
9月20日 法兰西月乐约 - 太空旅者之爵士三重奏 The Space Travellers

2017-08-16 B10现场

法兰西月乐约 -

太空旅者之爵士三重奏 The Space Travellers



时间:2017.9.20 周三 20:30

场地:B10现场 http://www.b10live.cn








票价:预售 80元;现场 100 元


※截止时间:9月20日 00:00



【20170920 太空旅者之爵士三重奏The Space Travellers @B10现场】,复制这条信息¥Tfyy02c1ZM7¥后打开👉手机淘宝👈

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2009年起,The Space Travellers三重奏就摈弃了以往的观念,倾尽全力来创造一组新的意象,并以此踏上太空旅程。绵延的人声和器乐背景创造出群星闪耀的广阔宇宙的意象,曲目中猛然的爆发仿佛预示着前方诸多还未探索的星球。 在Claudia Solal温暖光亮的嗓音,打击乐手Philippe Foch创造的奇异声响和Didier Petit(已发行过13张个人专辑)演奏的月光般的大提琴旋律中,一个梦幻般的音乐宇宙徐徐展现。


Didier Petit 大提琴&人声

1962年出生在法国兰斯的Didier Petit,从小就受音乐熏陶,并在六岁时就接触到大提琴。1977年,从音乐学院毕业的Didier Petit在需要直面社会现实时,意识到音乐并不会离他而去,并且感受到无论在身体还是精神上对战胜现实的巨大渴望,由此,他投身爵士乐。在2015年10月,他带着他的太空大提琴登上零重力航班,开始在失重状态下探索他的音乐。


Claudia Solal 咏唱

作为一个歌手、创作人和即兴演奏家,Claudia Solal如今在法国、欧洲和美国最负盛名的场馆和音乐节已表演了20个年头。她与众多艺术家的合作和创作经历为其开创出独特的音乐语言。


Philippe Foch 打击乐&手鼓

Philippe Foch有一种狂热的对抗和探索的欲望,随着年龄的增加不减反增,且愈加锋芒毕露。受着这种欲望驱使的职业鼓手Philippe Foch,在过去的30年中,在这片极端不安定的声音领域中已练得炉火纯青,跳出了一切的条条框框,不断质疑已知的事物,不断重塑他的音乐形态。



关于法兰西月乐约(French Music Rendez-Vous/French RDV)

法兰西月乐约是一个与Tsong Dao Prod合作的月度活动,目的是将来自法国的爵士乐与世界音乐每月带到 中国。这些乐手的遴选范围有Jazz Migration的入围者,Abroadfest的优胜组,Womex选拔赛以及法国爵士音乐奖……法国乐迷不会以貌取人,他们都是出色的乐团。


Tsong Dao Prod与以下机构有着密切合作:北京DDC俱乐部、深圳B10现场、西安音乐厅、哈尔滨大剧院、天津大剧院、上海JZ俱乐部等等。



French RDV Jazz Trio

The Space Travellers

China Tour Shenzhen Station



Time: 2017.9.20 Wednesday 20:30

Venue: B10 Live http://www.b10live.cn

Add: Building C2, North District, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Tel: 0755 86337602 (15:00-18:00, info only)

Venue Support: OCT-LOFT Culture Development Co., Ltd

Admittance starts at 20:00.

Open area with several seats on both sides for resting purpose.



Fare: Presale 80 RMB; At Door 100 RMB


※Presale service available until 00:00 on Sep. 20th

①Entity:Old Heaven Books (120#, A5, North District of OCT-LOFT)



Please send the following information to midori@b10live.cn at least ONE DAY before the concert:

1.Name 2.Phone number 3.Date of the concert 4.Quantity of tickets

Ticket reservation will be closed 15 minutes before the show starts, please pick up your ticket at B10 Live in time.

3/At Door: B10 Live

※Starts at 19:30 on the day.

Since 2009, Les Voyageurs De l’Espace have all been playing their part in creating a group imagination to invent a new relationship with Space that would be totally different from all previous ideas. Against a continuous vocal and instrumental background representing the vast star-studded canopy of space, songs suddenly burst forth like so many planets awaiting discovery. A dream-like musical universe begins to take shape through the warm, light-filled voice of Claudia Solal, the strange sounds of percussionist Philippe Foch and the lunar cello of Didier Petit, who already has 13 albums to his name.


Didier Petit : cello & voice

Didier Petit was born in Reims in 1962 into a musical environment and began the cello at the age of six. In 1977, Didier walked out of the conservatoire, to find himself face to face with the world. At this time, he realises that music won't leave him and, feeling a tremendous desire to exceed both physically and mentally, he turns to jazz. In October 2015 he has fligh with his cosmocello in the zero G plane to experiment music in zero gravity.


Claudia Solal : chant

As a singer, songwriter, improviser, Claudia Solal has performed on stage for 20 years now in France, Europe and United States, on the most prestigious venues and festivals. Her numerous collaborations and artistic experiences played a large part in building a unique vocal language, at the crossroads of written material and improvised songs.

Philippe Foch : batterie & tablas

Driven by a rabid desire for encounter and exploration which far from dwindling with age seems on the contrary to sharpen as timepasses, Philippe Foch, drummer by trade, has been honing in for 30 years to the core of an intensely unstable territory of sound, fleeing all form of routine or status quo, ceaselessly questioning what he has gleaned and reinventing his musical language.


About French RDV(French Music Rendez-Vous)

French Music Rendez-Vous is a monthly event coordinated by Tsong Dao Produc-tions aiming to present each month in China a jazz or world music band from France. The selection is including finalists from Jazz Migration, last sensation from abroad festivals, Womex selections, French Jazz Victory Awards… They are top-notch, cutty-edge bands and all French citizens despite of appearance.


Tsong Dao Prod is working on a regular basis with : Beijing DDC Club, Shenzhen B10 Club, Xi’an Concert Hall, Harbin Grand Theater, Tianjin Grand Theater, JZ Clubs and many more.


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