汤姆·甘宁 | 此声非吾声:恐惧与科技之声的神话学
/ 作者 /
芝加哥大学 电影与媒体研究系,美国芝加哥 60637
悉尼大学 美术史,澳大利亚悉尼 1466
张 泠
纽约州立大学 电影与媒体研究学院,美国纽约 91776
汤姆·甘宁 唐葆真 张泠
摘要:以罗伯托·罗西里尼与弗里兹·朗等人的电影为分析范本,主要讨论 20 世纪前半段中,各种诞生自科技中介之声的大众神话学与意识形态。无线电、收音机等科技产物在将声音与声源抽离的过程中,不但创造出前所未闻的时空环境,更打破了人类主客体之间的疆域。此科技之声的特性遂成为法西斯媒介理论中操控人心与人体的利器。
①Fritz Lang,LB2 . 虽然朗是用英文书写这部未被拍成的剧情概要,但其却从未以英语发表。所以我读的是 Christine 和 Jacques Rousselet 翻译的法文版 La montagne des superstitions et autres histoires,ed.Cornelius Schnauber,Paris: Pierre Belfond,1991: 11-24。
[1] Tom Gunning. Doing for the Eye: What the Phonograph Does for the Ear[M]// Rick Altman,Richard Abel. The Sounds of Early Cinema. Bloomington: University of Indiana Press,2001:13-31.
[2] Roland Barthes. Camera Lucida [M]. New York: Hill and Wang,1982.
[3] Allen S Weiss.Breathless:Sound Recording, Disembodiment and the Transformation of Lyrical Nostalgia [M]. Middletown,CT: Wesleyan University Press,2002.
[4] Lawrence Rainey. Taking Dictation: Collage Poetics,Pathology and Politics[J]. Modernism and Modernity,1998(2): 123-153.
[5] Anthony Giddens. The Consequences of Modernity [M]. Stanford,CA: Stanford University Press,1990: 21-28.
[6] Timothy C Campbell. Wireless Writing in the Age of Marconi[M].Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,2006:1-30.
[7] Friedrich Glauser. Thumbprint [M]. London: Bitter Lemon Press,2004: 87,109.
[8] Jason Loviglio. Radio’s Intimate Public: Network Broadcasting and Mass-Mediated Democracy [M]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,2005.
[9] Rudolph Arnheim. Radio[M]. London: Faber and Faber,1936.
[10] Victor Tausk.On the Origin of the Influencing Machine[M]//Schizophrenia. Sexuality,War and Schizophrenia: Collected Psychoanalytic Papers.New Brunswick:Transaction Publishers, 1991: 185-219.
[11] Joseph Goebbels. The Radio as the Eighth Great Power [EB/OL]. (1933-06-24) [2020-02-12]. http://research. calvin. edu/ german-propaganda-archive.
[12] Corey Ross. Media and the Making of Modern Germany: Mass Communications,Society and Politics from the Empire to the Third Reich[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,2008: 281.
[13] Martin A Doherty. Nazi Wireless Propaganda: Lord Haw-Haw and British Public Opinion in the Second World War[M]. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,2000:4.
[14] Tom Gunning. The Films of Fritz Lang: Allegories of Vision and Modernity [M]. London: British Film Institute,2000.
[15] Michel Chion.The Voice in Cinema [M]. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999: 31-44.
[16] Edgar Allan Poe. The Facts in the Case of M Valdemar[M]// Poe: Poetry and Tales. New York: Library of America, 1984: 833-842.
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