
We are Wellington | Starting with strong foundations

WCIS WellingtonCollegeSH 2022-07-15

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As part of our ongoing We are Wellington series, we ask our wider Wellington Community — parents, pupils and staff members — to share their experiences of the College and talk about what makes Wellington special to them. This week, Susan Su joins us to talk about how Wellington's Early Years Centre is helping her children, Rosabelle (Reception) and Travis (Nursery), build strong foundations for growth and success.

Learning and growing

"Our children are very different in terms of personality. Rosabelle is very calm and observant, and she has become much more open and confident since joining Wellington. Travis, on the other hand is more adventurous. He enjoys exploring new territory or trying out new activities. We now find that he has become more responsible for his actions as he begins to understand how to respect others’ thoughts and to anticipate risks. 

Friendship is one of the core developments that cannot be learned solely in the classroom but also the overall environment that they are in. Our children talk to others with more confidence. They have become more open-minded and independent. Rosabelle regularly talks about her friends at school. In just one month, Travis has already made some new best friends, too!"

New challenges, broadened horizons

"We strongly support the curriculum that the school offers, both in English and Chinese. I still remember the day when Rosabelle came home, naming all eight planets in the solar system in order. She was only four years old! I was also amazed to learn that Rosabelle and her friends taught fellow pupils about the importance of being eco-friendly.  

We appreciate that the school emphasises children’s social development as well. I was very touched to see a photo on Tapestry in which Rosabelle and her classmates sent farewell cards to one of the school's 'security uncles' before he returned home. 


Our children are excited to explore new things. Rosabelle is very much looking forward to starting her swimming classes this year, while Travis is already looking forward to becoming a little football star at Wellington."

Preparing for long-term success

"We take academic excellence very seriously. This is consistent with Wellington’s curriculum, especially when it comes to communication. Equally important: we are very happy to see how the Wellington experience has helped our children build character. They understand that they need to work very hard to earn their Kindness, Responsibility, Courage, Respect and Integrity stickers. You can see it throughout the school, too. On my first campus visit, for instance, a young boy held the door open for the parents. When I said “thank you” to the young gentleman, he politely said, “You are welcome”. That was when I first saw the Wellington Identity — being Independent, Inclusive, Inspired, Individual and Intellectual — in action. I knew right then that Wellington would have a positive impact on our children's development. "

A close-knit community

"One of the best values we see in Wellington is the sense of community that the school brings to children. We feel the warmth and support of the faculty and fellow parents. We also appreciate the close communication between teachers and parents. We get timely updates on what's happening at the school through Tapestry. This helps us to better assist our children’s development at home. We also receive prompt responses from the school whenever we have questions. By establishing a strong bond with the school, our children are enthusiastic about going to school every day!

Our parent and teacher organisation, the Friends of Wellington, also brings parents and children closer together. It provides us a channel to discuss common topics and arrange weekend activities together."

Looking to the year ahead

"We look forward to our children being able to spend more time together. Travis has started his first year at the Wellington EYC in Nursery while Rosabelle has advanced to Reception. Being on the same campus will allow them to grow and learn together. To watch them walk into school every morning is just the cutest thing! We cannot wait to hear them share the new things they have learned and the new friends they have made. We also look forward to participating in the special school days, such as the upcoming UN Day parade and International Food Festival, World Book Day, Christmas Assembly, Chinese New Year Market, Science Day and the parent-teacher mixers and coffee mornings."

Open days and tours for 2022 entry

Wellington is taking rolling applications for the 2021-22 academic year and inviting future Wellingtonians to join us for Open days and tours for 2022 entry.

Open days are available for children applying for our Early Years and Pre-Prep programmes from September through December this year. 

Please scan the QR code below to register.  

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