
[名题精选] 2022届河北省“五岳联盟”高三上学期10月联考试题+答案

点击加关注👉 高中英语教学交流网 2023-03-09






例:How much is the shirt?

A.£19.15.    B. £9.18.    C. £9.15.


1.What does the woman ask the man to remember to do?

A.Phone her.    B. Write to her.   C. Go to see her.

2.Where might the speakers be?

A.At home.    B. In a restaurant.   C. At a stadium.

3.What can we infer from the man's words?

A.He will have his car repaired.

B.He can't lend the woman his car.

C.He will borrow the woman s car.

4.What at are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.The market.   B. The schedule.   C. The job interview.

5.Why does the woman want to be a chess player?

A.She obeys her father's plan.

B.She follows the man's advice.

C.Her coach thinks she might be a champion.



6.What is the relationship between Gary and the woman?

A.Colleagues.    B. Boss and staff.    C. Husband and wife.

7.Who lives in San Francisco?

A.Tom.     B. Jennifer.     C. Gary.


8.How long does the man work a day?

A.Nine hours.    B. Eight hours.    C. Seven hours.

9.What is the man's attitude towards his job?

A.He is tired o of it.  B. He is fond ofit.    C. He is curious about it.


10.How does the man feel when knowing the company has the study area?

ASurprised.    B. Embarrassed.    C. Proud.

11.What is the woman studying?

A.Clothes making.   B. History.     C. Design.

12.Who pays for the woman's study?

A.Alice.     B. David.      C. The company.


13.Why does the man look for a flat?

A.To live near the university.

B.To get out of his parents control.

C.To live with someone learning biology.

14.Which of the following is Jack's major?

A.Pop music.    B. Biology.     C. French.

15.What does the man play in the band?

A.The piano.    B. The guitar.     C. The violin.

16.What does the woman mean at the end of the conversation?

A.She advises the man to clean the flat.

B.She invites Peter to live with her.

C.She refuses the man's request.


17.Why was the speaker's father proud of him?

A.He was the first university student in his family.

B.He earned great amounts of money.

C.He found a well-paid job.

18.How many shops did the speaker have before selling his business?

A.120.     B. 250.      C. 268.

19.What did the speaker do in 2002?

A.He first paid a visit to Africa.

B.He spent much money on race cars.

C.He lent lots of money to farmers.

20.What was the speaker's first project in Malawi?

A.A school.    B. A shoe shop.    C. A hospital.





Skipping stones toDonate Books for Low-income Schools and Libraries

Are you working with students from low-income families orcommunities of color? Are you in a school or library that needs more books? Wehave many books that we wish to donate to schools and public libraries servinglow-income students or communities of color. We have nature books as well asbooks on cultural awareness and diversity. In terms of ages or readershiplevels, we have novels for teenagers, chapter books, picture books, and a fewreference books.

Skipping Stones invites you to write to us about studentsyou serve, as well as your needs and wants in terms of books. We want to donatethese books to your public school or library but we request that you cover theshipping costs. We think $50 or $100 will adequately cover the shipping ofabout 50 to 100 books, respectively. $200 will bring you four big boxes ofabout 200 to 250 books. This is just an estimate. We are happy to work withyou.

Please note that we are NOT able to fulfill donationrequests from overseas schools or libraries because of the high cost of airmailpostage. Within the USA, we can use the cheaper MEDIA MAIL or LIBRARY RATE.Send your requests to info@skippingstones.org or by snail mail to:

EDITOR,Skipping Stones Magazine, P.O. Box 3939 Eugene, Oregon 97403-0939

1. Where will the books bedonated to?

A. Low-income studentsinterested in reading books.

B. Low-income families withmiddle school students.

C. Schools or public librariesserving low-income students.

D. Overseas low-income schoolswith communities of color.

2. What does Skipping Stonesrequire schools to do?

A. Ship the books.                                                       B.Postthe books.

C. Cover all thecosts.                                                  D.Coverthe shipping cost.

3. How can schools send theirrequests?

A. By telephone.                                                         B.Byfax.

C. In person.                                                               D.Bye-mail.

【答案】1.C    2. D    3. D


【分析】本文是一篇广告,主要讲的是Skipping Stones Magazine正在征集需要书的学校和公共图书馆。


细节理解题。根据第一段的“We have many books that we wish to donate to schools andpublic libraries serving low-income students or communities of color”(我们有很多书希望捐赠给学校和公共图书馆,为低收入学生或有色人种社区服务)可知,这些书籍将被捐赠给为低收入学生服务的学校或公共图书馆,故选C。


