living life as a slave, we invite people to become aware of the conclusions they have reached about themselves based upon guilt and fear (mainly from parents) so that these structures crumble and the true self emerges, we invite people to recover their own will rather than nullify it as sects do.

We make a clear distinction between helping and supporting: helping the installation of a healing model in another person equals telling them what is happening to them ,whilst supporting is an accompaniment where facilitators clear the way of obstacles so that the person can go as far as they can go on their own.

FEAR OF HAVING A BAD TRIP: This concept refers to unpleasant experiences which can be had during the experience itself as if the person could get trapped in a horrendous loop without being able to escape from it, or even worse, remain there all their lifetime. What actually happens is that occasionally we connect with blocked emotions because we do not allow ourselves to feel them during our daily lives. The emotions then do not complete their cycle, they get stuck creating emotional cysts without showing the teaching they carry for us, we catalogue emotions as positive or negative which are in truth alerts from our soul, bringing to our attention that there is something trapping it which ought not be there. This is the voice of our heart and when we allow ourselves to feel it, we can have explosions of contained tears or screams, which bring about liberation. For this reason, opening up the heart and trusting that whatever is happening has a healing purpose, makes the person go through that moment and reach an expansion of their consciousness and an opening of the heart chakra which inundates the person as a waterfall of love and healing. Ayahuasca brings inner silence and a calm experience, the person remembers everything the day after, being more aware than ever before (expanded state of consciousness) that is the reason why we do an integration workshop, assisted by a specialised psychotherapist, for people to transfer into their daily lives the comprehensions achieved during the night and solidify them in such a way that the person settles it in their own vital being.

FEAR OF A PSYCHODELIC TRIP: Our proposal is not that of having an experience of spiritual tourism filled up with fractals, lights and sacred geometry, but that of connecting with the heart and explore the boundaries and limits of our being, as Carl Jung said, “enlightenment is not achieved fantasising with figures of light but by being conscious of one’s own darkness” This does not mean that we thrive in disgrace, but that we bring light to that which controls and directs us from the unconscious.

A strategy knows as “spiritual bypass” is a strategy followed by people who, not wanting to face an unpleasant situation in life or in themselves, split and mount a superficial spirituality around “everything is perfect” without going through the darkest night, unavoidable threshold which leads to the divine.

Our work focuses on blowing up our limiting conditioning, we do not forget that truth uttered by Theilard de Chardin : “we are not human beings living a spiritual experience but spiritual beings living a human experience”, thus focusing on the daily reality and the magic emanating from it.

FEAR OF THE SUBSTANCE: ayahuasca is a very respectful remedy, which only goes as far as you allow it to go, it does not have an invasive effect that drugs have, only entering if you open up, giving the responsibility of your own healing back to you. We do a preparatory workshop prior to the session to deactivate blockages and clarify expectations, for participants to enter the session open and trusting, that is why the worse thing that can happen is for nothing to happen; this beverage has been used for over 40.000 year by shamans and the WHO has officially recognised it not to be a drug. Numerous studies show that it has beneficial psycho-therapeutical effects on both physical and psychological health, such as those carried out by Doctor Jordi Riba and his team, from the Sant Pau hospital in Barcelona, demonstrating the potential of ayahuasca to produce a re-elaboration of traumatic memories of the person, who faces them after a liberating new perception.

Behind all these fears often lie the FEAR TO CHANGE and the FEAR OF ONESELF.

The fear to change because once we get back home everyone asks what has happened, it is noticeable at first glance and in most cases people around us do not want us to change since that would make them have to re-evaluate their own position and lives, when the person changes, the neurotic bonds in some existing relationships become unstable in such a way that they cease to feed themselves and the person begins to liberate themselves from the ties to which they were submitted but fear to loneliness and not being accepted comes up.

By Sergio Sanz

