世上已没有Bill Evans, 幸好JZ还有Brad Mehldau
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“被喻为1990年代的Bill Evans”
Brad Mehldau
他即将现身JZ Festival
Brad Mehldau被誉为当代六大爵士钢琴名家之一,受到前辈Bill Evans最为浓烈的影响,而骨子里其实就是个十足的古典音乐家。从高中就开始演奏爵士音乐,但主修的却都是古典钢琴和现代音乐,可谓在少年时代便扎实掌握了爵士与古典音乐的语法。在他后来的爵士即兴演奏中,也不时会在某些细节出现巴哈、勃拉姆斯等人的音乐片段。
在过去的二十年里,钢琴家Brad Mehldau开辟了一条体现爵士乐探索精神、古典浪漫主义和流行魅力精髓的蹊径。 Mehldau做过大量的独奏表演,也有长期的三重奏乐队(贝司手Larry Grenadier和鼓手Jeff Ballard),他和萨克斯风“红人”Joshua Redman、曼陀铃大师Chris Thile、鼓手Mark Guiliana等音乐家各自组成二重奏。另外,Brad Mehldau、Mark Guiliana与爵士吉他老顽童John Scofield还进行一个新潮的音乐计划。
因为Mehldau的与众不同,跟他合作过的音乐家和团体范围非常广,包括爵士吉他大师Pat Metheny、瑞典国宝级女中音歌唱家Anne Sofie von Otter、纽约室内管弦乐队Orpheus Chamber Orchestra、美国歌剧演唱家Renee Fleming、英国室内交响乐团Britten Sinfonia、Kevin Hays、美国古典钢琴家Jeremy Denk以及林肯音乐中心爵士大乐队Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra等。
Brad Mehldau还是一位喜欢从其他流派音乐人那里借鉴曲目的钢琴家,他曾经多次用自己的方式翻奏经典的歌曲,包括The Beatles、Nick Drake、Radiohead,以及下面这首Massive Attack的“Teardop”。
明 日 心 跳 公 布 !!!
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Brad Mehldau
Over the last two decades, pianist Brad Mehldau has forged a unique path which embodies theessence of jazz exploration, classical romanticism, and pop allure. His unquestionable leadership across idioms has grown as he has transformed the paradigm of jazz and classical performance – performing both solo and with his long-standing trio (Larry Grenadier, bass and Jeff Ballard, drums). In addition to his trio and solo work, Mehldau’s collaborative spirit will be embodied inupcoming duo work with Joshua Redman and Chris Thile, and a new electric group with John Scofield and prodigious drummer Mark Guiliana. Although inventive diversity remains his focus, the coming seasons will continue to showcase Mehldau’s solo piano output, on the heels of the critically acclaimed 10 Years Solo Live. In that realm, a new commission Three Pieces After Bach premiered at Carnegie Hall in October 2015.
Showcasing his diversity and undeniable voice, Mehldau has also had notable collaborations with Pat Metheny, Anne Sofie von Otter, Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, Renee Fleming, Britten Sinfonia, Kevin Hays, Jeremy Denk and Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra. With his rigorous intellect feeding an inspired range of expressionand intensity, Mehldau leaves his worldwide audience eager for his next foray.
2016 JZ Festival爵士上海音乐节
票价:260¥预售(8.1-9.30 *请认准预售时间)
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