细节理解题。根据第二段的“We want to donate these books to your public school orlibrary but we request that you cover the shipping costs”(我们想把这些书捐赠给你的公立学校或图书馆,但我们要求你支付运费)可知,Skipping Stones要求学校承担运费,故选D。


细节理解题。由最后一段的“Send your requests to info@skippingstones. org”(将您的请求发送到info@skippingstones.org)可知,info@skippingstones.org是电子邮箱,因此学校可以通过电子邮件发送他们的要求,故选D。


In Vietnamese, Ngan's name means “star,” but shewasn't able to smile brightly because she was born with a cleft (兔唇) condition.

Ngan's family lives in a small, isolated villagein southern Vietnam. Without help, her family would never have been able toafford the reconstructive surgery that would change Ngan's lite and give her abrighter future. But when Ngan's parents heard that Operation Smile wasconducting a surgical mission in Danang, they did everything in their power totake Ngan there for medical mission. Ngan and her family travelled more than200 miles for the chance to give her a new smile. Ngan received life-changingsurgery on her cleft lip and palate and now, 10 years later, she is a happy,healthy, lively girl-with a smile that shows it.

Before she had surgery, Ngan's facial conditionprevented her social engagement and even her involvement in school. Now, withthe confidence she gained from her new smile, Ngan can reach her fullpotential.

Ngan's parents say they had given up everythingbut hope before Operation Smile gave their daughter the chance to see herdreams become a reality. “Many families in our province will abandon theirchild if a baby is born with a cleft,” Ngan's father said.

He never wants this to happen, knowing howincredible the transformation is with a free surgery through Operation Smile.Ngan's parents now actively refer to other families of children born with cleftconditions to Operation Smile. They are determined to ensure that every childhas the opportunity for a brighter future, regardless of their appearances.

Operation Smile has provided hundreds ofthousands of safe surgeries for those born with cleft conditions worldwide. Ifyou would like additional information please visit www. operationsmile. org. uk/Star, call 020 3475 5126 or write toOperation Smile UK, Genos House, Juniper Drive, London SW18 1FY.

4. Whatdo we know about Ngan?

A. Shegot seriously ill after she was born.

B Shewas born physically-challenged.

C. Shewas abandoned by her parents.

D. Shewas always smiling brightly.

5. Whatis Operation Smile?

A. Anorganization aiming to help hopeless villagers.

B. Anorganization aiming to help children with cleft.

C. Anorganization aiming to make children educated.

D Anorganization aiming to do surgeries for the poor.

6. Whichof the following words can be used to describe Ngan's parents?

A.Responsible.                                                           B.Conventional.

C.Experienced.                                                           D.Passive.

7. Whatis the main purpose of the text?

A.To explain what is cleft.                                           B.To promote Operation Smile.

C.To introduce a girl with cleft.                                   D.To call for donations for girls with cleft.

【答案】4.B    5. B    6. A   7. B


【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了越南一名叫Ngan的小女孩,因出生唇裂而不能微笑,在Operation Smile(微笑行动)组织的帮助下,成功修复并融入社会生活的故事。


细节理解题。根据文章首段“InVietnamese, Ngan's name means ‘star’, but she wasn't able to smile brightlybecause she was born with a cleft condition.”(在越南语中,Ngan的名字意思是“明星”,但她却无法有灿烂的笑容,因为她生来就有唇裂)可知,她有着唇裂的先天性身体疾病,这个疾病会导致她无法笑,也就是说,她生来就有着生理缺陷(Shewas born physically-challenged.),B选项符合原文,故选B。


细节理解题。根据全文对这一组织的介绍,尤其是最后一段“OperationSmile has provided hundreds of thousands of safe surgeries for those born withcleft conditions worldwide.”(“微笑行动”已经为全世界的唇腭裂患者提供了数十万次安全的手术)可知,这一组织旨在帮助有唇裂这一先天疾病的孩子(Anorganization aiming to help children with cleft.),B符合原文,故选B。


推理判断题。本题要求选用合适的词描述Ngan的父母,根据原文第二段的描述“theydid everything in their power to take Ngan there for medical mission.”(他们尽一切可能把Ngan带到那里做医学治疗)以及第四段的对比“Manyfamilies in our province will abandon their child if a baby is born with acleft,”(在我们这个省,如果孩子一出生就有唇裂,很多家庭都会抛弃他们的孩子)可知,Ngan的父母想尽一切办法给女儿治疗,而不像该地区的其他父母,由这组对比可见Ngan的父母是极为负责的(Responsible)的人,故选A。


