
2022届高考英语一轮复习 阅读理解讲义

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第一讲 命题突破

I 细节理解题






Which of the following statements is(NOT)mentioned?

Which of the following best characterizes the main feature of...?

Which of the following maps/diagrams gives the right position of./relationship of...?

The author mentions all of the items listed below EXCEPT



3 Grand Prizes: Trip to Washington, D. C. for each of three winners, a parent and one other person of the winner's choice. Trip includes round-trip air tickets, hotel stay for two nights tours of the National Air and Space Museum and the office National Geographic World

6 First Prizes: The book Shy Pioneer: A Photobiography of Amelia Earhart signed by author Corinne Szabo and pilot Linda Finch.

50 Honorable Mentions: Judges will choose up to 50 honorable mention winners, who will each receive a T-shirt in memory of Earhart's final flight.

 What will each of the honorable mention winners get?

A. A plane ticket

B. A book by Corinne Szabo

C. A special T-shirt

D. A photo of Amelia Earhart

解:正确答案:C。考查细节理解。根据Prizes部分的50 Honorable Mentions中的内容可知,评委选出的50名荣誉奖获得者会获得一件T恤衫。



According to the passage,who/what/which/when/where/why how/how many/how much/how long/how soon/how often.?

What does the writer pay the least attention to?

The author/passage does not tell us…

Which of the following does not explain


As data and identity theft becomes more and more common,the market is growing for biometric(生物测量)technologies-like fingerprint scans-to keep others out of private e-spaces.At present these technologies are still expensive,though.

Researchers from Georgia Tech say that they have come up with a low-cost device(装置)that gets around this problem:a smart keyboard. This smart keyboard precisely measures the cadence(节奏)with which one types and the pressure fingers apply to each key.

Why do the researchers develop the smart keyboard?

A.To reduce pressure on keys

B To improve accuracy in typing

C.To replace the password system

D.To cut the cost of e-space protection

解:细节理解题。根据第一段的内容,尤其是第二句“At present,these technologies are still expensive,though.”可知,现有的生物识别技术价格昂贵。根据第二段的第一句“Researchers from Georgia Tech say that they have come up with a low-cost device that gets around this problem:a smart keyboard.”可知,同样能够保护私人电子空间的智能键盘成本较低,故选D项。


II 主旨要义题



1.The main idea/key point of this passage is that

2.The passage is mainly about

3.The best title/headline for this passage is

4.The topic/subject discussed in this passage

5.From the passage we can learn/conclude that

6.The last paragraph is chiefly concerned with

7.Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?

8.Which of the following best states the theme of the passage?


Marian Bechtel sits at West Palm Beach's Bar Louie counter by herself, quietly reading her e-book as she waits for her salad. What is she reading? None of your business! Lunch is Bechtel's"me"time. And like more Americans, she's not alone.

A new report found 46 percent of meals are eaten alone in America. More than half(53 percent) have breakfast alone and nearly half(46 percent) have lunch by themselves. Only at dinnertime are we eating together anymore, 74 percent, according to statistics from the report.


 That freedom to choose is one reason more people like to eat alone. There was a time when people may have felt awkward about asking for a table for one, but those days are over. Now, we have our smartphones to keep us company at the table."It doesn't feel as alone as it may have before all the advances in technology, "said Laurie Demeritt, whose company provided the statistics for the report.

What is the text mainly about?

A. The trend of having meals alone

B. The importance of self-reflection

C The stress from working overtime

D.The advantage of wireless technology

解:正确答案:A。通读全文可知,在美国,随着科学技术的发展,人们用餐时有了选择的自由,更多人喜欢独自一个人吃饭,单独用餐逐渐成为一种趋势。A项切题。由于受到文中的 smartphones,the advances in technology等信息的干扰,部分考生易误选D项。注意文章中提到的两个人愿意独自用餐的例子是为了说明单独用餐是一种趋势,并非侧重讲科技发展,因此排除D项。





It's 3 o'clock and you've been hard at work. As you sit at your desk,a strong desire for chocolate overcomes you. You try to busy yourself to make it go away. But it doesn't. Here is another situation,Perhaps you are not feeling well. The only thing you want to eat is a big bowl of chicken soup,like your mom used to make when you were sick as a child. Food cravings are a strong desire for a specific type of food. And they are normal.

