
China International Gold, Jewellery & Gem Fair - Shenzhen

2016-03-31 shenzhenparty

The 14th edition of the China International Gold, Jewellery & Gem Fair – Shenzhen is scheduled on April 2016 at the Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center (SZCEC). Since its debut in 2003, the Shenzhen Fair has grown to become a much-awaited jewellery industry event in Southern China. It established its place as an ideal platform for jewellers to tap into China’s vibrant jewellery market. In 2015, the Shenzhen Fair attracted 409 quality exhibitors from around the world and over 10,400 visitors from 76 countries and regions.

Shenzhen - China's jewellery hub
Home to around 3,600 jewellery companies, Shenzhen is the biggest jewellery manufacturing, processing and trading centre in mainland China. The value of Shenzhen’s jewellery processing and retail sales total over RMB 100 billion and RMB 140 billion respectively, according to the Shenzhen Gold & Jewelry Association. UBM Asia’s Shenzhen Fair leverages the city’s strengths, gathers a full spectrum of products under one roof.

Ideally timed for replenishing inventory
The Shenzhen Fair is perfectly timed for jewellers needing to replenish stock after a variety of traditional festivals shopping season. As the mid-year show in Southern China, the Fair provides an ideal platform for buyers to get their hands on the latest collections and explore countless business opportunities.

Boost your business via the China Jewellery Market Summit

Jewellery companies are eager to establish a stronger foothold in the robust China market amidst increasingly intense market competition. At the China Jewellery Market Summit, jewellery enterprises have an excellent opportunity to showcase collections, build brand recognition, learn about the latest market trends and network with key market players and experts.

The China Jewellery Market Summit 2015 welcomed more than 300 guests, including regional jewellery retailers in mainland China and media representatives. 130-plus local and overseas media representatives also attended.

Event Date: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 - 9:30am - Friday, April 22, 2016 - 6:00pm

Pricing Info: Free Entry

Place Name: Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center

Place Address: FuHua 3 Rd, Futian District,Shenzhen 深圳市福田中心区福华三路88号深圳会展中心

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