推理判断题。本题要求推断文章的写作目的、意图,全文前几段讲述了小女孩Ngan在Operation Smile组织的帮助下重获笑容的故事,而倒数第二段则提及Ngan的父母积极向其他遭遇此类不幸的孩子父母推介这一组织,在文章最后一段,则直接对OperationSmile组织做了一句正式介绍,“Operation Smile has provided hundreds of thousands of safesurgeries for those born with cleft conditions worldwide. If you would likeadditional information please visit…call…or write to…”(“微笑行动”已经为全世界的唇腭裂患者提供了数十万次安全的手术,如果您想要获得更多信息,请访问……拨打……或写信到……),分别具体给出了网站、联系电话与写信邮箱,文章就此结束,上文也多次提及多亏了这个组织,改变了孩子的人生。显而易见,文章是为了推介这一组织(Topromote Operation Smile.),B正确,故选B。


Oceans hold a lot of mystery, even for peoplewho study them. But it's no mystery why they're in trouble. We've been usingthem to hide our waste -such as pouring oil, plastic, and poisonous chemicalsinto them for decades. We've over exploited (剥削) many fish stocks to levels so low that they can no longer beharvested.

Oceans are also a primary source of protein formillions of people worldwide. If we want to continue to enjoy what oceansprovide, we need to do everything we can to protect them and the life theysupport. We should ensure the seafood we eat is sustainable.

Of course, not everyone is lucky enough to beable to catch their own fish, which means having sustainable options at thestore is critical. As public and companies awareness about the risks caused byoverfishing and uncontrolled sea farming expansion have grown, food tradesmenin Canada have developed sustainable seafood policies and commitments.

Seafood Progress, an online resource, isdesigned to help provide rewards to tradesmen and information to seafoodlovers. It makes it easier for consumers in Canada to find out tradesmen'spolicies on sourcing sustainable seafood, whether they're sticking to thosepolicies and how they're performing compared to their peers.

But tradesmen must do more to ensure theirseafood products are environmentally sustainable and socially responsible. Thismeans expanding the scope of their commitments to cover all seafoodproducts they sell, in all their stores. It also requires continuing to workwith suppliers and producers to improve practices and make sure the sustainableseafood supply meets consumer demand.

It's no mystery that if we want to continue toeat fish, we must do it responsibly. Seafood Progress has invited seafoodtradesmen, suppliers and consumers to join in pushing to this goal.

8. What'sthe cause of oceans' being in trouble according to paragraph 1?

A. Theever-changing of the global climate.

B. Themystery that people haven't studied.

C. Theover exploitation and use of the oceans.

D. Thecontinuous decrease of fish stocks.

9. Whatcan Seafood Progress do for consumers?

A. Providerewards to them.

B. Urgethem to stick to policies.

C. Providethem with enough seafood.

D. Letthem know about tradesmen's policies.

10. Whatdoes the underlined word “scope” in paragraph 5 mean?

A. Range                                      B. Chance

C. Risk.                                       D. Rate.

11. Howcan seafood be sustainable?

A. Throughexpanding seafood production.

B. Byprotecting all the tradesmen's profit.

C. Byjoint efforts of people involved in seafood.

D. By makingpolicies to control seafood consumers.

【答案】8.C    9. D    10. A   11. C




细节理解题。根据原文第一段最后一句“We'veover exploited many fish stocks to levels so low that they can no longer beharvested.”(我们对许多鱼类资源的过度开采已经达到了无法再持续捕捞的水平)可知,对海洋资源的过度开采利用是导致海洋陷入严重问题的原因之一,C符合原文,故选C。


细节理解题。根据原文第四段“SeafoodProgress…It makes it easier for consumers in Canada to find out tradesmen'spolicies on sourcing sustainable seafood”(这一项目资源让加拿大的消费者更容易了解到在采购可持续海鲜方面的商业贸易政策)可知,这一项目资源能够为消费者做的,就是让他们知道相应的商业政策(Letthem know about tradesmen's policies.),D符合原文,故选D。