本段文字以介绍个人的某些经历开篇,以此为最后的结论做出铺垫。段末则总结得出“food cravings”这一话题,指出这为正常现象,下文则要围绕这一话题具体展开论述,由此判断本段最后两句便为主题句。

有些段落有明显的引出细节的信息词,常见的信息词有for example,an example of,the most important example,first,second,next,then,last,finally,to begin with,also,besides hat等。

在阅读中,应尽量利用上述信息词确定主题句的位置。从某段落中的 for example可以断定上一句是主题句。如果无明显的信息词,可先假设第一句为主题句,在第二句前面添加一个 for example,看看第二句是否可以支撑第一句话,如果第二句不能支撑第一句话,便在其他地方找出主题句。例如:

Famous people have a lot of influences on cultural trends like it or not. When Oprah goes on a 21-day vegan diet,It makes the headlines. When Amal Clooney wears a Stella McCartney dress,sales go way up.

本段文字中先提出名人会影响文化潮流的论断,然后以Opah”和“Stella McCartney”的例子说明这一论断,首句之后可以用“For example”引出下文,故首句为段落主题句。


The number of trees larger than two feel across has declined by 50 percent on more than 46.000 square miles of California forests,the new study finds. No area was spared or unaffected,from the foggy northern coast to the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the San Gabriels above Los Angeles. In the Sierra high country,the number of big trees has fallen by more than 55 percent; in parts of southern California the decline was nearly 75 percent.

What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.The seriousness of big-tree loss in California

B.The increasing variety of California big trees

C.The distribution of big trees in California forests

D.The influence of farming on big trees in California

解:正确答案:A。由本段中的“The number of trees...declined by 50 percent…of California forests",."…the number of big trees has fallen by more than55 percent”,"…the decline was nearly75 percent” 可知,本段主要描述了加利福尼亚州森林中大树急剧减少的现象。B项“加利福尼亚州大树的多样性不断增加”,C项“加利福尼亚州森林中大树的分布”,D项“农耕对加利福尼亚州大树的影响”,均与本段的主要内容不符。














For Western designers,China and its rich culture have long been an inspiration for Western creative. "It's no secret that China has always been a source(来源)of inspiration for designers,"says Amanda Hill, chief creative officer at A+E Networks,a global media company and home to some of the biggest fashion(时尚)shows For Hill,it is impossible not to talk about China as the leading player when discussing fashion."The most famous designers are Chinese,so are the models,and so are the consumers,"she says China is no longer just another market in many senses it has become the market.If you talk about fashion today,you are talking about China——its influences, its direction, its breathtaking clothes,and how young designers and models are finally acknowledging that in many ways.”

What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Young Models Selling Dreams to the World

B.A Chinese Art Exhibition Held in New York

C.Differences Between Eastern and Western Aesthetics.

D. Chinese Culture Fueling International Fashion Trends








2.使用略读,迅速将全段或全文浏览一遍。在阅读中,应尽量利用有关信息词确定主题句的位置,比如在for example,first,second等之前的句子中或在 all in al,above all之后的句子中寻找并确定。

3.特别注意全文或所问段落的首句和尾句,因为它们常常是主旨要义的体现。段落中出现转折时,该句很可能是主题句;作者有意识地反复重复的观点通常是主旨;首段出现疑问句时,对该问题的解答通常就是文章主旨;同时还要注意那些提出文章主旨时常伴有的文字提示:therefore,thus,but,however,in short 等。






III 推理判断题














1.逻辑上出现转承关系的句子(转折、因果、递进,即有therefore,thus,but,however,in short,all in all等提示词的句子)。

2.有明确表示观点的路标指引词(think,believe,deny acknowledge,insist,according to,claim.)










