
Free Chinese Learning Magazine

2016-05-03 shenzhenparty


Expats' Favorite Apps of Your Choice

Hey guys! Living in China could not be easy at the beginning. See what kind of Apps on smart phones could be there for you. Basically, we have WeChat for communication, Baidu Map as a guidance, Taobao for shopping and many other Apps you may find useful, such as Weibo, Alipay, Youku and 大众点评(dàzhònɡ diǎnpínɡ).

Let’s check out a few of the Apps that you may find useful and interesting!


Simple Tips for Pronouncing the Four Tones Well

Feeling struggled pronouncing the Chinese four tones? You are going to receive the most effective lecture for pronouncing the four tones.

Follow the tips in the video and you’ll be able to say the four tones well in no time.

Can You Tell the Differences of “Can”?

I am Julia, a Chinese teacher online. I really enjoy teaching Chinese. My Chinese classes are full of fun and my students really enjoy learning Chinese online with me. I always say to my students: “Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.” That’s true because you learn from your mistakes, right? Especially those that make you laugh so hard.


Let’s check out what’s new on New Concept Mandarin’s Facebook, WeChat and Blog!

You Speak Better Mandarin than Many Chinese
Believe it or not, you can speak Chinese better than many Chinese people to some degree. There are still millions of Chinese people who don’t speak standard Mandarin Chinese. Really?

狗屎运(ɡǒushǐ yùn)-You Are Lucky Stepping on Dog Shit
狗屎运(ɡǒushǐ yùn) is a slang used to describe good luck in bad days. 狗屎(ɡǒushǐ) means dog shit and 运(yùn) is luck. People ironically call a lucky person 走狗屎运 (zǒu ɡǒushǐ yùn) or sometimes call themselves in order to be modest.

How Chinese Characters Have Been Developed
It's vital to know how Chinese characters were originally developed. There are pictographic characters, indicative and associative characters and the picto-phonetic characters.

Chinese Character菜(cài)-You Are Not My Type
Literally, 菜(cài) means “vegetable” which contains the grass radical (艹). The bottom component (采) means “pick up” and also suggests the sound. So the story is that people pick up (采) the VEGETABLE (菜) in grass (艹). Vegetable is now extended to mean dish in general. 中国(Zhōngguó) is “China” so 中国菜 means “Chinese cuisine”.

5 Books You Don't Want to Miss
Chinese novelist Mo Yan had won Nobel Prize in literature. 'Tao Te-Ching' and 'Art of War' notwithstanding, books from the world's most populous country have tended to get meager play in the Western press. Luckily, that hasn't kept publishers from commissioning translations of some of China's best-loved works.

Pricing Info: 15 USD/month

Booking Phone Number: 15365385073

Place Name & Address: New Concept Mandarin Chinese School, Room 1803, Haiyang Block, Haibin Garden, No.5, Xinghua Road, Shekou, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 深圳市南山区蛇口兴华路5号海滨花园海阳阁1803号

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Seasonal White Asparagus

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Lunch Set @ Angelo Mediterranean Sun

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