词义猜测题。定位到scope所在的段落,即第五段,结合其所在的语境“Buttradesmen must do more to ensure their seafood products are environmentallysustainable and socially responsible. This means expanding the scope oftheir commitments to cover all seafood products they sell, in all their stores.”(但商人们必须采取更多措施,确保他们的海鲜产品是具有环境可持续性的和履行社会责任的。这意味着扩大他们的承诺范围,涵盖他们在所有商店销售的所有海鲜产品),结合语境,并抓住关键词domore(做得更多),以及coverall seafood products they sell, in all their stores(涵盖他们在所有商店销售的所有海鲜产品)中出现两次的all,可推断这里expand(扩大)的是一个范围(scope),A. Range范围;B. Chance机会,机遇;C.Risk风险;D. Rate比率,价格,等级。由以上分析可知,仅有range符合语境,故选A。


细节理解题。根据原文最后一段内容“It'sno mystery that if we want to continue to eat fish, we must do it responsibly.Seafood Progress has invited seafood tradesmen, suppliers and consumers to joinin pushing to this goal.”(如果我们想继续吃鱼,就必须负责任地去付诸行动,这一点毫无疑问。SeafoodProgress已经诚邀海产商、供应商和消费者共同推动这一目标的实现)可知,如何我们要源源不断地吃到海产品,则需要所有相关人员的共同努力(Byjoint efforts of people involved in seafood.),故选C。


Plenty of harvests of corn and other major cropsrely on a mysterious phenomenon known as hybrid vigor (杂交活力). When highlynaturally-born varieties are crossed, their next generations are taller,hardier, and bear more grain, Researchers report that this vigor is somehowinfluenced by microbes (微生物) inthe soil, perhaps through a plant's immune system .

Charles Darwin was one of the first researchersto describe hybrid vigor. In the early 20th century, biologists began to applythis effect to agriculture by creating naturally-born parent plants thatproduced hybrid seeds. By the 1940s, almost every farmer in the United Stateswas planting hybrid corn, and the harvests multiplied.

Biologists have proposed several theories aboutthe cause of hybrid vigor, but no definitive explanation has emerged.

Maggie Wagner, plant biologist at the Universityof Kansas, and her colleagues wondered whether microbes might be it involved.Last year, Wagner and her colleagues found an interesting clue in a fieldstudy. They discovered that the leaves and roots of hybrid corn had microbialcommunities that are different from those living on naturally-born varieties ofcorn. “Something about being a hybrid makes a plant interact differently withmicrobes,” Wagner says. It could be that the naturally-born corn's immunesystems react more actively to beneficial microbes, compromising their growth.Alternatively, hybrid plants may be better able to defend against weakpathogens (病原体) inthe soil.

Wagner says the finding highlights the need forplant growers to match the hybrid crops to the microbial communities with whichthey live. The findings help scientists realize the importance of understandingthe role of soil microbes in making agriculture more productive andsustainable, “This holds great promise.”

12. Howdid people use the effect of hybrid vigor in agriculture?

A. Byproducing naturally-born parent plants that bore hybrid seeds.

B. Bycreating naturally-born parent lines that produced hybrid vigor.

C Byproviding more microbes communities that could produce more seeds.

D. Bylooking for hybrid parent plants in the field that produced hybrid seeds.

13. Whatcan we know from paragraph 4?

A. Hybridplants react worse to weak pathogens in the soil.

B. Wagnerconnected hybrid vigor with microbial communities.

C. Beingnaturally-born makes a plant interact differently with microbes.

D. Hybridcorn and naturally-born corn have similar microbial communities.

14. Whateffect would Wagner's finding have?

A. Makingfarmers know what to grow to resist certain diseases

B. Helpingscientist realize the importance of spreading soil microbes.

C. Showingthe significance of associating soil microbes with specific crops.

D. Highlightingthe need for plant growers to find more microbial communities.

15. Whatmay be the best title for the text?

A. Hybridcorn: a double-edged sword

B. Howcan farmers grow hybrid crops?

C. Hybridvigor: a mysterious phenomenon

D. Whatrole do soil microbes play in the harvests of corn?

【答案】12.A    13. B    14. C   15. D




细节理解题。本题要求选出人们在农业上是如何应用杂交优势效应的(Howdid people use the effect of hybrid vigor in agriculture?),根据原文第二段“In theearly 20th century, biologists began to apply this effect to agriculture bycreating naturally-born parent plants that produced hybrid seeds.”(20世纪初,生物学家开始将这种效应应用到农业上,创造出能产生杂合种子的自然生长的母本植物)可知,人们通过创造能产生杂合种子的自然生长的母本植物(Byproducing naturally-born parent plants that bore hybrid seeds)来应用这一优势,故选A。