2)正确答案的表述一般有一点模糊,不会用绝对词汇,而会用一些相对能够留下一些余地的词汇,如often,usually, sometimes,some,may,might,can,could,possibly,probably等。










这里只强调做题顺序,主要有两种A→Q→A (A=Article, Q=Question),即先从整体去阅读文章,后看问题或者Q→A→Q,即先把整个问题快速看一遍,然后带着问题在文章中找答案。建议大家选用后者。此种方法节省时间,针对性很强。





例1(2019课标全国I D篇节选)

During the rosy years of elementary school(小学), I enjoyed sharing my dolls and jokes,which allowed me to keep my high social status. I was the queen of the playground. … (paragraph 1)

32.What sort of girl was the author in her early years of elementary school?

A Unkind. B Lonely. C Generous. D Cool


答案 C

例2(2019课标全国Ⅱ B篇节选)

I'm secretly relieved because I know there's real power in sharing volunteer responsibilities among many. The unwilling parent organizes the meal schedule,sends out emails,and elects money for end-of-season gifts. Somewhere along the way, the same parent ends up becoming an invaluable member of them....(paragraph 3)

26.What can we learn about the parent from paragraph 3?

A.She gets interested in lacrosse

B.She is proud of her kids

C.She'll work for another season

D.She becomes a good helper



例3(2019课标全国Ⅱ C篇节选)

A new report found 46 percent of meals are eaten alone in America. More than half(53 percent)have breakfast alone and nearly half(46 percent)have lunch by themselves. Only dinnertime are we eating together anymore,74 percent according to statistics from the report. (paragraph 2)

28.What are the statistics in paragraph 2 about?

A. Food variety B. Eating habits C. Table manners D. Restaurant service


答案 B

例4(2019课标全国Ⅱ C篇节选)

Just two seats over,Andrew Mazoleny,a local videographer,is finishing his lunch at the bar. He likes that he can sit and check his phone in peace or chat up the barkeeper with whom he's on a first-name basis if he wants to have a little Interaction(交流).…(paragraph4)

30.What do we know about Mazoleny?

A.He makes videos for the bar

B.He's fond of the food at the bar

C. He interviews customers at the bar.

D.He's familiar with the barkeeper




The question,however,is whether this is what the developing countries need the most. Perhaps giving money for those less fashionable things such as digging wells,extending electricity networks and making more affordable washing machines would have improved people's lives more than giving every child a laptop computer or setting up internet centres in rural villages…(paragraph 4)

62. The example in paragraph 4 suggests that donators should            .

A take people's essential needs into account

B.make their programmes attractive to people

C.ensure that each child gets financial support

D provide more affordable internet facilities







Who cares if people think wrongly that the internet has had more important influences than the washing machine?Why does it matter that people are more impressed by the most recent changes?(paragraph 1)

Understanding technological trends is very important for correctly designing economic policies,both at the national and the international levels,and for making the right career choices at the individual level. However,our fascination with the latest,and our under-valuation of what has already become common,can,and has,led us in all sorts of wrong directions.(the last paragraph)

64.What can we learn from the passage?

A People should be encouraged to make more donations

B Traditional technology still has a place nowadays.

C Making right career choices is crucial to personal success.

D Economic policies should follow technological trends




Zachariah Fike has an unusual hobby. He finds old military(军队的)medals for sale in antique stores and on the Internet But unlike most collectors. Zac tracks down the medals' rightful owners,and returns them.(paragraph 1)

Through the Internet,Zac tracked down Corrado's sister Adeline Rockko. But when he finally reached her,the woman flooded him with questions:"Who are you?What antique shop?However,when she hung up,she regretted the way she had handled the call. So she called Zac back and apologized. Soon she drove to meet Zac in Watertown,N.Y."At that point I knew she meant business,"Zac says. "To drive eight hours to come to see me."(paragraph 3)

22.What did Zac realize when Adeline drove to meet him?

A She was very impolite

B She was serious about the medal

C She suspected his honesty

D She came from a wealthy family.

