

点击加关注👉 高中英语教学交流网 2023-03-09

一、单句语法填空(共40小题; 每小题1分, 满分40分)

1._____________(gradual), voice manipulation technologies may weaken the fact that a lot of business is still done over the phone.

2. We provide all types of information, with an ____________ (emphasize) on legal advice.

3. Nobody knew the reason why he was absent ___________ the party.

4. I found this treatment very ___________(benefit) to my health.

5. They warned him __________ the dangers of sailing alone again and again but he wouldn’t listen.

6. He found ___________ difficult to stop smoking.

7. On ___________(see) this, the boys would laugh loudly and clap.

8. I believe he has the potential ___________(make) a good dancer.

9. Next Friday I will go to another concert. They ______________ (play) something by Mozart at that time.  

10. I wonder who make this decision and how they come to their ____________ (conclude).

11. The number of deer which live in the zoo __________ (be) going up.

12. She insisted that we _____________(turn) in our homework on time.

13. It is said that Beijing Roast Duck is cleaned and ____________(boil) in water at about 90 ℃ to ensure the meat doesn’t get dry.

14. The reality is that her passion for the art gradually outgrew her ___________ (academy) interests.

15. These markers have much in common, but each is also _____________ (remarkable) different.

16. The children, all of ________ had played the whole day long, were worn out. 

17. Nowadays, it is common to see people staring at their mobile phones instead of reading a real book, about _________ many experts are worried. 

18. The number of smokers, _________ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year. 

19. My eldest son, ___________ work takes him all over the world, is in New York at the moment. 

20. The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere, _________ his employees enjoy their work. 

21. I’m afraid I won’t be available. I _______________ (see) a friend off at 4 o’clock this afternoon.  

22. Yuan Longping, a ____________ (commit) and patient agricultural scientist, passed away on May 22nd, 2021 and the whole nation mourned his great loss.

23. Tom looked at me __________ (curious), he wanted to know everything.

24. There are __________ (variety) kinds of plants in the world.

25. He couldn't afford the fare, so he had to earn his passage __________ doing jobs on the ship.

26. Whether it will do us harm or good still __________ (remain) to be seen.

27. She is always complaining, for she is not content __________ what she has had.

28. When the day breaks, the soldiers found themselves ___________(surround) by their enemies.

29. -- Must I finish my paper before 4 o’clock?

   -- No, you __________. You may hand it in tomorrow.

30.Van Gogh was __________ unique painter for his painting style was quite different from others.

31. Is this factory the __________ some foreign friends visited last Friday? 

32. The discovery of new evidence led to the thief _____________ (catch).

33. Circumstances changed in 1933, ________ Hitler came to power in Germany.

34. Dr Yuan awoke from his dream with the hope of ___________ (produce) a kind of super rice.

35. The place _________ interested me most was the Children's Palace.

36. The number of people _________ (learn) English in China is creasing rapidly. 

37. He walked around stiffly carrying a ___________ (walk) stick. 

38. I have bought two ballpens, ________ of which write well.

39. _________________ (consequence), many college graduates were forced to move elsewhere in order to find jobs. 

40. ____________ (close) the windows and the door, the students left the classroom. 


1. On the Internet, we can listen to music and ________ ________ ________ ________ (保持联系) our families and friends.

__________ __________ _________ (因为…而道歉) leaving so early last night, I brought you a little gift. 

________ _________ _________(从这个意义上来说), I am more in awe of Confucius than ever before.

I am one in a million. _______ ________ _________(换句话说),there are not many people like me.

Apparently, the book written by him is impressed by many readers. (改写) 

→______ _______ ________ _______ the book written by him is impressed by many readers. 

Tom isn’t able to come to the party because he is exposed to the COVID-19. Everyone knows the reason. (同义改写)

→Everyone knows the reason _______ Tom isn’t able to come to the party ________ _______ he is exposed to the COVID-19.

You seem to have forgotten your mobile phone. (同义改写)

→________ _________ ________ you have forgotten your mobile phone.

My computer needs mending. (同义改写)

→I will ________ my computer _________. 

She was overweight and this made her unhappy. (同义改写)

→She was overweight , ________ made her unhappy.

We shouldn’t do anything against the law under any circumstances.(改为倒装句)

Under ________ circumstances ________ ________ _______ anything against the law.

I am not able to watch the programme. I am doing my homework. (用将来进行时改写句子)


They hadn't finished the project until they returned home. (改为强调句)


13.Jack speaks to his mother in that way! Nobody likes it.(合成限制性定语句) ________________________________________________________________

14. He told us that his confidence and courage helped him succeed.(强调划线部分)

He told us it __________________________________. 

That lady is our new English teacher. Lily spoke to her just now. (合并成一个非限制性定语从句) ___________________________________

The painting which was stolen two days ago has been found by the police. (改为分词作定语)


17.Those who read English aloud every morning will succeed. (改为分词作定语) ________________________________________________________________

18. 众所周知,全球变暖已经引发了很多自然灾害。(as)







单句语法填空(共40小题; 每小题1分, 满分40分)

1.Gradually 2. emphasis    3. from  4.beneficial     5. of  6.it        7. seeing      8. to make     9. will be playing   10. conclusion 11.is    12. (should) turn  13. boiled  14. academic   15. remarkably 16.whom   17. which     18. as     19. whose      20. where 21.will be seeing   22. committed  23. curiously   24. various   25. by 26.remains    27. with    28. surrounded  29. needn’t    30. a 31.one       32. being caught    33. when      34. producing   35. which/that  36.learning  37. walking    38. both    39. Consequently  40. Having closed


1. keep in touch with       2. To apologize for         3. In this sense

4. In other words        5. It is apparent that       6. why; was because 

7. It seems that        8. have; repaired/mended     9. which   10. no; should we do

11. I won’t be able to watch the programme because I will be doing my homework. 

12. It was not until they returned home that  they had finish the project.

13. Nobody likes the way (in which/that) Jack speaks to his mother.

14. He told us it was his confidence and courage that helped him succeed.

15. That lady, who/whom Lily spoke to just now, is our new English teacher.

   That lady, to whom Lily spoke just now, is our new English teacher.

16. The painting stolen two days ago has been found by the police. 

17. Those reading English aloud every morning will succeed.

18. As is known to all, global warming has caused a lot of natural disasters.

19. I live next door to a couple whose children often make a lot of noise.

20. The weather report says that it will be raining when we arrive in London.


[学法指导] 6种预习方法+8种整理笔记秘笈,快收藏!

[词汇相关] 不规则动词记不住怎么办?记住这些口诀就OK


高考英语3500单词配套练习 16-20课时

新人教版高中英语选择性必修 第二册 Unit 4 Reading and Thinking





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