

点击加关注👉 高中英语教学交流网 2023-03-09










  1. a(an)

  2. abandon**

  3. ability

  4. able

  5. abnormal**

  6. aboard**

  7. about

  8. above

  9. abroad

  10. absence**

  11. absent

  12. absolutely*

  13. absorb**

  14. abstract**

  15. abuse**

  16. academic**

  17. accent**

  18. accept

  19. access**

  20. accident*

  21. accommodation**

  22. accompany**

  23. according to

  24. account*

  25. accurate**

  26. accuse**

  27. ache*

  28. achieve

  29. achievement*

  30. acid**

  31. acknowledge**

  32. acquire*

  33. across

  34. act

  35. action

  36. active

  37. activity

  38. actor

  39. actress

  40. actually*

  41. AD**

  42. adapt*

  43. adaptation**

  44. add

  45. addict*

  46. addition*

  47. address

  48. adjust**

  49. administration**

  50. admire*

  51. admit*

  52. adopt**

  53. adorable**

  54. adult*

  55. advance*

  56. advantage

  57. adventure*

  58. advertise**

  59. advertisement(ad)**

  60. advice

  61. advise

  62. advocate**

  63. affair*

  64. affect**

  65. afford

  66. afraid

  67. Africa

  68. African

  69. after

  70. afternoon

  71. afterward**

  72. again

  73. against

  74. age

  75. agency**

  76. agenda**

  77. ago  

  78. agree

  79. agreement

  80. agriculture*

  81. ahead*

  82. aid*

  83. aim*

  84. air

  85. airline**

  86. airport

  87. alarm*

  88. alcohol**

  89. alive

  90. all

  91. allow

  92. almost

  93. alone

  94. along

  95. alongside**

  96. aloud

  97. already

  98. also

  99. alternative**

  100. although

  101. altogether**

  102. always  

  103. a.m.*

  104. amateur**

  105. amazing*

  106. ambition**

  107. ambitious**

  108. ambulance**

  109. America

  110. American

  111. among

  112. amount*

  113. amuse**

  114. analyse(analyze)**

  115. ancestor**

  116. ancient

  117. and

  118. anger**

  119. angle**

  120. angry

  121. animal

  122. ankle**

  123. announce*

  124. annoy**

  125. annual*

  126. another

  127. answer

  128. ant

  129. anticipate**

  130. antique**

  131. anxiety**

  132. anxious*

  133. any

  134. anybody

  135. anyhow**

  136. anyone

  137. anything

  138. anyway

  139. anywhere

  140. apart**

  141. apartment*

  142. apologise(apologize)*

  143. apparently**

  144. appeal**

  145. appear

  146. appetite**

  147. applaud**

  148. apple

  149. applicant**

  150. application*

  151. apply*

  152. appointment**

  153. appreciate**

  154. approach*

  155. appropriate**

  156. approve**

  157. April

  158. arch**

  159. architect**

  160. area

  161. argue*

  162. arise**

  163. arm

  164. army

  165. around

  166. arrangement*

  167. arrest**

  168. arrive

  169. arrow**

  170. art

  171. article

  172. artificial**

  173. artist

  174. as

  175. ashamed**

  176. Asia

  177. Asian

  178. aside**

  179. ask

  180. asleep

  181. aspect*

  182. assess**

  183. assign**

  184. assistant**

  185. association**

  186. assume*

  187. assumption**

  188. astonish**

  189. astronaut**

  190. astronomer**

  191. at

  192. athlete*

  193. Atlantic*

  194. atmosphere**

  195. attach*

  196. attack*

  197. attain**

  198. attempt*

  199. attend

  200. attention

  201. attitude*

  202. attract*

  203. audience*

  204. August

  205. aunt

  206. Australia

  207. Australian

  208. author*

  209. authority*

  210. automatic**

  211. autonomous**

  212. autumn

  213. available**

  214. average*

  215. avoid

  216. awake

  217. award*

  218. aware*

  219. away

  220. awesome**

  221. awful

  222. awkward*

  223. baby

  224. back

  225. background

  226. backward**

  227. bacon**

  228. bad

  229. badminton*

  230. bag

  231. bakery**

  232. balance*

  233. ball

  234. ballet*

  235. balloon

  236. bamboo

  237. ban**

  238. banana

  239. band*

  240. bank

  241. bar*

  242. barbecue**

  243. barely**

  244. bark**

  245. barrier**

  246. base*

  247. baseball

  248. basic

  249. basin**

  250. basis*

  251. basket

  252. basketball

  253. bat**

  254. bath**

  255. bathroom

  256. battery*

  257. battle*

  258. bay**

  259. BC**

  260. be (am, are, is )

  261. beach

  262. bean

  263. bean curd (tofu)**

  264. bear

  265. beard**

  266. beat

  267. beautiful

  268. beauty**

  269. because

  270. become

  271. bed

  272. bedroom

  273. beef

  274. beer*

  275. before

  276. begin

  277. behalf**

  278. behave**

  279. behaviour(behavior)*

  280. behind

  281. being**

  282. belief**

  283. believe

  284. bell

  285. belong*

  286. below

  287. belt*

  288. bend**

  289. beneath*

  290. benefit*

  291. beside

  292. best

  293. bet**

  294. better

  295. between

  296. beyond*

  297. big

  298. bike(bicycle)

  299. bill

  300. billion**

  301. biology**

  302. bird

  303. birth

  304. birthday

  305. biscuit

  306. bit

  307. bite*

  308. bitter**

  309. black

  310. blackboard

  311. blame**

  312. blank**

  313. blanket**

  314. bleed**

  315. bless**

  316. blind  

  317. block

  318. blog*

  319. blood

  320. blouse

  321. blow

  322. blue

  323. board

  324. boat

  325. body

  326. boil**

  327. bomb**

  328. bond**

  329. bone*

  330. bonus**

  331. book

  332. boost**

  333. boot*

  334. border**

  335. bored

  336. boring  

  337. born

  338. borrow

  339. boss

  340. botanical**

  341. both

  342. bother**

  343. bottle

  344. bottom

  345. bounce**

  346. bound**

  347. "boundary**. "

  348. "bow**. "

  349. "bowl. "

  350. bowling**

  351. "box. "

  352. boxing*

  353. "boy. "

