1. 谨慎地分享讲台。寻找各种方式,让教会中的年轻弟兄有机会上台讲道和教导。他们不一定要善于演讲,却一定要在神学上可靠、且有牧者的心肠。
2. 教导会众关心其它教会和神国度的扩展。
3. 会众集体为其它教会以及牧师点名祷告。
4. 会众集体为福音在其它国家的传扬点名祷告。
5. 寻找机会把教导和布道的机会“让给”年轻人,例如主日学课程、公众祷告或主日的领会。指导他们去做,然后给予反馈。
6. 每周进行“主日服侍评估”。邀请参与主日公开服侍的人员对主日的服事进行评估。欢迎大家对你的主日领会和讲道发表意见。同时你要做榜样,给大家示范如何给予和接受敬虔的鼓励和批评。(建议:注重从圣经、神学和牧养方面的评估而非看重风格或依据个人喜好。要坦诚地表达意见和看法,而不要一次性给予缺乏经验的年轻牧师太多批评。总要寻找恩典的确据,确保参与者得到鼓励和建造。)
7. 在福音事工上树立榜样,与非基督徒建立关系,对年轻的基督徒进行门训。观察开始效法自己的人并着重培养他们。
8. 考虑开展牧师实习事工。
9. 大量赠送好书。当预备领袖读完一本你赠送的书后,就与他约谈,交流读书心得。
10. 当你在书房里工作或读书的时候,邀请年轻人进来,做他们自己的工作和阅读。
11. 邀请预备领袖和你一起预备讲章。
12. 想一想在你的生活和服侍中,有哪些是可以邀请预备领袖一起参与的,例如,家庭用餐、出去办事、探访、外出讲道、参加会议。
13. 和年轻人讨论当前非敏感的教牧话题,询问他们的想法。这样做能训练他们神学思考的能力,学习像牧师那样考虑问题。这样的讨论甚至可能会让你迸发出新的见解。
How Can Pastors Raise Up Leaders?
Most pastors are all too familiar with the tyranny of the urgent. There are often so many leaks that need patching that it seems impossible to slow down and spend the time it takes to train a crew—that is, to raise up new church leaders.
Yet as a pastor, there are several reasons why you should be regularly discipling men who have the potential to serve as elders, whether in your church or another.
1. Scripture commands it.
In 2 Timothy 2:2 Paul writes, “What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” Since 2 Timothy was written not merely for Timothy, but for us all (Rom. 15:4, 2 Tim. 3:16-17), every pastor of a local church should train other men to be teachers in the church.
2. Pastors are best able to train other pastors.
Men training for ministry will learn best from those who are engaged in the work full-time. They’ll gain practical wisdom, personal sensitivities, and an up-close understanding of the work that they won’t get any other way.
3. The church needs it.
As the pastor, you need to take the lead in raising up leaders, whether those leaders will serve your own church as elders or go somewhere else. If you don’t disciple leaders, who will?
4. It evangelizes future generations.
A pastor can do “mission work” to the future by raising up leaders in the present. Who will lead your church and evangelize your community when you’re gone? Raise up leaders now and you get to send the gospel not just into your community, but into the future.
But how can a busy pastor with thinly spread resources disciple men toward being church leaders? Here is a handful of practical suggestions.
1. Share your pulpit (carefully). Look for ways to give doctrinally and pastorally reliable younger men in your congregation opportunities to preach and teach, even if they are not practiced public speakers.
2. Teach your congregation to care about other churches and God’s broader kingdom purposes. The goal is for the church as a whole to embrace the agenda of raising up pastors both for themselves and for other churches. Encourage them that this will serve them better in the long run. This encouragement and leadership from you will help them to be more generous, prayerful, and patient with younger and less experienced men.
3. Publicly pray for other churches and pastors, by name.
4. Publicly pray for the spread of the gospel in other nations, by name.
5. Look for other opportunities to “give away” teaching and evangelism opportunities to younger men, such as Sunday School classes, public prayer, or service leading. Coach them through it. Provide feedback.
6. Hold a weekly “service review.” Invite participants in the church’s public ministry to review the events of the day. Invite feedback on your preaching and leading. Model how to give and receive godly encouragement and criticism. (Tips: Emphasize the biblical, theological, and pastoral rather than the stylistic and preferential. Be honest, but don’t pile too many critiques on top of the young and inexperienced all at once. Look for evidences of grace, and make sure participants leave feeling encouraged and built up.)
7. Set a personal example in evangelism, befriending non-Christians, and discipling younger Christians. See who begins imitating your example and specifically invest in them.
8. Consider developing a pastoral internship. Click here for some examples of church-based pastoral training.
9. Give away lots of good books. Invite developing leaders to schedule a follow-up conversation once they’ve read the book you gave them.
10. Invite younger men into your study to work and read as you do the same.
11. Invite developing leaders into your sermon preparation process. Discuss the text with one or two other men as you study. Once you’ve got the main point of the text, invite someone to think through sermon application with you.
12. Think of any windows in your life and ministry that you can invite developing leaders into: meals in your home, errands, pastoral visits, outside speaking engagements, conferences.
13. Discuss current (non-sensitive) pastoral issues with younger men and ask for their input. This will train them to think theologically and pastorally, and it might even give you fresh insight.
作者:Bobby Jamieson
Bobby Jamieson 是九标志英文事工的助理编辑,第三大道浸信会成员,毕业于美南浸信会神学院。
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