
Get Better Education @ Smartforce International Kindergarten

2016-03-20 shenzhenparty

Smartforce International Kindergarten is Located in Liantang, Luohu. At Smartforce Kindergarten we provide an all day English environment, with two 30 minute Chinese lessons including a Montessori maths program.  Every class has their own foreign teacher, Chinese teacher, teaching assistant and living teacher. The foreign teachers help take charge of morning exercise, snack time, lunchtime and playtime therefore providing English learning in a natural environment. 


Our English Curriculum is HighReach, an American curriculum, which helps children understand the world around them. It encourages children to think for themselves and to question what they are learning.  To help develop the children’s reading and writing skills we have developed our own phonics curriculum and have our own Smartforce Kindergarten phonics book. 


Each classroom is very big and spacious and has its own interactive whiteboard for classroom activities.  We have a good air-conditioning system for summer, and an under-floor heating system for the winter.  The classrooms have an ultra-violet lighting system which is turned on every evening to disinfect the classrooms. We have a live camera system in each classroom so you can watch the classes from your home; and we provide a teacher-parent messaging system which parents can access through the internet. 


At playtime, we have a variety of options.  We have an outdoor playground, an indoor bouncy castle, a sensory room with lots of equipment for the children to explore, complete with climbing equipment and safety mats. We also have a big indoor area for group games, equipped with oxygen machines. 


We welcome you to come and visit us at our school where we can give you more information, and we invite your children to come and try a class with us. We look forward to seeing you! 

 卓能(莲塘)国际幼儿园位于罗湖区莲塘。我们提供孩子全天候的英文学习环境,上下午各有半小时中文课。中文课包含蒙台梭利数学。每个班级有专属的四位老师:外教、中教、助教以及生活老师。早操、点心、午餐和活动时间均有外教参与从而提供孩子学习英语的自然环境。   我们的英语教学使用美国Highreach 课程。Highreach帮助孩子理解周围的世界,鼓励孩子独立思考,对所学知识提出问题。学校有室外操场,室内蹦蹦床以及感统室。感统室配备有很多供孩子探索的器械、攀爬器械以及安全垫。欢迎您来校了解更多信息,诚挚邀请您带上孩子来体验我们的课堂。 

Place Name: 卓能国际幼儿园 

Place Address: 1/F - 2/F, Guowei Lu, Yongcui Haoyuan, Liantang, Luohu, Shenzhen 深圳市罗湖区莲塘国威路雍翠豪园综合楼一及二楼 

Place Phone: +86 (755) 25740395 


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