  354. brain

  355. branch*

  356. brave

  357. bread

  358. break

  359. breakfast

  360. breast**

  361. breath**

  362. breathe*

  363. brick**

  364. bride/bridegroom**

  365. bridge

  366. brief*

  367. bright

  368. brilliant**

  369. bring

  370. Britain

  371. British

  372. broad*

  373. broadcast**

  374. brochure*

  375. brother

  376. brown

  377. brush

  378. budget**

  379. buffet**

  380. build

  381. building

  382. bunch**

  383. burn

  384. bury**

  385. bus

  386. business

  387. busy

  388. but

  389. butcher**

  390. butter*

  391. button*

  392. buy

  393. by

  394. cabbage**

  395. café*

  396. cafeteria**

  397. cage**

  398. cake

  399. calculate**

  400. calendar

  401. call

  402. calligraphy*

  403. calm*

  404. calorie**

  405. camel**

  406. camera

  407. camp

  408. campaign**

  409. campus*

  410. can

  411. Canada

  412. Canadian

  413. canal**

  414. cancel

  415. cancer**

  416. candidate**

  417. candle

  418. candy

  419. canteen**

  420. cap

  421. capable*

  422. capacity**

  423. capital

  424. capsule**

  425. captain**

  426. car

  427. carbon*

  428. card

  429. care

  430. career**

  431. careful

  432. careless

  433. carpet**

  434. carrot

  435. carry

  436. cartoon

  437. carve**

  438. case*

  439. cash*

  440. cast**

  441. castle**

  442. cat

  443. catch

  444. category**

  445. cattle*

  446. cause

  447. cave**

  448. cease**

  449. ceiling**

  450. celebrate

  451. celebrity**

  452. cell**

  453. cent

  454. centimetre(centimeter)**

  455. central

  456. centre(center)

  457. century

  458. certain

  459. certainly

  460. certificate**

  461. chain*

  462. chair

  463. chairman/chairwoman**

  464. chalk

  465. challenge*

  466. champion*

  467. chance

  468. change

  469. channel**

  470. chaos**

  471. chapter*

  472. character*

  473. characteristic**

  474. charge*

  475. charity*

  476. chart**

  477. chat*

  478. cheap

  479. cheat**

  480. check

  481. cheek**

  482. cheer

  483. cheese**

  484. chef**

  485. chemical**

  486. chemist**

  487. chemistry

  488. chess

  489. chest**

  490. chew**

  491. chicken

  492. chief*

  493. child (pl. children)

  494. China

  495. china*

  496. Chinese

  497. chocolate

  498. choice

  499. choke**

  500. choose

  501. chopsticks

  502. chorus**

  503. Christmas

  504. church**

  505. cigarette**

  506. cinema

  507. circle

  508. circuit**

  509. circumstance**

  510. circus**

  511. cite**

  512. citizen**

  513. city

  514. civil**

  515. civilian**

  516. civilisation(civilization)**

  517. claim**

  518. clap*

  519. clarify**

  520. class

  521. classic**

  522. classmate

  523. classroom

  524. clay**

  525. clean  

  526. clear

  527. clerk**

  528. clever

  529. click*

  530. client**

  531. climate*

  532. climb

  533. clinic**

  534. clock

  535. clone**

  536. close

  537. cloth**

  538. clothes

  539. cloud

  540. cloudy

  541. club

  542. clue**

  543. coach

  544. coal

  545. coast

  546. coat

  547. coffee

  548. coin

  549. cold

  550. collapse**

  551. collar**

  552. collect

  553. collection**

  554. college

  555. colour(color)

  556. column**

  557. combine**

  558. come

  559. comedy**

  560. comfort**

  561. comfortable

  562. comic**

  563. comment*

  564. commercial**

  565. commit**

  566. commitment**

  567. committee*

  568. common

  569. communicate

  570. communication

  571. communist**

  572. community

  573. company*

  574. compare

  575. comparison**

  576. compete**

  577. competence**

  578. competition

  579. complain**

  580. complete

  581. complex**

  582. complicated**

  583. component**

  584. compose**

  585. composition**

  586. "comprehension**. "

  587. "comprehensive**. "

  588. comprise**

  589. computer

  590. concentrate*

  591. concept**

  592. concern*

  593. concert

  594. conclude**

  595. conclusion**

  596. concrete**

  597. condition

  598. conduct*

  599. conference*

  600. confidence*

  601. confirm*

  602. conflict**

  603. Confucianism**

  604. Confucius**

  605. confused**

  606. congratulation*

  607. connect

  608. consequence**

  609. conservation**

  610. consider

  611. consist**

  612. consistent**

  613. constant**

  614. constitution**

  615. construction**

  616. consultant**

  617. consultation**

  618. consume**

  619. consumption**

  620. contact*

  621. contain*

  622. contemporary**

  623. content*

  624. contest**

  625. context*

  626. continent*

  627. continue

  628. contract**

  629. contradictory**

  630. contrary**

  631. contrast**

  632. contribution*

  633. control

  634. convenient*

  635. conventional**

  636. conversation

  637. convince**

  638. cook

  639. cookie

  640. cool

  641. cooperate**

  642. copy

  643. core**

  644. corn

  645. corner

  646. corporate**

  647. correct

  648. correspond**

  649. cost

  650. costume**

  651. cottage**

  652. cotton**

  653. cough

  654. could

  655. council**

  656. count

  657. country

  658. countryside

  659. county*

  660. couple

  661. courage

  662. course

  663. court*

  664. cousin

  665. cover

  666. coverage**

  667. cow

  668. crash*

  669. crayon

  670. crazy

  671. cream**

  672. create

  673. creative*

  674. creature**

  675. credit*

  676. crew**

  677. crime**

  678. crisis**

  679. criterion(pl. criteria)**

  680. critical**

  681. criticise(criticize)**

  682. crop**

  683. cross

  684. crowd*

  685. "crucial**. "

  686. cruel**

  687. cry

  688. cuisine**

  689. culture

  690. cup

  691. cupboard**

  692. cure*

  693. curious*

  694. "current*. "

  695. curtain**

  696. custom*

  697. customer

  698. cut

  699. cute

  700. cycle**

  701. daily

  702. damage**

  703. damp**

  704. dance

  705. danger

  706. dangerous

  707. "dare**. "

  708. "dark. "

  709. "data*. "

  710. database**

  711. date

  712. daughter

  713. day

  714. dead

  715. deadline**

  716. deaf

  717. deal  

  718. dear

  719. death*

  720. debate**

  721. debt**

  722. decade**

  723. December

  724. decent**

  725. decide

  726. decision

  727. declare*

  728. decline**

  729. decorate*

  730. decrease**

  731. deep

  732. deer*

  733. defeat**

  734. defence(defense)*

  735. defend**

  736. definitely*

  737. definition**

  738. degree

  739. delay**

  740. delete**

  741. delicate**

  742. delicious

  743. deliver*

  744. demand**

  745. demonstrate**

  746. dentist**

  747. deny**

  748. department**

  749. departure**

  750. depend

  751. depress**

  752. depth**

  753. describe

  754. description*

  755. desert*

  756. deserve**

  757. design*

  758. desire*

  759. desk

  760. desperate**

  761. despite*

  762. dessert**

  763. destination*

  764. destroy*

  765. detail*

  766. detect**

  767. detective**

  768. determine*

  769. develop

  770. development

  771. device**

  772. devote**

  773. diagram*

  774. dialogue(dialog)

  775. diamond**

  776. diary

  777. dictionary

  778. die

  779. diet*

  780. differ**

  781. difference

  782. different

  783. difficult

  784. difficulty

  785. dig

  786. digest**

  787. digital*

  788. dignity**

  789. dimension**

  790. dining

  791. dinner

  792. dinosaur*

  793. direct

  794. direction

  795. director

  796. directory **

  797. dirty

  798. disability**

  799. disabled**

  800. "disappear*. "