解析:本题为观点态度推断题。由节选部分中的“At that point,I knew she meant business," Zac says."To drive eight hours to come to see me."可知,Zac意识到 Adeline对待奖牌是认真的。



Most of my reading through primary,middle and high school was factual reading. I read for knowledge,and to make A's on my tests. Occasionally,I would read a novel that was assigned,but I didn't enjoy this type of reading. I like facts things that are concrete. I thought anything abstract left too much room for argument.(paragraph 4)

43.What was the author's view on factual reading?

A.It would help her update test-taking skills.

B.It would allow much room for free thinking.

C.It would provide true and objective information.

D.It would help shape a realistic and serious attitude to life.

解析:本题为观点态度推断题。根据节选部分中的“I like facts,things that are concrete.”可以推断出,作者认为事实阅读提供的是真实且客观的东西。





例1(2019课标全国Ⅰ B篇节选)

Whaley got the idea of this second-grade presidential campaign project when he asked the children one day to raise their hands if they thought they could never be a president. The answer broke his heart. Whaley says the project is about more than just learning to read and speak in public. He wants these kids to learn to boast(夸耀)about themselves Boasting about yourself,and your best qualities Whaley says,"is very difficult for a child who came into the classroom not feeling confident."(paragraphs 5—6)

26.We can infer that the purpose of Whaley's project is to       .

A help students see their own strength

B assess students' public speaking skills

C prepare students for their future jobs

D inspire students' love for politics

解析:本题为意图目的推断题。根据节选部分的内容可知,二年级竞选总统活动的目的是让孩子们夸耀自己“Boasting about yourself,and your best qualities”意思就是看到他们自己的优点。



People quickly caught on. And while many took dollars many others pinned their own cash to the board." People of all ages,races,and socio-economic back grounds gave and took," said Tyler Bridges of The Toolbox,which created the project We even had a bride in her wedding dress come up to the board and take a few dollars. "Most of the bills on the board were singles,but a few people left fives,tens twenties. The video clip(片段)shows one man who had found a $20 bill pinning it to the board.(paragraph 2)

25.What did Bridges want to show by mentioning bride?

A Women tended to be more sociable.

B The activity attracted various people

C Economic problems were getting worse

D Young couples needed financial assistance

解析:本题为意图目的推断题。根据节选的第二段中People quickly caught on. And while many took dollars,many others pinned their own cash to the board." People of all ages races, and socio-economic backgrounds gave and took,"可以推知,作者提及“甚至有位新娘穿着结婚礼服来取钱”是要说明这项活动吸引了各种各样的人。



The things we learn in maturity seldom involve information and skills. We learn to bear with the things we can't change. We learn to avoid self-pity. We learn that however much we try to please,some people are never going to love us—an idea that troubles at first but is eventually relaxing. (paragraph 5)

54.What does the author intend to tell us in Paragraph 5?

A tough man can tolerate suffering

B A wise man can live without self-pity

C A man should try to satisfy people around him

D A man should learn suitable ways to deal with life.

解析:本题为意图目的推断题。根据节选的第五段中We learn to bear with the things we can't change. We learn to avoid self-pity. We learn that however much we try to please some people are never going to love us."可推断出,作者在本段想告诉我们应该学会一些应对生活的恰当方式。





例(2019课标全国1 C篇节选)

As data and identity theft becomes more and more common,the market is growing for biometric(生物测量)technologies—like fingerprint scans—to keep others out of private e-spaces. At present,these technologies are still expensive,though.

Researchers from Georgia Tech say that they have come up with a low-cost device(装置)that gets around this problem:a smart keyboard. This smart keyboard precisely measures the cadence(节奏)with which one types and the pressure fingers apply to each key. The keyboard could offer a strong layer of security by analyzing things like the force of a user's typing and the time between key presses. These patterns are unique to each person. Thus,the keyboard can determine people's identities and by extension,whether they should be given access to the computer it's connected to—regardless of whether someone gets the password right. (paragraphs 1-2)

31.Where is this text most likely from?

A.A diary

B A guidebook.

C.A novel

D.A magazine


答案 D

例2(2019课标全国Ⅲ D篇节选)

Monkeys seem to have a way with numbers.