细节理解题。定位至原文第四段,该段介绍的是植物学家Wagner对“杂合优势”的成因解释。本段第一句“Maggie Wagner,plant biologist at the University of Kansas, and her colleagues wonderedwhether microbes might be it involved.”(堪萨斯大学(Universityof Kansas)的植物生物学家玛吉·瓦格纳(Maggie Wagner)和她的同事们想知道这是否与微生物有关)讲的是Wagner对杂合优势与土壤微生物可能存在某种关系的推测,而下文“Theydiscovered that the leaves and roots of hybrid corn had microbial communitiesthat are different from those living on naturally-born varieties of corn.”(他们发现杂交作物的叶子和根部的微生物群落与生长在天然作物品种上的微生物群落不同)则印证了这种推测,证实杂合优势和土壤微生物相关,则:Wagner在研究过程中,的确将这两者联系在了一起,B符合原文,故选B。


推理判断题。根据原文最后一段第一句“Wagnersays the finding highlights the need for plant growers to match the hybridcrops to the microbial communities with which they live.”(瓦格纳说,这一发现强调了植物种植者需要将杂交作物与它们所生活的微生物群落相匹配)可推断,瓦格纳的这项研究发现将能够拥有的效果是展示了土壤微生物与特定作物进行关联的重要性(Showingthe significance of associating soil microbes with specific crops),符合原文,故选C。


主旨大意题。本题要求选出最佳标题,则先要理清文章主旨内容,原文先介绍了“杂交优势”这一概念,接着花费绝大部分篇幅解释这一优势的成因——土壤微生物的作用,全文以最后一句“Thefindings help scientists realize the importance of understanding the role ofsoil microbes in making agriculture more productive and sustainable, ‘Thisholds great promise.’”(这些发现帮助科学家认识到,去理解土壤微生物在提高农业生产力和可持续性方面所扮演的角色的重要性。“这将大有可为。”)作结,由此可见,文章主要内容在介绍土壤微生物在农作物收成过程中所扮演的角色(Whatrole do soil microbes play in the harvests of corn?),以此作为标题符合原文,故选D。



Adding activity to your routine is a keycontributor to health and happiness. With your summer workout routine in mind,we have a few tips to help you keep fit.


____16____, you want to stimulate new muscle growththrough resistance and endurance training. How effectively you repair and buildmuscle depends on the use of protein in your body. ____17____. It can beobtained by consuming protein-rich whole foods like lean meats, eggs and fish,vegetable sources.


Can you push harder, run faster, reach fartherand deeper? Fuelling smartly before workout with complex carbs (碳水化合物) for sustainedenergy release can give you an edge to push yourself that extra bit. Wholegrains like brown rice are also packed with complex carbs for sustained energyrelease while being low in calories. Omega-3s are an often overlookedsupplement that can help to enhance your performance. ____19____, buttheir special effects help to reduce muscle soreness after a workout, as well.

Makingthe best of hydration (水合作用)

One of the drivers of athletic performance ismaintaining the balance of fluid and electrolytes (电解质) in our bodies. Body fluids are essential forremoving waste, maintaining proper neural and muscle function, regulating bodytemperature, delivering fuel and taking the brunt of shock absorption whilesmoothing our joints. ____20____. They keep neurons firing and musclescontracting.

A. Enhancingperformance

B. Maintainingtemperature

C. Electrolytesare minerals, like Na, Mg and Ca

D. Whentrying to boost your power or strength at the gym

E. whileconsuming certain kinds of electrolytes in a sport

F. Notonly do these heart-healthy fats protect our hearts

G. Makesure your muscles have access to the protein they need

【答案】16.D    17. G    18. A   19. F    20. C




本段的小标题是“Boosting power”(增加力量),D选项When trying to boost your power or strength atthe gym(当你想在健身房增强力量的时候)中的boostyour power与小标题Boostingpower相一致,因此D选项切合题意,故选D。


空格前说“How effectivelyyou repair and build muscle depends on the use of protein in your body”(你如何有效地修复和塑造肌肉取决于你体内蛋白质的使用),G选项Make sure your muscles have access to theprotein they need(确保你的肌肉能够获得所需的蛋白质)中的protein和空格前的“protein”相一致,因此G选项切合题意,故选G。