  801. disappointed**

  802. disaster*

  803. discipline**

  804. discount**

  805. "discover. "

  806. "discovery. "

  807. "discrimination**. "

  808. discuss

  809. discussion

  810. disease*

  811. dish

  812. disk=disc**

  813. dismiss**

  814. display**

  815. distance*

  816. "distant**. "

  817. "distinct**. "

  818. distinguish**

  819. distribution**

  820. district**

  821. disturb**

  822. dive**

  823. diverse**

  824. divide

  825. division**

  826. dizzy**

  827. do

  828. doctor

  829. document*

  830. dog

  831. dollar

  832. dolphin*

  833. domain**

  834. domestic**

  835. dominate**

  836. donate*

  837. door

  838. dormitory**

  839. double

  840. doubt

  841. down

  842. download*

  843. downstairs*

  844. downtown*

  845. dozen**

  846. draft**

  847. drag**

  848. dragon*

  849. drama**

  850. dramatic**

  851. draw

  852. drawer**

  853. dream

  854. dress

  855. drill**

  856. drink

  857. drive

  858. driver

  859. drop

  860. drought*

  861. drug**

  862. dry

  863. duck

  864. due to*

  865. dumpling

  866. duration**

  867. during

  868. dust**

  869. duty*

  870. dynamic**

  871. dynasty**

  872. each

  873. eager*

  874. eagle**

  875. ear

  876. early

  877. earn*

  878. earth

  879. earthquake

  880. ease**

  881. east

  882. eastern

  883. easy

  884. eat

  885. ecology**

  886. economic**

  887. edge**

  888. editor*

  889. education

  890. educator**

  891. effect*

  892. efficient**

  893. effort*

  894. egg

  895. eight

  896. eighteen

  897. eighth

  898. eighty

  899. either

  900. elder

  901. elderly**

  902. election**

  903. electricity*

  904. electronic

  905. elegant**

  906. element

  907. elephant

  908. eleven

  909. else

  910. elsewhere**

  911. email

  912. embarrassed**

  913. emerge**

  914. emergency**

  915. emotion**

  916. emperor**

  917. emphasis**

  918. employ**

  919. empty

  920. enable*

  921. encounter**

  922. encourage

  923. end  

  924. enemy

  925. energetic*

  926. energy*

  927. engage**

  928. engine*

  929. engineer

  930. England

  931. English

  932. enhance**

  933. enjoy

  934. enormous**

  935. enough

  936. ensure*

  937. enter

  938. enterprise**

  939. entertainment**

  940. enthusiastic**

  941. entirely*

  942. entitle**

  943. entrance*

  944. entry**

  945. envelope*

  946. environment

  947. envy**

  948. episode**

  949. equal*

  950. equator**

  951. equipment*

  952. era**

  953. eraser

  954. error*

  955. erupt*

  956. escape*

  957. especially

  958. essay**

  959. essential**

  960. establish*

  961. estate**

  962. estimate**

  963. Europe

  964. European

  965. evaluate**

  966. eve*

  967. even

  968. evening

  969. event*

  970. eventually*

  971. ever

  972. every

  973. everybody

  974. everyday

  975. everyone

  976. everything

  977. everywhere

  978. evidence**

  979. exactly

  980. exam(=examination)

  981. examine**

  982. example

  983. excellent

  984. except

  985. exceptional**

  986. exchange*

  987. excited

  988. exciting

  989. excuse

  990. exercise

  991. exhibition**

  992. exist*

  993. exit*

  994. expand**

  995. expansion**

  996. expect

  997. expectation**

  998. expense**

  999. expensive

  1000. experience

  1001. experiment*

  1002. expert*

  1003. explain

  1004. explode**

  1005. explore*

  1006. export*

  1007. expose**

  1008. exposure**

  1009. express

  1010. extend**

  1011. extension**

  1012. extent*

  1013. external*

  1014. extinction*

  1015. extra*

  1016. extraordinary**

  1017. extremely*

  1018. eye

  1019. fabric**

  1020. face

  1021. facilitate**

  1022. facility*

  1023. fact  

  1024. factor*

  1025. factory

  1026. fail

  1027. failure*

  1028. fair

  1029. faith**

  1030. fall

  1031. false**

  1032. familiar*

  1033. family

  1034. famous

  1035. fan

  1036. fancy*

  1037. fantastic

  1038. fantasy**

  1039. far

  1040. farm

  1041. farmer

  1042. fashion**

  1043. fast

  1044. fat

  1045. father(dad)

  1046. fault**

  1047. favour(favor)**

  1048. favourite(favorite)

  1049. fear

  1050. feature*

  1051. February

  1052. fee**

  1053. feed

  1054. feel

  1055. feeling

  1056. fellow**

  1057. female*

  1058. fence**

  1059. festival

  1060. fetch**

  1061. fever

  1062. few

  1063. fibre(fiber)**

  1064. fiction**

  1065. field

  1066. fifteen

  1067. fifth  

  1068. fifty

  1069. fight

  1070. figure*

  1071. file*

  1072. fill

  1073. film

  1074. finally

  1075. finance**

  1076. financial**

  1077. find

  1078. finding**

  1079. fine

  1080. finger

  1081. finish

  1082. fire

  1083. firm**

  1084. first

  1085. fish

  1086. "fisherman. "

  1087. fist**

  1088. fit

  1089. five

  1090. fix

  1091. flag

  1092. flash*

  1093. flat*

  1094. "flavour(flavor)**. "

  1095. flexible*

  1096. flight*

  1097. flood*

  1098. floor

  1099. flour**

  1100. flow**

  1101. flower

  1102. flu**

  1103. fluent**

  1104. fly

  1105. focus*

  1106. foggy**

  1107. fold**

  1108. folk**

  1109. follow

  1110. fond**

  1111. food

  1112. foot(pl. feet)

  1113. football

  1114. for

  1115. force

  1116. forecast**

  1117. forehead**

  1118. foreign

  1119. forest

  1120. forever**

  1121. forget

  1122. forgive**

  1123. fork

  1124. form  

  1125. formal*

  1126. format**

  1127. former*

  1128. fortunately*

  1129. forty

  1130. forward*

  1131. found**

  1132. foundation**

  1133. fountain**

  1134. four

  1135. fourteen

  1136. fourth

  1137. fox**

  1138. France

  1139. frank*

  1140. free

  1141. freedom**

  1142. freeze**

  1143. French

  1144. frequency**

  1145. frequently*

  1146. fresh

  1147. friction**

  1148. Friday

  1149. fridge(refrigerator)

  1150. friend

  1151. friendly

  1152. friendship

  1153. frightened*

  1154. frog**

  1155. from

  1156. front

  1157. frontier**

  1158. frost**

  1159. fruit

  1160. fry**

  1161. fuel**

  1162. full

  1163. fun

  1164. function*

  1165. fund*

  1166. fundamental**

  1167. funny

  1168. furniture**

  1169. further*

  1170. future

  1171. gain**

  1172. gallery**

  1173. game

  1174. gap*

  1175. garbage**

  1176. garden

  1177. garlic**

  1178. gas*

  1179. gate

  1180. gather*

  1181. gender**

  1182. general

  1183. generate**

  1184. generation*

  1185. generous*

  1186. genius**

  1187. "gentle**. "

