
Diwali Ball - The Festival of Lights

2016-09-27 shenzhenparty

An eventful《ALL in ONE》evening with exciting performances, Gifts, DJ, Singing and Dancing, Variety of Indian Food, Hard drinks



Diwali (दिवाली), the festival of lights is India's most significant holiday of the year symbolizes the inner light and protects people from spiritual darkness. Indians celebrate with family gatherings, glittering clay lamps, festive fireworks, strings of electric lights, bonfires, flowers, sharing of sweets, and worship to Lakshmi.People open their doors and windows and light lamps to invite Lakshmi in. 

印度排灯节,于每年十月或十一月中举行印度语叫Diwali(迪瓦利节)翻译成英文即"Rows of lighted lamps"代表着美好的寓意 - 光明压倒黑暗因此它也被称为"Festival of Light"



For tickets and other information please call:


Ms. Rashmi Jadhav 13602594144 / Ms. Komal Aswani 13600141794 Ms. Kavita Bansal 13670173703 / Ms. Nikki 13242085932 / Ms. Kamini-- 13430909634 


Note: Event includes snacks, wide variety of food, free flow of soft drinks & Juices, whisky & beer, amazing performances…. 备注:晚宴包含小吃,丰盛美食,流动的软饮,橙汁,威士忌,啤酒,振奋人心的表演….. 


Event Date: Sunday, November 13, 2016 - 4:00pm - 11:00pm

Pricing Info: Adults Ticket (SIC Members)400RMB/(non SIC members) 500 RMB/Kids aged 5 to 12: 250 RMB/Senior Citizen (above 60)FREE 

Booking Phone Number: 13602594144

Place Name: Intercontinental Hotel Shenzhen

Place Address: 9009 Shennan Road, Overseas Chinese Town, Shenzhen 深圳市南山区华侨城深南大道9009号

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