空格处是本段的小标题,本段第一句说“Can you pushharder, run faster, reach farther and deeper? Fuelling smartly before workoutwith complex carbs (碳水化合物) forsustained energy release can give you an edge to push yourself that extra bit”(你能更用力、跑得更快、触地更远更深吗?在锻炼前明智地补充碳水化合物以持续释放能量,可以让你更有优势,让自己多提高一点),因此本段是关于提高自己的运动机能的,A选项Enhancing performance(提高机能)概括了本段主题,因此A选项切合题意,另外本段的“Omega-3s are anoften overlooked supplement that can help to enhance your performance”(omega -3脂肪酸是一种经常被忽视的补充剂,它有助于提高你的表现)中的enhance yourperformance也是提示,故选A。


空格前说“Omega-3s are anoften overlooked supplement that can help to enhance your performance”(omega -3脂肪酸是一种经常被忽视的补充剂,它有助于提高你的表现),说明了omega -3脂肪酸的好处,F选项Not only do these heart-healthy fats protect ourhearts(这些有益心脏健康的脂肪不仅能保护心脏)说明了Omega-3s的好处,且其中的Not only和后面的but构成固定短语,因此F选项切合题意,故选F。


本段第一句说“One of thedrivers of athletic performance is maintaining the balance of fluid andelectrolytes (电解质) inour bodies”(运动成绩的一个驱动因素是保持体内液体和电解质的平衡),然后第二句讲了Bodyfluids,空格处就应讲电解质,C选项Electrolytes are minerals, like Na, Mg and Ca(电解质是矿物质,如钠、镁和钙)说明了电解质是什么,因此C选项承接上文,符合语境,故选C。




After over a decade of faithful service, my olddesktop computer finally died. With no computer repair places open, my daughtertalked me into ____21____ a newlaptop to replace it. What followed was two days of pure frustration. It waslike going from driving an old car to ____22____ the spaceshuttle.

I looked for the old e-mail ____23____ Iused to use only to find that it wasn't on this model. When I tried to downloadthe ____24____version again it wouldn't work. Then there were the difficulties oftransferring all of my old stories that I had ____25____ on a USB drive.The laptop computer's ____26____ new programs were an icon (图标) minefield that I had to find the way. Eachtime I accidentally ____27____ one of them, it changed everything on my screenand I had to work hard to figure out how to change them back. Finally after twodays, I think we have ____28____  the newcomputer to do the few simple things I need it to do so l can ____29____ sandother functions that I have no use for.

What I did learn from all of this is that whenit comes to computers and ____30____, I want to keep things simple. I don't want towake up in the morning and ____31____ to my devices. ____32____, I want to petmy dogs, take them outside, and watch the sun ____33____ rise over themountains here. Life is simple. It is we who make things ____34____. Iwant to spend my times and my talents making this world better not ____35____.

21. A. exchanging       B.purchasing            C. recycling             D.sacrificing

22. A. parking          B.dropping             C. repairing             D.flying

23. A. program         B.website              C. receiver              D.computer

24. A. faster            B.cheaper              C. older                D.saved

25. A. hired            B.cleaned              C. rejected              D.saved

26. A. fancy            B.heaver               C. tidy                 D.handy

27. A. weighed         B.stuck                C. designed             D.touched

28. A. set up           B.put on               C. taken in              D.made out

29. A. imagine          B.explore              C. ignore               D.reflect

30. A. work            B.travel                C. life                 D.nature

31. A. yawn            B.rush                 C. bow                 D.dance

32. A. Still             B.Maybe               C. Besides              D.Instead

33. A. firmly           B.slowly               C. hopefully            D.normally

34. A. ambiguous       B.controversial          C. complicated          D.flexible

35. A. faster            B.calmer               C. luckier               D.simpler

【答案】21.B    22. D    23. A   24. C    25. D    26. A   27. D    28. A    29. C   30. C    31. B    32. D   33. B    34. C    35. A




考查动词词义辨析。句意:由于没有电脑维修点,我女儿说服我买了一台新的笔记本电脑来代替它。A. exchanging交换; B. purchasing购买;C. recycling回收; D. sacrificing牺牲。由“a new laptop toreplace it”可知,此处表示“买了一台新的笔记本电脑”,故选B。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:这就像从开一辆旧车到操纵航天飞机。A. parking停车; B. dropping掉下;C. repairing修理; D. flying操纵(飞行器等)。由“the spaceshuttle”可知,此处表示操纵航天飞机,故选D。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:我找了找以前用过的电子邮件程序,发现它不在这个模式下。A. program程序; B. website网站;C. receiver听筒; D. computer电脑。由后文的“download the___ version again”可知,我找了找以前用过的电子邮件程序,发现它不在这个模式下,因此空格处是“程序”,故选A。