  1188. "gentleman. "

  1189. "genuine**. "

  1190. geography

  1191. geometry**

  1192. German

  1193. Germany

  1194. get

  1195. gift

  1196. gifted**

  1197. giraffe

  1198. girl  

  1199. give

  1200. glad

  1201. glass

  1202. "global*. "

  1203. globe**

  1204. glove

  1205. glue

  1206. go

  1207. goal*

  1208. goat**

  1209. gold

  1210. golf**

  1211. good

  1212. goodbye(bye)

  1213. goods*

  1214. government

  1215. grab**

  1216. grade

  1217. gradually**

  1218. graduate*

  1219. grain**

  1220. grammar

  1221. gramme(gram)**

  1222. grand**

  1223. granddaughter

  1224. grandfather(grandpa)

  1225. grandmother(grandma)

  1226. grandparent

  1227. grandson

  1228. grape

  1229. grasp**

  1230. grass

  1231. grateful**

  1232. gravity**

  1233. great

  1234. greedy**

  1235. green

  1236. greenhouse*

  1237. greet**

  1238. grey

  1239. grocery**

  1240. ground

  1241. group

  1242. grow

  1243. guarantee**

  1244. guard

  1245. guess

  1246. "guest. "

  1247. guidance**

  1248. guide

  1249. "guideline*.  "

  1250. guilty**

  1251. guitar

  1252. gun

  1253. guy*

  1254. gym*

  1255. gymnastics*

  1256. habit

  1257. habitat**

  1258. hair

  1259. half

  1260. hall

  1261. ham**

  1262. hamburger

  1263. hand

  1264. handbag

  1265. handkerchief**

  1266. handle**

  1267. handsome

  1268. handwriting**

  1269. hang

  1270. happen

  1271. happy

  1272. hard

  1273. hardly

  1274. harm**

  1275. harmful

  1276. harmonious**

  1277. harmony**

  1278. harvest**

  1279. hat

  1280. hatch**

  1281. hate

  1282. have(has)

  1283. he

  1284. head

  1285. headache

  1286. health

  1287. healthy

  1288. hear

  1289. heart

  1290. heat

  1291. heavy

  1292. height

  1293. hello

  1294. help

  1295. helpful

  1296. hen

  1297. hence**

  1298. her

  1299. herb**

  1300. here

  1301. hero

  1302. hers

  1303. herself

  1304. hesitate*

  1305. hi

  1306. hide

  1307. high

  1308. highlight**

  1309. hike**

  1310. hill

  1311. him

  1312. himself

  1313. hire**

  1314. his

  1315. historic**

  1316. history  

  1317. hit

  1318. hobby

  1319. hold

  1320. hole

  1321. holiday

  1322. home

  1323. hometown

  1324. homework

  1325. honest

  1326. honey*

  1327. honour(honor)*

  1328. hope

  1329. horrible*

  1330. horse

  1331. hospital

  1332. host*

  1333. hot

  1334. hotel

  1335. hour

  1336. house

  1337. household**

  1338. housework

  1339. housing**

  1340. how

  1341. however

  1342. hug*

  1343. huge

  1344. human

  1345. humble**

  1346. humorous

  1347. hundred

  1348. hungry

  1349. hunt**

  1350. hurricane*

  1351. hurry

  1352. hurt

  1353. husband

  1354. hydrogen**

  1355. I

  1356. ice

  1357. ice-cream

  1358. idea

  1359. ideal**

  1360. identical**

  1361. identify**

  1362. identity*

  1363. idiom**

  1364. if

  1365. ignore*

  1366. ill

  1367. illegal**

  1368. illness

  1369. illustrate*

  1370. image*

  1371. imagine

  1372. immediately*

  1373. impact*

  1374. imply**

  1375. import*

  1376. important

  1377. impossible

  1378. impress**

  1379. impression*

  1380. improve*

  1381. in

  1382. inch**

  1383. incident**

  1384. include

  1385. income*

  1386. increase

  1387. incredible**

  1388. indeed*

  1389. independent*

  1390. India

  1391. Indian

  1392. indicate*

  1393. individual*

  1394. industry

  1395. infection**

  1396. infer**

  1397. influence

  1398. influential**

  1399. information

  1400. initial**

  1401. initiative**

  1402. injury**

  1403. inner**

  1404. innocent**

  1405. innovation**

  1406. input**

  1407. inquire**

  1408. insect*

  1409. inside

  1410. insight**

  1411. insist**

  1412. inspection**

  1413. inspire*

  1414. instance**

  1415. instant**

  1416. instead

  1417. institute**

  1418. institution**

  1419. instruction

  1420. instrument

  1421. insurance*

  1422. integrate**

  1423. integrity**

  1424. intelligent*

  1425. intend*

  1426. intense**

  1427. intention**

  1428. interaction**

  1429. interest

  1430. interesting

  1431. internal**

  1432. international

  1433. Internet

  1434. interpret**

  1435. interrupt**

  1436. intervention**

  1437. interview

  1438. into

  1439. introduce

  1440. introduction

  1441. invent

  1442. invention

  1443. investigate**

  1444. investment**

  1445. invite

  1446. involve**

  1447. iron**

  1448. island

  1449. issue*

  1450. it

  1451. item**  

  1452. its

  1453. itself

  1454. jacket

  1455. jam**

  1456. January

  1457. Japan

  1458. Japanese

  1459. jaw**

  1460. jazz**

  1461. jeans*

  1462. job

  1463. jog*

  1464. join

  1465. joint**

  1466. joke

  1467. journal*

  1468. journalist**

  1469. journey

  1470. joy*

  1471. judge*

  1472. juice

  1473. July

  1474. jump

  1475. June

  1476. jungle**

  1477. junior*

  1478. just

  1479. justice*

  1480. justify**

  1481. kangaroo*

  1482. keep

  1483. kettle**

  1484. key

  1485. keyboard

  1486. kick

  1487. kid

  1488. kill

  1489. kilo(kilogramme,kilogram)

  1490. kilometre(kilometer)

  1491. kind

  1492. kindergarten**

  1493. king

  1494. kingdom**

  1495. kiss

  1496. kit**

  1497. kitchen

  1498. kite

  1499. knee

  1500. knife

  1501. knock

  1502. know

  1503. knowledge

  1504. lab(=laboratory)

