

中国金融评论 中国金融评论 2024-01-20


Third-party underwriting and its effects on credit spreads and earnings management
Evidence from China’s financial bond market



Huaili Lyu and Conghui Yang
School of Management, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China

Lyu, H. and Yang, C. (2019), "Third-party underwriting and its effects on credit spreads and earnings management: Evidence from China’s financial bond market", China Finance Review International, Vol. 10 No. 1, pp. 75-94. https://doi.org/10.1108/CFRI-07-2018-0067

摘要 Abstract


The purpose of this paper is to examine the certification and monitoring motivations of third-party underwriting and its effects on credit spreads and earnings management of bank issuers. Ordinary least squares is used to examine the certification and monitoring effects of third-party underwriting. Furthermore, the Heckman two-stage estimation method is used in controlling the endogeneity of sample selection. The authors find that financial bonds underwritten by third-party underwriters bear lower credit spreads due to their credibly ex ante certification and effectively ex post monitoring compared with self-underwriting. Moreover, the certification of third-party underwriters can help to select good quality bond issuers with lower earnings management, and the monitoring function also plays an essential role in constraining the behavior of earnings management after the bond issues. The findings in this study suggest that underwriting types (third-party underwriting) will affect financial bond yields and bank issuers’ earnings management. On the one hand, the authors should encourage third-party underwriters to actively promote the certification and monitoring functions. For example, given commercial banks the chance to be underwriters when the bond issuers are investment banks, which is not allowed now in China’s financial bond market. On the other hand, the authors should cut off the quid pro quo relations within third-party underwriting because such relations will reduce the certification and monitoring effects of third-party underwriters. This is the first study to distinguish the certification and monitoring effects by using unique data from China’s financial bond market. And the authors further investigate the adverse effects of quid pro quo relations (hiring each other as lead underwriters) on the certification and monitoring effects of third-party underwriters.

Keywords: Earnings management, Credit spreads, Quid pro quo relations, Third-party underwriting

文章结构 Article Structure

1. Introduction
2. Institutional background and research hypotheses
2.1 The characteristics of China’s financial bond market
2.2 H1: third-party underwriting and credit spreads
2.3 H2: third-party underwriting and earnings management

3. Data, variable measurements and models
3.1 Data
3.2 Variable measurements

3.3 Regression models
4. Empirical results
4.1 Descriptive statistics
4.2 Regression results for the certification and monitoring effects of third-party underwriters
4.3 Further test with quid pro quo relations
5. Robust tests
5.1 Robust test with the lagged values of ΔDRSGLt as depended variables
5.2 Robust test with alternative certification and monitoring motivation
5.3 Robust test when controlling the endogeneity of sample selection
6. Conlusion

研究成果 Research findings

Frequency distribution of sample

Descriptive statistics of variables

Regression results for third-party underwriters’ certification and monitoring effects with all bonds

Regression results for third-party underwriters’ certification and monitoring effects with bonds issued and underwritten by investment banks

Regression results after removing the influence of quid pro quo relations

Robust test with the lagged values of DRSGLt as depended variables

Robust test with alternative certification and monitoring motivation

Regression result for third-party underwriting selection model

Robust test when controlling the endogeneity of sample selection

结论 Conclusion

In this paper, we examine the certification and monitoring effects of third-party underwriters using unique data from 2006 to 2016 in China’s financial bond market. In China, bonds are issued and underwritten by two types of financial institutions, commercial banks and investment banks. Our empirical results find that financial bonds underwritten by third-party underwriters bear lower credit spreads, suggesting that the cost of debt is lower for financial institutions choosing third-party underwriters. We argue that the lower cost of debt is due to the certification and monitoring effects of the third-party underwriters before and after the bond issues. The certification and monitoring of third-party underwriters reduce information asymmetry and risk of uncertainty for outside investors, which lower the level of price compensation of them as a result. Our further study finds that the certification of third-party underwriters can also help to choose bond issuers with lower earnings management, and the monitoring of third-party underwriters plays an effective role in constraining the behaviors of earnings management after the bond issues. More importantly, it is difficult for third-party underwriters to play monitoring roles when the bond issuers and underwriters are both investment banks, for the reason that investment banks have quid pro quo relations with each other when they issue and underwrite financial bonds in China’s financial bond market. And the robust tests through the alternative measurement of depended variables and substitution mechanisms of third-party underwriters’ certification and monitoring and controlling the endogeneity of sample selection also support our findings.
Our research contributes theoretically to the study of the certification and monitoring effects of underwriters by dividing them into two categories, self-underwriters and thirdparty underwriters. Previous research works argue that there is certification or monitoring effect for underwriters (Fang, 2005; Yasuda, 2005), and it is hard to distinguish the two functions of them (Hansen and Torregrosa, 1992; Kovner, 2012). To our knowledge, this is the first study to distinguish the certification and monitoring effects with unique data from China. Our research also provides important practical insights on the reform of China’s financial bond market. On the one hand, we should encourage third-party underwriters to actively promote the certification and monitoring functions. For example, given commercial banks the chance to be underwriters when the bond issuers are investment banks, which is not allowed now in China’s financial bond market. On the other hand, we should cut off the quid pro quo relations within third-party underwriting because such relations will reduce the certification and monitoring effects of third-party underwriters.


Huaili Lyu is an Associate Professor at the School of Management, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China. His research interests include accounting information and bond pricing.



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