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我试图再次下载旧版本时,它无法工作。A. faster更快的; B. cheaper更便宜的;C.older更旧的; D. saved救。由“version again”可知,我是再次下载之前的旧版本,因此空格处是“更旧的”,故选C。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后,把我保存在USB驱动器上的所有老故事转移到电脑上也很困难。A. hired雇佣; B. cleaned清理;C. rejected拒绝; D. saved保存。由“on a USB drive”可知,此处表示“我保存在USB驱动器上的所有老故事”,因此空格处是“保存”,故选D。


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:笔记本电脑上花哨的新程序就像一个图标雷区,我必须找到方法。A. fancy花哨的; B. heavier更重的;C. tidy整洁的; D. handy方便的。由“new programswere an icon (图标) minefield that I had to find the way”可知,此处表示“笔记本电脑上花哨的新程序就像一个图标雷区”,因此空格处是“花哨的”,故选A。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:每次我不小心碰到其中一个,它就会改变我屏幕上的所有东西,我必须努力想办法把它们还原回来。A. weighed称重; B. stuck粘,贴;C. designed设计; D. touched碰。由“one of them, itchanged everything on my screen”可知,句子表示“每次我不小心碰到其中一个,它就会改变我屏幕上的所有东西”,故选D。


考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:最后,在两天之后,我想我们已经设置了新的电脑来做一些我需要它做的简单的事情,这样我就可以忽略和其他我不需要的功能。A. set up设置; B. put on穿上;C. taken in吸收; D. made out辨认出。由“the new computerto do the few simple things”可知,我设置了新的电脑,故选A。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:最后,在两天之后,我想我们已经设置了新的电脑来做一些我需要它做的简单的事情,这样我就可以忽略其他我不需要的功能。A. imagine想象; B. explore探索;C. ignore忽略;D. reflect反思。由“other functionsthat I have no use for”可知,我可以忽略其他我不需要的功能,故选C。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:我从中学到的是,当涉及到电脑和生活时,我想让事情简单化。A. work工作; B. travel旅行;C. life生活; D. nature大自然。由后文的“I want to petmy dogs, take them outside, and watch the sun”是描述生活的可知,句子表示“当涉及到电脑和生活时,我想让事情简单化”,故选C。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不想早上一觉醒来,就冲到我的电子设备前。A. yawn打哈欠; B. rush冲;C. bow鞠躬; D. dance跳舞。由“I want to pet mydogs, take them outside, and watch the sun”可知,我不想早上一觉醒来,就冲到我的电子设备前,故选B。


考查副词词义辨析。句意:相反,我想爱抚我的狗,带它们出去,看太阳从这里的山上慢慢升起。A. Still仍然; B. Maybe也许;C. Besides另外; D. Instead相反。____ to my devices和Iwant to pet my dogs, take them outside, and watch the sun是相反的两件事,因此空格处是“相反”,故选D。


考查副词词义辨析。句意:相反,我想爱抚我的狗,带它们出去,看太阳从这里的山上慢慢升起。A. firmly坚定地; B. slowly缓慢地;C. hopefully有希望地; D. normally正常地。由“the sun ____rise over the mountains here”可知,太阳是从这里的山上慢慢升起,故选B。


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:是我们让事情变得复杂。A. ambiguous模棱两可的; B. controversial有争议的; C. complicated复杂的;D. flexible灵活的。由“Life is simple”可知,句子表示“生活是简单的。是我们让事情变得复杂”,故选C。


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我想用我的时间和才能让这个世界变得更好,而不是更快。A. faster更快的; B. calmer更平静的;C. luckier更幸运的; D. simpler更简单的。由“making thisworld better not ____.”可知,我想用我的时间和才能让这个世界变得更好,而不是更快,故选A。



China has uncovered a new high-speed bullettrain ____36____(design)for extremely cold climates. The CR400AF-G train can operate at speeds of up to350 kilometers per hour (217 mph) in temperatures as low as -40℃. It is part ofthe Fuxing series of high-speed electric trains developed ____37____ operated by thestate-owned China State Railway Group. The train, rolled out in Beijing onJanuary 6, will run on a new high-speed line ____38____(connect) the Chinese capital with northeasterndestinations including Shenyang and Harbin-the latter of which is famous for ____39____ (it) annual snowand ice festival. The train also ____40____(feature)a streamlined low-resistance design to help decrease energy consumption, and alightweight body.