  1505. label**

  1506. labour(labor) **

  1507. lack**

  1508. lady

  1509. lake

  1510. lamb**

  1511. lamp**

  1512. land

  1513. landscape**

  1514. language

  1515. lantern*

  1516. lap*

  1517. laptop**

  1518. large

  1519. last

  1520. late

  1521. later

  1522. laugh

  1523. launch**

  1524. law

  1525. lawyer**

  1526. lay

  1527. lazy

  1528. lead

  1529. leader

  1530. leadership**

  1531. leaf

  1532. league**

  1533. leak**

  1534. learn

  1535. least

  1536. leather**

  1537. leave

  1538. lecture*

  1539. left

  1540. leg

  1541. legal**

  1542. leisure**

  1543. lemon

  1544. lend

  1545. length*

  1546. less

  1547. lesson  

  1548. let

  1549. letter

  1550. level

  1551. liberation**

  1552. liberty**

  1553. librarian**

  1554. library

  1555. license**

  1556. lie

  1557. life

  1558. lift

  1559. light

  1560. like

  1561. likely*

  1562. limit**

  1563. limited*

  1564. line

  1565. link**

  1566. lion

  1567. liquid**

  1568. list

  1569. listen

  1570. literally**

  1571. literary**

  1572. literature*

  1573. litter

  1574. little

  1575. live

  1576. lively

  1577. living*

  1578. load**

  1579. loan**

  1580. local

  1581. location*

  1582. lock

  1583. log**

  1584. logical**

  1585. London

  1586. lonely

  1587. long  

  1588. look

  1589. loose**

  1590. lose

  1591. loss*

  1592. lot

  1593. loud

  1594. love

  1595. lovely

  1596. low

  1597. lower**

  1598. luck

  1599. lucky

  1600. lunar**

  1601. lunch

  1602. lung**

  1603. luxury**

  1604. machine

  1605. mad

  1606. madam**

  1607. magazine

  1608. magic

  1609. mail**

  1610. main

  1611. maintain*

  1612. major*

  1613. majority*

  1614. make

  1615. male*

  1616. man(pl. men)

  1617. manage

  1618. manager

  1619. mankind**

  1620. manner**

  1621. many

  1622. map

  1623. marathon**

  1624. March

  1625. march*

  1626. mark

  1627. market

  1628. marriage*

  1629. marry

  1630. mass*

  1631. massive**

  1632. master*

  1633. match

  1634. material*

  1635. maths(mathematics)

  1636. matter

  1637. mature**

  1638. maximum**

  1639. May

  1640. may

  1641. maybe

  1642. me

  1643. meal

  1644. mean

  1645. meaning

  1646. means**

  1647. measure*

  1648. meat

  1649. mechanic**

  1650. medal*

  1651. medical

  1652. medicine

  1653. medium(pl. media)*

  1654. meet

  1655. meeting

  1656. member

  1657. membership**

  1658. memorial**

  1659. memory*

  1660. mental*

  1661. mention

  1662. menu

  1663. mercy**

  1664. merely**

  1665. merry*

  1666. mess

  1667. message

  1668. metal*

  1669. method

  1670. metre(meter)

  1671. microscope**

  1672. middle

  1673. midnight*

  1674. might

  1675. mild**

  1676. mile

  1677. military*

  1678. milk

  1679. millimetre(millimeter)**

  1680. million**

  1681. mind

  1682. mine

  1683. mineral**

  1684. minimum**

  1685. minister**

  1686. minor**

  1687. minority**

  1688. minute

  1689. mirror**

  1690. Miss

  1691. miss

  1692. missile**

  1693. missing

  1694. mission**

  1695. mist**

  1696. mistake

  1697. mix

  1698. mixture**

  1699. mobile phone

  1700. mode**

  1701. model

  1702. modern

  1703. moment*

  1704. Monday

  1705. money

  1706. monitor**

  1707. monkey

  1708. month

  1709. monthly**

  1710. mood**

  1711. moon

  1712. moral**

  1713. more

  1714. moreover*

  1715. morning

  1716. mosquito**

  1717. most

  1718. mostly**

  1719. mother(mum)

  1720. motion**

  1721. motivate**

  1722. motive**

  1723. motor**

  1724. mount**

  1725. mountain

  1726. mouse(pl. mice)

  1727. mouth

  1728. move

  1729. movement*

  1730. movie

  1731. Mr

  1732. Mrs

  1733. Ms

  1734. much

  1735. mud**

  1736. multiple**

  1737. murder**

  1738. muscle**

  1739. museum

  1740. mushroom**

  1741. music

  1742. musician

  1743. must

  1744. my

  1745. myself

  1746. nail**

  1747. name

  1748. narrow*

  1749. nation*

  1750. national

  1751. nationality*

  1752. native**

  1753. natural

  1754. nature

  1755. navy**

  1756. near

  1757. nearby*

  1758. nearly

  1759. neat*

  1760. necessary

  1761. neck

  1762. need

  1763. needle**

  1764. negative*

  1765. negotiate**

  1766. neighbour(neighbor)

  1767. neighbourhood(neighborhood)**

  1768. neither  

  1769. nephew**

  1770. nervous

  1771. nest**

  1772. net**

  1773. network**

  1774. never

  1775. nevertheless**

  1776. new

  1777. news

  1778. newspaper

  1779. next

  1780. nice

  1781. niece**

  1782. night

  1783. nine

  1784. nineteen

  1785. ninety

  1786. ninth

  1787. no

  1788. noble**

  1789. nobody

  1790. nod

  1791. noise

  1792. noisy

  1793. none

  1794. noodle

  1795. noon

  1796. nor

  1797. normal*

  1798. north

  1799. northern

  1800. nose

  1801. not

  1802. note

  1803. notebook

  1804. nothing

  1805. notice

  1806. novel**

  1807. novelist**

  1808. November

  1809. now

  1810. nowadays*

  1811. nowhere*

  1812. nuclear**

  1813. number

  1814. nurse

  1815. nut*

  1816. nutrition**

  1817. object

  1818. objective**

  1819. observe*

  1820. obtain**

  1821. obviously*

  1822. occasion*

  1823. occupation**

  1824. occupy**

  1825. occur*

  1826. ocean*

  1827. o'clock

  1828. October  

  1829. odd*

  1830. of

  1831. off

  1832. offer

  1833. office

  1834. officer

  1835. official*

  1836. often

  1837. oil

  1838. OK

  1839. old

  1840. Olympics

  1841. on

  1842. once

  1843. one

  1844. onion**

  1845. online

  1846. only

  1847. onto*

  1848. open

  1849. opera*

  1850. operation*

  1851. operator**

  1852. opinion*

  1853. opponent**

  1854. opportunity*

  1855. oppose**

  1856. opposite

  1857. optimistic**

  1858. "option*.  "

  1859. or

  1860. orange

  1861. orbit**

  1862. order

  1863. ordinary*

  1864. organ**

  1865. organic**

  1866. organisation(organization)*

  1867. origin**

  1868. original*

  1869. other

  1870. otherwise*

  1871. ought to*

  1872. our

  1873. ours

  1874. ourselves

  1875. out

  1876. outcome**

  1877. outgoing**

  1878. outline**

  1879. output**

  1880. outside

  1881. outstanding**

  1882. over  

  1883. overall**

  1884. overcome**

  1885. overseas*

  1886. owe**

  1887. own

  1888. oxygen*

  1889. pace**

  1890. Pacific

  1891. pack**

  1892. package*

  1893. page  

  1894. pain

  1895. paint  

  1896. pair

  1897. palace

  1898. pale

  1899. pan**

  1900. pancake

  1901. panda

  1902. panel**

  1903. panic**

  1904. paper

  1905. paragraph**

  1906. parcel**

  1907. pardon

  1908. parent

  1909. park

  1910. parking**

  1911. part

  1912. participate**

  1913. particular*

  1914. partner*

  1915. party

  1916. pass

  1917. passage

  1918. passenger

  1919. passion**

  1920. passive*

  1921. passport

  1922. past

  1923. patent**

  1924. path*

  1925. patience**

  1926. patient

  1927. pattern*

  1928. pay

  1929. PE(=physical education)

  1930. peace

  1931. peak**

  1932. pear

  1933. pen

  1934. pencil

  1935. people

  1936. pepper**

  1937. per*

  1938. perceive**

  1939. percent*

  1940. percentage*

  1941. perfect

  1942. performance*

  1943. perhaps

  1944. period

  1945. permanent**

  1946. permit*

  1947. person

  1948. personal

  1949. personality*

  1950. persuade**

  1951. pessimistic**

  1952. pet

  1953. petrol*  

  1954. phase**

  1955. phenomenon**

  1956. philosophy**

  1957. phone

  1958. photo(photograph)

