
Fit for design | Skye, Parsons

WCIS WellingtonCollegeSH 2023-10-19

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At Wellington, we provide our pupils with a personalised, strategic and effective university and career guidance programme. As early as year 9, we work with them to identify their skills and interests. We teach them how to cultivate the attributes that universities and employers value. With help from our University Guidance Team, our pupils learn to think strategically when choosing their coursework and preparing for their admissions exams. Whether conducting mock admissions interviews or coaching on how to write an effective personal statement, we are with our pupils every step of the way.

Wellingtonians have been receiving offers from some of the world’s highest ranked universities. This week, we talk with year 13 pupil Skye. Her passion and talent for the visual arts have earned her an offer from Parsons School of Design to study communication design. Nice work, Skye!

01What inspired you to pursue a major in design?

Over the years, I have been inspired by a passion for art, creativity and innovation. I have always enjoyed creating something new and merging creativity with practical problem-solving to create innovative solutions that can positively impact people’s lives. Using a phone, scrolling through YouTube or walking around and looking at different stores are reminders of how important design is in our world, and I want to create similar outcomes to contribute to society. Design and art in general allow me to express my individuality and aesthetics, and this inspired me to pursue a major in design.

02What attracted you to Parsons?

I am not fully committed to Parsons yet as I am still waiting for other Korean university decisions, but it is one of my top choices. Parsons is the number one design school in the US. It is in New York City, where there are countless opportunities, especially in terms of art, design and business. At Parsons, I want to embrace the diverse community and openness and collaborate with the most creative people I will meet in my lifetime. One aspect that attracted me to Parsons was the $16,000 per year merit scholarship they offered me. I was not expecting it at all because Parsons is already competitive enough just for admission, especially for international pupils. I did not expect them to be so generous.

03Where do you hope a design degree will take you in your career?

Pursuing a major in design will provide and expand my opportunities for personal expression, artistic growth and career development. Right now, I am not exactly sure what career I want to pursue , but with a design degree, I will have a range of career paths I can choose from, like an art director, animator, product designer, web designer or UX designer.

04What has been the biggest challenge for you in the university admissions process? Why?

The biggest challenge in the university admissions process for me was preparing my art portfolio. I applied to many art schools, especially in the US, and that required me to create an art portfolio of 10-25 artworks. It took me quite a long time to perfect all my artworks. It was very hard to balance my time with all the work for IB and my art portfolio. This process put a lot of pressure on me and it required a lot of sacrifice of my time for other things but after starting to hear back from colleges, it felt like all my time and effort was worth it.

05Was there anything about the process that was surprisingly easy?

Surprisingly, the process of filling out applications was straightforward. The supplement essays that were required by the universities that I applied to were not as difficult as I expected; I just had to express my passions and ambitions.

06How has Wellington’s University Guidance Programme helped you achieve your goals?

Huge thanks to Mr Beard who helped me through the whole process of my UK and US applications. He helped me brainstorm my essays and personal statement, provided me with feedback and helped me stay on track with deadlines for different schools. Ms Huang also helped me through my Canadian applications, which made the application process very smooth and simple.

07What advice do you have for any upcoming year 13 pupils  seeking an offer from a school like Parsons?

Start preparing your portfolio early and show who you are through your works and the admission process. Different art schools have different portfolio requirements for different courses. So, you have to make sure you do your university research. As long as you stay on track with your portfolio, IB and university deadlines, everything else will be fine. The most important advice I would give is to challenge yourself. Sometimes, I regret not spending my time wisely or pushing myself enough to go above and beyond.

08How long have you attended Wellington? What were your initial impressions on your first day at school?

I was actually at Wellington Tianjin from years 2-4, and then I moved here. So I have been a Wellingtonian for nearly 12 years now, which is kind of crazy to think about now that I am graduating. My first day felt very welcoming. I was not fluent in English, so I was afraid I would feel left out. But everyone was new, and it felt like we were already a tight community. All the teachers were very nice and engaging with all the pupils.

09In what ways has Wellington helped you grow or build character? 

By being part of an international school community, I have learned and embraced cultures from everywhere around the world. As I experienced many social interactions through meetings and collaborations, I learned to appreciate the diversity of ideas and to communicate openly and effectively. I also feel like Wellington has offered so many opportunities to build my leadership skills and confidence. From Prep School, I was given the opportunity to be part of the Pupil Leadership Team with various positions like pupil council, pupil ambassador and art captain. I was a visual arts scholar as well. This has allowed me to learn more about collaboration, leadership, confidence and taking initiative.

10Tell us about something you never would have been able to do or experience anywhere but Wellington.

I would not have been able to experience the sense of unity within our school. We have such a tightly-knit community. I really like that because school almost feels like my second home where I can be myself around people I can trust.

11What do you like most about being a Wellingtonian?

I am proud to be a Wellingtonian because of our amazing facilities, united community, countless opportunities and academic achievements. Wellington shaped me into the person I am today, and I am grateful for all the experiences and opportunities I was given. I was able to accomplish so many goals because of the support I got from the school.

12What is your favourite Wellington memory?What is your favourite Wellington memory?

I enjoy spending time with my friends. We can all be comfortable in the Sixth Form Centre and be ourselves. I have two best friends, and they have been by my side for five years now. It will be very hard not seeing them every day in the Sixth Form Centre during breaks and lunch times, but I am glad I was able to make such lovely memories.

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