
[双语阅读] 父亲的金星 My Father’s Evening Star(音频+词汇注释)

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frustration [frʌˈstreɪʃn] n.,挫折;失败;挫败


departure [dɪˈpɑːtʃə] n.,离开;出发;违背;起程


fatal [ˈfeɪtl] adj.,致命的;毁灭性的;重大的;命中注定的


glory [ˈɡlɔːri] n.,荣誉;光荣;壮丽;壮观;赞颂,vi.,自豪;骄傲;得意


grace [ɡreɪs] n.,优雅;修养;优美;慈悲;魅力;宽限期;恩惠,vt.,使优美;使……增光;点缀;给……荣誉


puzzled [ˈpʌzld] vt.,使迷惑;使为难;(puzzle的过去式和过去分词),vi.,迷惑,adj.,困惑的;茫然的


manifested [ˈmænɪfestɪd] adj.,已显示的;证明的,vt.,显示;证明;表明;(manifest的过去式和过去分词)


creeds [kriːdz] n.,信条;教义;主义;纲领;宗派;(creed的复数)


secular [ˈsekjələ] adj.,现世的;不朽的;世俗的;长期的,n.,牧师;俗人;〈美〉(黑人中间流行的)俗歌


controversies [ˈkɒntrəvɜːsiz] n.(公开的)争论,辩论,论战;


tyranny [ˈtɪrəni] n.,专横;暴虐;暴政;暴行


enslave [ɪnˈsleɪv] vt.,征服;束缚;奴役


epidemics [ˌepɪˈdemɪks] n.,流行病;(epidemic的复数)


reliant [rɪˈlaɪənt] adj.,依赖的;信赖的;依靠的;信任的


wondrous [ˈwʌndrəs] adj.,非常的;令人惊奇的;奇妙的;奇异的


thy [ðaɪ] pron.,你的


thee [ðiː] pron.,你(同you)


graft [ɡrɑːft] v.,移植;嫁接;贪污,n.,嫁接;移植;贪污;渎职


corruption [kəˈrʌpʃn] n.,腐败;贪污;堕落;贿赂


unorthodox [ʌnˈɔːθədɒks] adj.,非正统的;异端的;非传统的;异教的


disloyal [dɪsˈlɔɪ(ə)l] adj.,不忠的;不忠诚的


identified [aɪˈdentɪfaɪd] v.,辨认;(identify的过去式和过去分词),adj.,经鉴定的;被识别的


material [məˈtɪəriəl] n.,物质;材料;原料;素材,adj.,物质的;重要的;实质性的;肉体的


drifting [ˈdrɪftɪŋ] v.,漂泊;漂移;漂流;被吹积;随便慢慢走动;任其自然地(或不知不觉地)进入;离题;分散;(drift的现在分词)


arrogant [ˈærəɡənt] adj.,傲慢的;自大的


aspirations [ˌæspəˈreɪʃ(ə)nz] n.,愿望;抱负;渴望;(aspiration的复数)


dedicates ['dedɪkeɪts] vt.,献身;以…供奉;致力;题献


possessions [pəˈzeʃənz] n.,拥有;财产;所有;所有物;领地;(possession的复数)


destiny [ˈdestəni] n.,命运;天命;命运的三女神;天数


critical [ˈkrɪtɪkl] adj.,批评的;决定性的;爱挑剔的;临界的


polio [ˈpəʊliəʊ] n.,小儿麻痹症;脊髓灰质炎


bench [bentʃ] n.,长凳;工作台;法官,vt.,为…设置条凳;给…以席位


controversy [ˈkɒntrəvɜːsi] n.,论战;争议;争论


impeach [ɪmˈpiːtʃ] vt.,弹劾;怀疑;控告;归咎

My Father’s Evening Star


by William O. Douglas


During moments of sadness or frustration, I often think of a family scene years ago in the town of Yakima, Washington. I was about seven or eight years old at the time. Father had died a few years earlier. Mother was sitting in the living room talking to me, telling me what a wonderful man Father was.


She told me of his last illness and death. She told me of his departure from Cleveland, Washington, to Portland, Oregon, for what proved to be a fatal operation. His last words to her were these: “If I die it will be glory, if I live it will be grace.”


I remember how those words puzzled me. I could not understand why it would be glory to die. It would be glory to live, that I could understand. But why it would be glory to die was something I did not understand until later.


Then one day in a moment of great crisis I came to understand the words of my father. “If I die it will be glory, if I live it will be grace.” That was his evening star. The faith in a power greater than man. That was the faith of our fathers.


A belief in a God who controlled man in the universe, that manifested itself in different ways to different people. It was written by scholars and learned men in dozens of different creeds. But riding high above all secularcontroversies was a faith in One who was the Creator, the Giver of Life, the Omnipotent.


Man’s age-long effort has been to be free. Throughout time he has struggled against some form of tyranny that would enslave his mind or his body. So far in this century, three epidemics of it have been let loose in the world.


We can keep our freedom through the increasing crisis of history only if we are self-reliant enough to be free—dollars, guns, and all the wondrous products of science and the machine will not be enough. “This night thy soul shall be required of thee.”


These days I see graft and corruption reach high into government. These days I see people afraid to speak their minds because someone will think they are unorthodox and therefore disloyal.


These days I see America identified more and more with material things, less and less with spiritual standards.


These days I see America drifting from the Christian faith, acting abroad as an arrogant, selfish, greedy nation, interested only in guns and dollars, not in people and their hopes and aspirations.


These days the words of my father come back to me more and more. We need his faith, the faith of our fathers. We need a faith that dedicates us to something bigger and more important than ourselves or our possessions. Only if we have that faith will we be able to guide the destiny of nations, in this the most critical period of world history.



William O. Douglas was an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court from 1939 to 1975. As a boy, he hiked the Cascade Mountains near his home in Washington to strengthen legs weakened by polio. His prolific career on the bench was marked by controversy and two attempts to impeach him.



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