  1959. photographer**

  1960. phrase**

  1961. physician**

  1962. physics

  1963. piano*

  1964. pick

  1965. picnic

  1966. picture

  1967. pie

  1968. piece

  1969. pig

  1970. pill**

  1971. pilot

  1972. pink

  1973. pioneer

  1974. pipe**

  1975. pity

  1976. place

  1977. plain**

  1978. plan

  1979. plane

  1980. planet

  1981. plant

  1982. plastic**

  1983. plate*

  1984. platform**

  1985. play  

  1986. player

  1987. playground

  1988. pleasant**

  1989. please

  1990. pleasure

  1991. plenty

  1992. plot**

  1993. plug**

  1994. plus*

  1995. p.m.*

  1996. pocket

  1997. poem

  1998. "poet**. "

  1999. "poetry. *"

  2000. point

  2001. poison*

  2002. polar**

  2003. pole*

  2004. police

  2005. policeman/policewoman

  2006. policy*

  2007. polish**

  2008. polite

  2009. political**

  2010. politician**

  2011. politics**

  2012. pollute

  2013. pollution

  2014. pond**

  2015. pool

  2016. poor

  2017. popular(pop)

  2018. population

  2019. pork**

  2020. port*

  2021. pose**

  2022. position*

  2023. positive*

  2024. possession**

  2025. possible

  2026. post

  2027. postcard

  2028. poster*

  2029. postman

  2030. postpone*

  2031. pot**

  2032. potato

  2033. potential**

  2034. pound

  2035. pour**

  2036. power*

  2037. practical**

  2038. practice

  2039. praise

  2040. pray**

  2041. precious**

  2042. precisely**

  2043. predict**

  2044. prefer*

  2045. preference**

  2046. prejudice**

  2047. premier**

  2048. prepare

  2049. present

  2050. presentation**

  2051. preserve**

  2052. president

  2053. press*

  2054. pressure*

  2055. pretend**

  2056. pretty

  2057. prevent*

  2058. previous*

  2059. price

  2060. pride

  2061. primary

  2062. primitive**

  2063. principle*

  2064. print

  2065. prior**

  2066. priority**

  2067. prison**

  2068. private

  2069. prize

  2070. probably

  2071. problem

  2072. procedure*

  2073. proceed**

  2074. process*

  2075. produce

  2076. product

  2077. profession**

  2078. professional*

  2079. professor**

  2080. profile**

  2081. profit*

  2082. programme(program)

  2083. progress

  2084. prohibit**

  2085. project

  2086. promise

  2087. promote**

  2088. pronounce

  2089. pronunciation

  2090. proof**

  2091. proper

  2092. property**

  2093. proposal*

  2094. prospect**

  2095. protect

  2096. protein**

  2097. protest*

  2098. proud

  2099. prove*

  2100. provide

  2101. province*

  2102. psychology**

  2103. pub**

  2104. public

  2105. publish*

  2106. pudding*

  2107. pull

  2108. punish

  2109. pupil

  2110. "purchase**. "

  2111. "pure**. "

  2112. purple

  2113. purpose

  2114. purse**

  2115. pursue**

  2116. push

  2117. put

  2118. qualification**

  2119. qualify**

  2120. quality*

  2121. quantity**

  2122. quarter

  2123. queen

  2124. question

  2125. quick

  2126. quiet  

  2127. quit*  

  2128. quite

  2129. quote**

  2130. rabbit

  2131. race

  2132. racial**

  2133. radiation**

  2134. radio

  2135. radium**

  2136. railway

  2137. rain

  2138. rainbow**

  2139. rainy

  2140. raise

  2141. random**

  2142. range*

  2143. rank**

  2144. rapid

  2145. rare**

  2146. rate*

  2147. rather*

  2148. rating**

  2149. raw**

  2150. ray**

  2151. "reach. "

  2152. "react**. "

  2153. "reaction*. "

  2154. read

  2155. ready

  2156. real

  2157. realise (realize)

  2158. realistic**

  2159. reality**

  2160. really

  2161. reason

  2162. recall**

  2163. receipt**

  2164. receive

  2165. recently

  2166. receptionist**

  2167. recipe**

  2168. recite**

  2169. "recognise(recognize)*. "

  2170. recognition**

  2171. recommend*

  2172. record

  2173. recording**

  2174. recover*

  2175. recreation**

  2176. recycle**

  2177. red

  2178. reduce*

  2179. refer*

  2180. reference**

  2181. reflect*

  2182. reform**

  2183. refresh**

  2184. refuse

  2185. regard*

  2186. regardless**

  2187. region*

  2188. register**  

  2189. regret

  2190. regular*

  2191. reject**

  2192. relate**

  2193. relationship

  2194. relative

  2195. relax

  2196. relay**

  2197. release**

  2198. relevant**

  2199. reliable**

  2200. relief*

  2201. rely**

  2202. remain

  2203. remarkable**

  2204. remember

  2205. remind*

  2206. remote**

  2207. remove*

  2208. rent**

  2209. repair

  2210. repeat

  2211. replace*

  2212. reply

  2213. report

  2214. represent*

  2215. representative**

  2216. republic*

  2217. reputation**

  2218. request*

  2219. require

  2220. rescue**

  2221. research

  2222. reserve**

  2223. resident**

  2224. resign**

  2225. resistance**

  2226. resolution**

  2227. resolve**

  2228. resource*

  2229. respect*

  2230. respective**

  2231. respond*

  2232. "response*. "

  2233. responsibility**

  2234. responsible*

  2235. rest

  2236. restaurant

  2237. restore**

  2238. restrict**

  2239. result

  2240. retire*

  2241. return

  2242. reveal*

  2243. review

  2244. revise*

  2245. reward**

  2246. rhyme**

  2247. rice

  2248. rich

  2249. riddle**

  2250. ride

  2251. right

  2252. rigid**

  2253. ring

  2254. ripe**

  2255. rise

  2256. risk

  2257. river

  2258. road

  2259. roast**

  2260. robot

  2261. rock

  2262. rocket**

  2263. role

  2264. roll*

  2265. romantic*

  2266. roof**

  2267. room

  2268. root**

  2269. rope

  2270. rose

  2271. round

  2272. route**

  2273. routine**

  2274. row

  2275. "royal**. "