A team of researchers trained three Rhesus monkeys to associate 26 clearly different symbols consisting of numbers and selective letters with 0-25 drops of water or Juice as a reward

The researchers then tested how the monkeys combined—or added—the symbols to get the reward.

Here's how Harvard Medical School scientist Margaret Livingstone,who led the team,described the experiment:…

 After running hundreds of tests,…

When the team examined the results of the experiment more closely,…(paragraphs 1-5)

35.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A Entertainment

B Health

C Education

D Science



答案 D




例:(2018北京 C篇节选)

Bertocchini agrees and hopes her team's findings might one day help employ the enzyme to break down plastics in landfills But she expects he chemical in some kind of industrial process—not simply"millions of worms thrown on top of the plastic."(the last paragraph)

45.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the chemical might          .

A help to raise worms

B help make plastic bags

C be used to clean the oceans

D be produced in factories in future


答案 D


IV 推测词义题



例1 Ventilation,as you know,is a system or means of providing fresh air.It plays a very important part in the field of engineering.




通常引出该词同位语的词或短语有or,that is,in other words等,还有的同位语以括号或破折号的形式出现。在这些标记词后考生可较易找到同画线词意义相同或相近的词。

例2 Before the main business of a conference begins,the chairman usually makes a short preliminary speech,or makes a few preliminary remarks. In other words,he says a few things by way of introduction.

解析:根据下文的线索词 In other words和其后的内容可推断 preliminary speech的意思是在开会之前主席所做的一些简单的介绍,或者说是“开场白”。

例3 In fact,only about 80 ocelots,an endangered wild cat,exist in the U.S.today.

解析:由同位语 an endangered wild cat可迅速推断画线词 ocelots是指一种濒临灭绝的野猫。




例4 The course gives you chances to know great power polities between nation states.It will provide more space to study particular issues such as relationship among countries in the European Union,third world debt,local and international disagreement,and the work of such international bodies as the United Nations,the European Union,NATO,and the World Bank.

解析:根据 such as后面列举的一系列例子可推断句中的 issues应该是指“议题”。



当作者强调的事物之间有区别或对立时,往往会运用对比的手法,即运用有对比关系的词语,例如反义词,也可以暗示出生词的含义。能体现对比关系或比较关系的词汇很多,主要有but,yet,however,while,unlike,instead,like,similarly,on the contrary,In contrast to等。标点符号中的分号也可表示对比。

例5 A child's birthday party doesn't have to be a hassle ; It can be a basket of fun.

What does the underlined word "hassle" probably mean?

A.A party designed by specialists

B A plan requiring careful thought

C A situation causing difficulty or trouble

D A demand made by guests

解析:根据分号可知句子前后为对比关系,这里 hassle和 a basket of fun是相反的意思,由此推断答案为C。

答案 C

例6 Green loves to talk,and his brothers are similarly loquacious.

解析:该句中的副词 similarly表明 loves to talk 和loquacious之间是比较关系,其意义相近。由此可推断loquacious的意思是“健谈的”。




例7 Do you have any strong opinion on co-educational or single-sex schools?

解析:根据词根 educational(教育的),结合前缀co(共同,一起)和 single-sex schools,可推测 co-educational 的意思是“男女同校的”。

例8 It's a quiet,comfortable hotel overlooking the bay in an uncommercialized Cornish fishing village on England's most southerly point.

解析:后缀“-ize”的意思是“使成为……;使…化”,结合词根 commercial(商业的),可推测“uncommercialized”的意思为“未被商业化的”。



例9 Is it possible to beat high blood pressure without drugs?The answer is "yes",according to the researchers at Johns Hopkins and three other medical centers.

解析:根据 and three other medical centers这种并列关系可推断“Johns Hopkins”是一家医疗中心。



因果关系是一种常见的、行之有效的提供生词词义信息的逻辑关系。一定的原因会导致一定的结果,某一结果总是由某种或某些原因引起的。作者在叙述原因的过程中就必然会把词或句子置于因果关系中。常见的表示因果关系的词汇有 since, as, because, for, so, thus, consequently, therefore, hence, due to, result in, result from, as a result, for this reason, accordingly, so that, so...that, such…that等。

例10 I feel that since you are my superior,it would be presumptuous of me to tell you what to do.

