

中国金融评论 中国金融评论 2023-02-24

Heterogeneous beliefs and idiosyncratic volatility puzzle: evidence from China



Mao He

School of Economics and Management, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China,and,

Juncheng Huang

School of Economics and Management, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China,and,

Hongquan Zhu

School of Economics and Management, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China


He, M., Huang, J. and Zhu, H. (2020), "Heterogeneous beliefs and idiosyncratic volatility puzzle: evidence from China", China Finance Review International, Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 124-141. https://doi.org/10.1108/CFRI-07-2019-0128


Idiosyncratic volatility, Heterogeneous beliefs, Stock returns, A-share market





The purpose of our study is to explore the “idiosyncratic volatility puzzle” in Chinese stock market from the perspective of investors' heterogeneous beliefs. To delve into the relationship between idiosyncratic volatility and investors' heterogeneous beliefs, and uncover the ability of heterogeneous beliefs, as well as to explain the “idiosyncratic volatility puzzle”, we construct our study as follows.


Our study adopts the unexpected trading volume as proxies of heterogeneity, the residual of Fama–French three-factor model as proxies of idiosyncratic volatility. Portfolio strategies and Fama–MacBeth regression are used to investigate the relationship between the two proxies and stock returns in Chinese A-share market.


Investors' heterogeneous beliefs, as an intermediary variable, are positively correlated with idiosyncratic volatility. Meanwhile, it could better demonstrate the negative correlation between the idiosyncratic volatility and future stock returns. It is one of the economic mechanisms linking idiosyncratic volatility to subsequent stock returns, which can account for 11.28% of the puzzle.


The findings indicate that idiosyncratic volatility is significantly and positively correlated with heterogeneous beliefs and that heterogeneous beliefs are effective intervening variables to explain the “idiosyncratic volatility puzzle”.


  1. Introduction

  2. Literature review and hypothesis development

    2.1 Idiosyncratic volatility and subsequent return

    2.2 Heterogeneous beliefs and expected returns

    2.3 Idiosyncratic volatility and heterogeneous beliefs

  3. Data and results

    3.1 Samples selection

    3.2 Variable definition

    3.3 Path analysis and model construction

    3.4 Descriptive statistical analysis

    3.5 Empirical results

  4. Robustness check

  5. Conclusion


Descriptive statistics.

Correlation analysis.

The mean of heterogeneous beliefs sorted by idiosyncratic volatility.

The expected portfolio returns under different grouping methods.

Idiosyncratic volatility, heterogeneous beliefs and expected returns.

The ability of heterogeneous beliefs to explain the idiosyncratic volatility puzzle.

The influence of heterogeneous belief on expected return after introducing margin trading and shortselling.

The explanatory power of heterogeneous beliefs on the idiosyncratic volatility puzzle (samples grouped by MSm).


In this article, we derive the heterogeneous beliefs of investors by unexpected trading volume. We define the residual from Fama–French three-factor model as a proxy for idiosyncratic volatility of stocks. We explore the relation between idiosyncratic risk and the subsequent returns with the application of the investors' heterogeneous beliefs. We find that belief heterogeneity of investors is one significantly and effectively economic mechanism linking idiosyncratic volatility to subsequent stock returns (the idiosyncratic volatility puzzle) in Chinese A-share mark.

In US markets, Hou and Loh (2016) find that many existing explanations, such as coskewness, analyst dispersion (a proxy for uncertainty) and Amihud illiquidity, explain less than 10% of the idiosyncratic volatility puzzle. In our work, we find that investors' heterogeneous beliefs (measured by unexpected trading volume) can account for more than 11% of the puzzle in Chinese A-share market. Our main results are robust to analyzing methods (portfolios strategies instead of individual stocks) and subsample analysis. Our study enriches the work of asset pricing. It could provide valuble references for investors and policy-makers in making of decisions and policies, respectively.











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