  2276. "rubber**. "

  2277. rubbish

  2278. rude**

  2279. rugby**

  2280. ruin**

  2281. rule

  2282. ruler

  2283. run

  2284. rural**

  2285. rush

  2286. Russia

  2287. Russian

  2288. sad

  2289. safe

  2290. safety

  2291. sail**

  2292. salad

  2293. salary**

  2294. sale

  2295. salesman/saleswoman**

  2296. salt

  2297. salty**

  2298. same

  2299. sample**

  2300. sand

  2301. sandwich

  2302. satellite**

  2303. satisfaction*

  2304. satisfy

  2305. Saturday

  2306. saucer**

  2307. sausage**

  2308. save

  2309. saving**

  2310. say

  2311. saying**

  2312. scare*

  2313. scarf

  2314. scene*

  2315. schedule*

  2316. scholarship**

  2317. school

  2318. schoolbag

  2319. science

  2320. scientific**

  2321. scientist

  2322. scissors

  2323. score

  2324. scream**

  2325. screen

  2326. sculpture**

  2327. sea

  2328. search

  2329. season

  2330. seat

  2331. second

  2332. secondary**

  2333. secret

  2334. secretary

  2335. section*

  2336. secure**

  2337. security**

  2338. see

  2339. seed**

  2340. seek*

  2341. seem

  2342. seize**

  2343. seldom

  2344. select*

  2345. sell

  2346. send

  2347. senior*

  2348. sense

  2349. sensitive**

  2350. sentence

  2351. separate

  2352. September

  2353. series*

  2354. serious

  2355. servant**

  2356. serve

  2357. service

  2358. session**

  2359. set

  2360. setting**

  2361. settle*

  2362. seven

  2363. seventeen

  2364. seventh

  2365. seventy

  2366. several

  2367. severe**

  2368. sew**

  2369. sex*

  2370. shade**

  2371. shadow**

  2372. shake

  2373. shall

  2374. shallow*

  2375. shame

  2376. shape

  2377. share

  2378. shark**

  2379. sharp*

  2380. shave**

  2381. she

  2382. sheep

  2383. sheet*

  2384. shelf**

  2385. shelter**

  2386. shift**

  2387. shine

  2388. ship

  2389. shirt

  2390. shock*

  2391. shoe

  2392. shoot*

  2393. shop

  2394. shore**

  2395. short

  2396. shortage**

  2397. shorts

  2398. should

  2399. shoulder

  2400. shout

  2401. show

  2402. shower

  2403. shut

  2404. shy

  2405. sick

  2406. side

  2407. sight*

  2408. sign

  2409. signal*

  2410. significant*

  2411. silence

  2412. silent

  2413. silk

  2414. silly

  2415. silver

  2416. similar

  2417. simple

  2418. since

  2419. sincerely**

  2420. sing

  2421. single

  2422. sink**

  2423. sir

  2424. sister

  2425. sit

  2426. site*

  2427. situation

  2428. six

  2429. sixteen

  2430. sixth

  2431. sixty

  2432. size

  2433. skate

  2434. skateboard**

  2435. ski*

  2436. skill

  2437. skin*

  2438. skip**

  2439. skirt

  2440. sky

  2441. sleep

  2442. sleepy

  2443. slice**

  2444. slide**

  2445. slightly*

  2446. slim*

  2447. slip**

  2448. slow

  2449. small

  2450. smart

  2451. smell

  2452. smile

  2453. smog*

  2454. smoke

  2455. smooth

  2456. snack*

  2457. snake

  2458. sneeze**

  2459. snow

  2460. snowy  

  2461. so

  2462. soccer*

  2463. social

  2464. socialist**

  2465. society

  2466. sock

  2467. sofa

  2468. soft

  2469. software*

  2470. soil**

  2471. solar**

  2472. soldier**

  2473. solid**

  2474. solution*

  2475. solve

  2476. some

  2477. somebody

  2478. somehow*

  2479. someone

  2480. something

  2481. sometimes

  2482. somewhat**

  2483. somewhere

  2484. son

  2485. song

  2486. soon

  2487. sorrow**

  2488. sorry

  2489. sort*

  2490. soul**

  2491. sound

  2492. soup

  2493. sour**

  2494. source*

  2495. south

  2496. southern

  2497. sow**

  2498. space

  2499. spare

  2500. speak

  2501. speaker

  2502. special

  2503. specialist**

  2504. species**

  2505. specific*

  2506. speech

  2507. speed

  2508. spell  

  2509. spend

  2510. spirit

  2511. splendid**

  2512. sponsor**

  2513. spoon

  2514. sport

  2515. spot**

  2516. spread

  2517. spring

  2518. spy**

  2519. square

  2520. stability**

  2521. stadium**

  2522. staff*

  2523. stage*

  2524. stair*

  2525. stamp

  2526. stand

  2527. standard

  2528. star

  2529. stare**

  2530. start

  2531. starve**

  2532. state

  2533. station

  2534. statistic**

  2535. statue**

  2536. stay

  2537. steak**

  2538. steal

  2539. steam**

  2540. steel**

  2541. step

  2542. stick

  2543. still

  2544. stimulate**

  2545. stomach

  2546. stomachache

  2547. stone

  2548. stop

  2549. store

  2550. storm

  2551. story

  2552. straight

  2553. straightforward**

  2554. strait**

  2555. strange

  2556. stranger

  2557. strategy*

  2558. strawberry

  2559. stream**

  2560. street

  2561. strength*

  2562. strengthen**

  2563. stress*

  2564. stretch**

  2565. strict

  2566. strike**

  2567. string**

  2568. strong

  2569. structure**

  2570. struggle*

  2571. student

  2572. studio*

  2573. study

  2574. stuff*

  2575. stupid

  2576. style*

  2577. subject

  2578. subjective**

  2579. submit**

  2580. subscribe**

  2581. subsequent**

  2582. substance**

  2583. substantial**

  2584. suburb**

  2585. subway*

  2586. succeed

  2587. success

  2588. successful

  2589. such

  2590. sudden

  2591. suffer*

  2592. sufficient*

  2593. sugar

  2594. suggest

  2595. suggestion

  2596. suit**

  2597. suitable**

  2598. sum**

  2599. summary*

  2600. summer

  2601. sun

  2602. Sunday

  2603. sunny

  2604. super*

  2605. superb**

  2606. superior**

  2607. supermarket

  2608. supply*

  2609. support

  2610. suppose

  2611. sure

  2612. surf*

  2613. surface

  2614. surgeon**

  2615. surgery**

  2616. surprise

  2617. surround*

  2618. surrounding**

  2619. survey

  2620. survive*

  2621. suspect**

  2622. suspend**

  2623. sustain**

  2624. sweat*

  2625. sweater

  2626. "sweep**. "

  2627. "sweet. "

  2628. "swim. "

  2629. "swimming. "

