
勾勒唯美自然的滨海度假住宅 | 杭州湾融创文旅城水岸邸

荷于景观 景观设计小学徒 2023-09-06

△ 杭州湾文旅城规划 Renderings



Located in Haiyan County, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou Bay Cultural Tourism City has dual water landscape resources of coast and canal, creating a world-class theme entertainment and vitality city in Hangzhou Bay.

The B08/09# plot is located in the core location of Sunac Cultural Tourism City, surrounded by rich business facilities of Cultural Tourism City, Sunac Water World, Theme Park, Snow World, Children's World, Luxury Hotel Group, Oleai Park, etc. With the design concept of freedom, green and agility, the seaside outlines the beautiful and natural coastal holiday home.

水世界 主题乐园


△ 杭州湾文旅城 Hangzhou Bay 



"With a very ordinary life,Use experimental methods to integrate into the landscape to move users"

△ 效果图 Renderings


"Explore new ways of living in the future with an experimental approach" 


At the beginning of the design, we made a lot of ideas, style coastal residence, tide play art community, time and space innovation life, etc., in order to create a differentiated, de-labeled landscape environment here, to explore a new possibility of human settlement. As a human settlement, we need to place our various living needs and look forward to colliding with different living experiences in the established venue.







出现一个无限但不循环的常数——“ π ”

我们希望引入" π "的概念,作为本次设计愿景,让我们在同一个场景循环使用中有不循环之感,创造出不同的使用感受……

We hope to introduce the concept of "π", as the design vision of this time, let us have a sense of non-circulation in the same scene recycling, and create different use feelings...

△ 概念导图 Landscape location

居住的本质离不开人的需求以及场地本身的特性,从场地出发,立足客群需求,把生活融入场地,打造六大景观节点:“漫悦花园π”、“微光溪涧π”、"活力无限π"、"林下聚场π"、"童梦乐园π"、"悦水之湾π";无界景观桥串联两地块各景观节点,同时融入融创“i+”美好生活体系优势,共同打造“超级 π 剧场”

The essence of living is inseparable from the needs of people and the characteristics of the venue itself, starting from the venue, based on the needs of the customer group, integrating life into the venue, and creating six major landscape nodes: "Manyue Garden π", "Shimmering Creek stream π", "Infinite vitality π", "Forest Gathering π", "Children's Dream Paradise π", "Yueshui Bay π"; The borderless landscape bridge connects the landscape nodes of the two plots, and at the same time integrates the advantages of Sunac's "i+" beautiful life system to jointly create a "super π theater".

△ 总平图 Master plan





The site is composed of a narrow landscape belt, The "π" element evolves into a flexible curve connecting the active platforms scattered in the forest, meandering streams, aerobic lawns, artistic leisure corridors, etc., forming a spatial form that is independent and interlinked to each other. We hope to integrate a variety of life scenes into these spaces: neighborhood communication, children's activities, under-the-forest meetings, weekend parties, parent-child interactive exchanges, etc., in the limited space to integrate as many activity scenes as possible, multiple functions, the stacking of spaces, to create a composite multi-dimensional, recyclable "super π theater".

△ 超级“π”剧场  Project space

△ 效果图 Renderings


Looking for the stream, all the way through the shadows of the trees, the white parlor is located in the stream, as if walking into a three-dimensional picture, tranquility and art, pure and light, here feel the change of light and shadow and the flow of time, enjoy the daily life.

△ 效果图 Renderings





Surrounded by greenery, the combination of leisure and sports space, and the compound use of aerobic and anaerobic provide residents with a variety of social and sports rest places.

△ 活力无限π  Project space

△ 效果图 Renderings




As a host of daily outdoor activities, providing a leisurely space where you can enjoy and play, so that different occupants can live here, it was our original concept. Free and flowing cloud galleries, art flower ponds, ritual water features, life and art go hand in hand, art comes from life, or perhaps life should be so.

△ 项目区位 Project space

△ 效果图 Renderings



A winding landscape bridge connects the 08# and 09# plots, allowing residents to share landscape resources.

△ 效果图 Renderings




The children's venue continues the style of coastal residences, and the natural flowing linear type under the blue background realizes the connection and rich change of multiple spaces, which can be climbed, jumped, excavated, and the fun of exploration is perceived during play.

△ 童梦乐园π Project space



The story originated from a beach party in the Bay Area...

The flowing waves form different forms of space, scattered between the houses, and the greenery divides different functional spaces, adding more exploration fun to the play.

△ 效果图 Renderings

△ 过程效果图 Renderings




The entire space extends vertically, with plants connecting and dividing different understory leisure gardens, where you can experience nature and pursue light and shadow. As a house garden between bungalows and row houses, the scenery moves by light, and the temperament of the garden slowly unfolds in the exquisite water features, artistic flower ponds and looming flower sculptures, which perfectly accommodate the forest and life in this square inch.

△ 效果图 Project space

△ 效果图 Renderings

△ 过程效果图 Renderings




Holding a yard, admiring a bay of lake water, away from the hustle and bustle, returning to romantic and lush, is the beginning of coastal vacation life...

△ 实景图 Renderings





As a place for our daily life, the community hopes that there can be countless possibilities for activities in the established space, such as weekend tea parties, leisure and entertainment, coffee circles, parent-child exchanges, etc., giving each venue the possibility of diversified use, so that residents have a sense of non-circulation in recycling, like the mathematical constant "π", it is there, but it contains infinite possibilities.

To be continued, stay tuned...

△ B08/09地块效果图 Renderings


项目名称:杭州湾融创文旅城 B08#B09#地块

业       主:海盐山水鑫悦置业有限公司




方案团队:罗丽  张孟欢  张磊  刘琬滢  高子晴  



- 感谢 Waterlily荷于景观 -

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