

中国金融评论 中国金融评论 2023-02-24

Whether stock market provides high returns: evidence from skewness of individual stocks in China



Tianning Ma 

School of Management Science and Engineering, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China,and,

Shuo Li 

Tianjin University, Tianjin, China

China Transport Telecommunicationa and Information Center, Beijing, China,and,

Xu Feng 

Tianjin University, Tianjin, China


Ma, T., Li, S. and Feng, X. (2021), "Whether stock market provides high returns: evidence from skewness of individual stocks in China", China Finance Review International, Vol. 11 No. 2, pp. 185-200. https://doi.org/10.1108/CFRI-12-2019-0162





This paper studies whether individual stocks provide higher returns than government bond in the Chinese market.


The authors compare individual stock returns and government bond returns in the Chinese market.


The authors find that more than half of individual stocks underperform government bonds over the same period in China, which highlights the important role of positive skewness in the distribution of individual stock returns. The high return of a few stocks is the reason why the stock market return is higher than that of government bond in China.


The results of this paper emphasize that portfolio diversification plays an important role in the Chinese market.


Skewness, Individual stock returns, Government bond returns, Chinese stock market


  1. Introduction

  2. Literature review

    2.1 The skewness of stock returns

    2.2 The high premium of stock market

    2.3 The poor performance of poorly diversified active strategies

  3. Empirical study

    3.1 Data description

    3.2 Comparison of individual stock returns and government bond yields at monthly, annual horizon and in full sample period

    3.3 The relationship between market value of listed companies and skewness of individual stock returns

    3.4 A comparative study of individual stocks in the Chinese and American stock markets

    3.5 Comparison of portfolio returns with different number of stocks: simulation based on bootstrap method

  4. Conclusion


Individual stocks,monthly horizon in the Chinese market.

Time series of skewness of monthly individual stock returns.

Frequency distribution of monthly individual stock returns.

Individual stocks, annual horizon in the Chinese market.

Time series of skewness of annual individual stock returns.

Frequency distribution of annual individual stock returns.

Individual stocks, whole sample period in the Chinese market.

Individual stocks, monthly horizon, under grouping Method 1.

Skewness of monthly returns in different market capitalization groups (grouping method 1).

Individual stocks, monthly horizon, under grouping method 2.

Skewness of monthly returns in different market capitalization groups (grouping method 2).

Individual stocks, annual horizon, under grouping Method 1.

Individual stocks, annual horizon, under grouping Method 2.

Individual stocks, monthly horizon, Chinese vs American.

Individual stocks, annual horizon, Chinese vs American.

Skewness and market capitalization, China vs the US.

Mean and median of the Chinese annual individual stock returns.

Mean and median of the American annual individual stock returns.

Individual stock return vs. benchmarks in two markets.

Bootstrapped simulation of annual returns of portfolios with different number of stocks.


From the perspective of individual stocks, this paper analyzes the distribution characteristics, especially skewness, in individual stock return distribution from 1996 to 2018 in China. We compare the returns of individual stocks and risk-free returns in the Chinese market in terms of various statistics at monthly and annual horizon. The finding is persuasive that the distribution of both monthly and annual individual stock returns is positively skewed, which indicates that a few extreme positive returns of individual stocks in the Chinese stock market have an important influence. The majority of individual stocks fail to match the Treasury bond over the same period at both monthly and annual horizons. Moreover,the market capitalization of listed companies also influences the degree of skewness as small firms generate returns that are more positively skewed. We also compare the distribution characteristics of individual stock returns in the Chinese and American stock markets, the findings imply that the positive skewness in the Chinese market is smaller, which indicates that there are fewer extreme positive returns generated in the Chinese market, thus skewness has a minor impact than that in the US market. And the possible reasons include the rise and fall price limit system in the Chinese market and the characteristic of “short bull and long bear” which makes it less possible to generate extreme positive returns even in the long term.

On the whole, this paper extends Bessembinder’s (2018) study to provide analysis of the sources of returns in the Chinese stock market from the perspective of individual stocks. The findings highlight the importance of diversification in portfolios. Our paper suggests that investors in China should not only consider the basic indicator like mean and variance of portfolios but also fully recognize the existence and influence of positive skewness in individual stock return distribution. If investors cannot guarantee that they can select the few stocks that produce extreme positive returns, then they should better ensure that their portfolios are fully diversified.











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