  2630. swing**

  2631. switch**

  2632. symbol**

  2633. sympathy**

  2634. symphony**

  2635. system*

  2636. table

  2637. tablet**

  2638. tackle**

  2639. tail

  2640. tailor**

  2641. take

  2642. tale**

  2643. talent*

  2644. talk

  2645. tall

  2646. tank**

  2647. tape

  2648. target*

  2649. task

  2650. taste

  2651. tax**

  2652. taxi  

  2653. tea

  2654. teach

  2655. teacher

  2656. team

  2657. teapot**

  2658. tear*

  2659. technique*

  2660. technology

  2661. teenager*

  2662. telephone

  2663. telescope**

  2664. television(TV)

  2665. tell

  2666. temperature

  2667. temple**

  2668. temporary**

  2669. ten

  2670. "tend*. "

  2671. "tendency**. "

  2672. "tennis. "

  2673. "tension**. "

  2674. tenth

  2675. term

  2676. terrible

  2677. territory**

  2678. test

  2679. text

  2680. than

  2681. thank

  2682. that  

  2683. the

  2684. theatre

  2685. theft**

  2686. their

  2687. them

  2688. theme*

  2689. themselves

  2690. then

  2691. theory**

  2692. there

  2693. therefore*

  2694. these

  2695. they

  2696. thick

  2697. thin

  2698. thing

  2699. think

  2700. thinking**

  2701. third

  2702. thirsty

  2703. thirteen

  2704. thirty

  2705. this

  2706. thorough**

  2707. those

  2708. though

  2709. thought

  2710. thousand

  2711. threat**

  2712. threaten**

  2713. three

  2714. through

  2715. throughout*

  2716. throw

  2717. thunder**

  2718. Thursday

  2719. thus*

  2720. ticket

  2721. tidy

  2722. tie

  2723. tiger

  2724. tight**

  2725. time

  2726. tiny

  2727. tip*

  2728. tired

  2729. tissue*

  2730. title*

  2731. to

  2732. toast**

  2733. tobacco**

  2734. today

  2735. together

  2736. toilet

  2737. tolerate**

  2738. tomato

  2739. tomorrow

  2740. ton

  2741. tone**

  2742. tonight

  2743. too

  2744. tool

  2745. tooth(pl. teeth)

  2746. toothache

  2747. top

  2748. topic*

  2749. total

  2750. touch

  2751. tough*

  2752. tour

  2753. tourist

  2754. tournament**

  2755. "toward(s). "

  2756. "towel**. "

  2757. tower

  2758. town

  2759. toy

  2760. track*

  2761. trade

  2762. tradition*

  2763. traditional

  2764. traffic

  2765. train

  2766. training

  2767. transform**

  2768. translate

  2769. transport*

  2770. trap**

  2771. travel

  2772. treasure

  2773. treat

  2774. treatment*

  2775. tree

  2776. trend**

  2777. trial**

  2778. trick**

  2779. trip

  2780. trouble

  2781. trousers

  2782. truck

  2783. true

  2784. trunk**

  2785. trust

  2786. truth  

  2787. try

  2788. T-shirt

  2789. tube**

  2790. Tuesday

  2791. tune**

  2792. turkey*

  2793. turn

  2794. twelfth

  2795. twelve

  2796. twentieth

  2797. twenty

  2798. twice

  2799. "twin**. "

  2800. "two. "

  2801. type*

  2802. typhoon**

  2803. typical*

  2804. ugly

  2805. UK

  2806. ultimately**

  2807. umbrella

  2808. uncle

  2809. under

  2810. underground

  2811. understand

  2812. uniform**

  2813. unique*

  2814. unit

  2815. universe**

  2816. university

  2817. unless

  2818. until(till)

  2819. unusual**

  2820. up

  2821. update*

  2822. upon

  2823. upper*

  2824. upset**

  2825. urban**

  2826. urge**

  2827. urgent**

  2828. "US. "

  2829. "us. "

  2830. use

  2831. used

  2832. useful

  2833. usual

  2834. usually

  2835. vacation

  2836. valley**

  2837. valuable

  2838. value

  2839. variation**

  2840. variety*

  2841. various*

  2842. vary**

  2843. vase**

  2844. vast**

  2845. vegetable

  2846. vehicle*

  2847. venue**

  2848. version**

  2849. very

  2850. victim**

  2851. victory

  2852. video

  2853. view*

  2854. village

  2855. violence**

  2856. violin

  2857. virtual**

  2858. virtue**

  2859. virus**

  2860. "visible**. "

  2861. "vision**. "

  2862. visit

  2863. visitor

  2864. visual**

  2865. vital**

  2866. vivid**

  2867. vocabulary**

  2868. voice

  2869. volcano*

  2870. volleyball

  2871. volume**

  2872. volunteer*

  2873. vote**

  2874. wage**

  2875. waist**

  2876. wait

  2877. wake

  2878. walk

  2879. wall

  2880. wallet

  2881. wander**

  2882. want

  2883. war

  2884. ward**

  2885. warm

  2886. warn

  2887. warning**

  2888. wash

  2889. washroom**

  2890. waste

  2891. watch

  2892. water

  2893. watermelon

  2894. wave**

  2895. way

  2896. we

  2897. weak

  2898. wealth

  2899. weapon**

  2900. wear

  2901. weather

  2902. website

  2903. "wedding*. "

  2904. "Wednesday. "

  2905. weed**

  2906. week

  2907. weekday

  2908. weekend

  2909. weekly**

  2910. weep**

  2911. weigh

  2912. weight

  2913. welcome

  2914. welfare**

  2915. well

  2916. west

  2917. western

  2918. wet

  2919. whale*

  2920. what

  2921. whatever

  2922. wheat**

  2923. wheel

  2924. when

  2925. whenever

  2926. where

  2927. whether

  2928. which

  2929. while

  2930. whisper**

  2931. white  

  2932. who

  2933. whole

  2934. whom

  2935. whose

  2936. why

  2937. wide

  2938. widespread**

  2939. wife

  2940. Wi-Fi*

  2941. wild

  2942. will

  2943. win

  2944. wind

  2945. window

  2946. windy

  2947. wine*

  2948. "wing. . "

  2949. winner

  2950. winter

  2951. wire**

  2952. wisdom**

  2953. wise

  2954. wish

  2955. with

  2956. withdraw**

  2957. within*

  2958. without

  2959. witness**

  2960. woman(pl. women)

  2961. wonder

  2962. wonderful

  2963. wood

  2964. wool**

  2965. word

  2966. work

  2967. worker

  2968. world

  2969. worry

  2970. worse

  2971. worst

  2972. worth

  2973. worthwhile**

  2974. worthy**

  2975. would

  2976. wound

  2977. wrap**

  2978. wrestle**

  2979. wrinkle**

  2980. wrist**

  2981. write

  2982. writer

  2983. wrong

  2984. X-ray

  2985. yard

  2986. year

  2987. yellow

  2988. yes

  2989. yesterday

  2990. yet

  2991. yoghurt*

  2992. you

  2993. young

  2994. your

  2995. yours

  2996. yourself

  2997. youth*

  2998. zero

  2999. zone**

  3000. zoo





[词汇相关] 近五年高考必考的核心形容词和副词(含音标和音频)





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