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A Thankful Lite Al many Thanksgiving dinners,everyone around the table shares something they are thankful for.Most of us can do this easily But how can we be thank ful all the time?16
.Focus on the positive and accept the negative(消极)No mitter what happens.it's best to remember the good things.Wher you're around others,try to say what you like about them.By keeping good in mind,your'll give thanks for it even more than beforce.At the same time,you can't ignore bad things that have happered17Before you know it,you are thank ful for negative things too.
18 Thank ful people know thatits much better to giv than to receive. When you' te thank ful, you have the desire to offer acts ofkindness. Some volunteers help people in need on a regular basis, I's a way of showing love, but there are also great rewards for such experiences 19
. Make use of quality time. Qualty time is also a great way to show thanks. By spending time with others, you show them how much they mean to you. But thankfulness is also better realized by spending time alone 20 You can list them out or pray to thank Giod for them.
Find your way to make thanksgiving a part of who you are every day A Ofier acts of kindnes.
B. Take part in various activities.
C Here are some tips for vou to follow.
D. What should we do on Thanksgiving Day?
E You usually learn from bad things and become stronger.
F. Studies show that volunteers are likely to feel more happines
G. When you' re by yourself, you can think through the best parts of your day.
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