 The word "presumptuous" in the sentence is closest in meaning to"      " .

A full of respect

B too confident and rude

C lacking in experience

D too shy and quiet

解析:根据 since引导的原因状语从句的内容(既然你是我的上司),可以推断出“presumptuous”的意思为"自负的,放肆的"

答案 B



例11(2019课标全国Ⅱ B篇节选)

I guess that there's probably some demanding work schedule,or social anxiety around stepping up to help for an unknown sport. She may just need a little persuading. So I try again and tug at the heartstrings. I mention the single parent with four kids running the show and I talk about the dad coaching a team that his kids aren't even on…At this point the unwilling parent speaks up, "Alright.Yes, I'll do it."

What does the underlined phrase "tug at the heartstrings" in paragraph 2 mean?

A Encourage teamwork

B Appeal to feelings

C Promote good deeds

D Provide advice

解析:根据逻辑信号词“So”和关键词“persuading”可初步推断画线短语的意思与“说服”或“劝说”相关;再根据下文作者为打感情牌所列举的种种困难以及关键信息“Alright Yes,I'll do it.”可推断出“我”成功地触动了对方的心弦。

答案 B




例1 Stratford cries poor traditionally. Nevertheless every hotel in town seems to be adding a new wing or cocktail lounge Hilton is building its own hotel there,which you may be sure will be decorated with Hamlet Hamburger Bars,the Lear Lounge,the Banquo Banqueting Room,and so forth,and will be very expensive.

By saying "Stratford cries poor traditionally",the author implies that            .

A Stratford cannot afford the expansion projects

B Stratford has long been in financial difficulties

C the town is not really short of money

D the townsfolk used to be poorly paid

解析:推测“Stratford cries poor traditionally”的暗含意义,不能只看画线句本身,要结合前后文看作者的主要意图是什么。原句说 Stratford小镇经常哭穷,但根据 Nevertheless可判断出前后句之间是相反关系,因而判定画线句与下文语义相反,即可根据反向关系推测前文所说情况并非真实,即小镇并非真的穷。下文的具体内容也印证了这一点,如:

"Hilton is building its own hotel there" "and will be very expensive",由此可知小镇在建设希尔顿酒店并且装修非常昂贵,说明小镇并不是真的穷。

答案 C



例2 Whatever happened to the death of newspapers? A year ago the end seemed near. The recession(经济衰退)threatened to remove the advertising and readers that had not already fled to the Internet. Newspapers like the San Francisco Chronicle were chronicling their own doom. Americas Federal Trade commission launched a round of talks about how to save newspapers.

By saying "Newspapers like…their own doom.", the author indicates that newspapers            .

A neglected the sign of crisis

B failed to get state subsidies

C were not charitable corporations

D were in a desperate situation

解析:解答该题的关键在于抓住描述的对象即报纸。首先,确定定位的对象发生了什么事,结合上下文谈及报纸的句子“Whatever happened to the death of newspapers?”和“how to save newspapers”可知,本段说明报纸面临灭亡的命运,在讨论如何拯救它们。所以这句话也应在谈论报纸的命运问题,而且意思应该是一致的。

答案 D.


第二讲 话题突破

I 社会文化类









II 科普知识类




III 人物故事类




IV 应用广告类



广告类短文的试题多是以获取信息为主的细节理解题,即考查考生对广告具体细节的了解、分析和概括等能力。阅读此类短文需要考生具备较好的 skimming(略读)和 scanning(细查)的阅读技能,即快速读懂文章大意和寻找目标信息。





V 生态环保类




VI 史地常识类




VII 新闻报道类









[词汇注释] 马斯克在2021年世界互联网大会乌镇峰会上的致辞



[词汇注释] 轻舟虽晚,终回家国



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