In a report by state-owned newspaper China Daily, Zhou Song, director of theChina Railway Beijing Group, offered an analogy (类比) to explain the new train s brake system: “If the train stops in Harbin, one of theChina's ____41____(cold)cities in northernmost Heilongjiang, for an hour, because of the extremely coldweather, the braking system can ____42____(easy)freeze if it stops moving for a while. The new system will enable the brakes tomove from time to time even ____43____ thetrain stops, like a person who stamps his feet ____44____(keep) warm in cold weather.”

Today, China is home to the world's largesthigh-speed rail network, ____45____spreadsover 37,000 kilometers.

【答案】36.designed   37. and    38. connecting   39. its    40. features   

41. coldest   42. easily    43. if/ though   44. to keep   45. which




考查过去分词。句意:中国设计了一种专门抵御极端寒冷气候的新型高速子弹头列车。句中谓语是has uncovered,空格处用非谓语形式,train和design之间是被动关系,因此空格处用过去分词表被动,作后置定语,故填designed。




考查现在分词。句意:该列车于1月6日在北京推出,将运行在连接中国首都和东北的目的地,包括沈阳和哈尔滨——后者以每年的冰雪节而闻名。句中谓语是will run,空格处用非谓语形式,line和connect之间是主谓关系,因此空格处用现在分词表主动,作后置定语,故填connecting。


考查物主代词。句意:该列车于1月6日在北京推出,将运行在连接中国首都和东北的目的地,包括沈阳和哈尔滨——后者以每年的冰雪节而闻名。根据句意可知,annual snow and ice festival和it之间是所属关系,空格处意为“它的”,用形容词性物主代词作定语,故填its。


考查时态和主谓一致。句意:该列车还采用了流线型的低阻力设计,以帮助降低能耗,车身轻巧。分析可知,空格处是谓语,通篇时态是一般现在时,主语The train是单数,因此空格处用动词的第三人称单数,故填features。






考查固定短语。句意:即使火车停了,新系统将使刹车能不时地移动,就像一个人在寒冷的天气跺脚取暖一样。根据语境可知,句子表示“即使火车停了,新系统将使刹车能不时地移动,就像一个人在寒冷的天气跺脚取暖一样”,空格处的短语意为“即使”,是even if/though,故填if/though。


考查不定式。句意:新系统将使刹车能不时地移动,即使火车停了,就像一个人在寒冷的天气跺脚取暖一样。根据stamps his feet和(keep) warm in coldweather可知,句子表示“一个人在寒冷的天气跺脚取暖”,空格处用不定式表目的,故填to keep。


考查非限制性定语从句的引导词。句意:今天,中国拥有世界上最大的高铁网络,全长超过3.7万公里。逗号后是非限制性定语从句,从句中缺主语,先行词rail network是物,因此空格处用关系代词which,故填which。



46. 你校将举办英语演讲比赛。请你以“How to expressyour thanks”为题写一篇演讲稿参赛,内容包括:

1. 分析现状;

2. 建议几种感激方式。


1. 写作词数应为80左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

How to express your thanks


【答案】How to express your thanks

You may feel grateful to people who have helpedyou selflessly. However, it may not always be easy to ex press that. Here aretwo simple ways.

First, for your loved ones, give them meaningfulgifts. For example, if your friend has her favorite writer invite her to areading club to see the author or get her the signed edition. Then, forstrangers, you can smile at a person who is walking down the street becausejust a simple smile can make a person feel appreciated Expressing appreciationwill make us lead a happy and fulfill life.


【分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生以“How to express your thanks”为题写一篇演讲稿参加英语演讲比赛。




例如:for example→for instance

过......的生活:lead a...life→live a...life



原句:First, for your loved ones, give them meaningfulgifts.

拓展句:First, give those who you love meaningful gifts.

【点睛】[高分句型1] You may feel grateful to people who havehelped you selflessly.(运用了who引导的限制性定语从句)

[高分句型2]Then, for strangers, you can smile at a person who is walking down the streetbecause just a simple smile can make a person feel appreciated (运用了who引导的定语从句)


47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

At eleven years old during my summer holiday, mymain concern was money. I wanted to buy the new must-have thing my classmateshad. I already had a “job” as a sales representative with a kids-based salescompany, and I sold wrapping paper and greeting cards with the best of them. Onmy bedroom floor, I arranged the bills and change from my purse to see what Ihad. I wished it would multiply before my eyes, but of course it didn't. I wentto my mom. "Mom, I need more money,” I said, leaning against the kitchencounter while she cooked dinner.” What else can kids do for a job around here?”Mom responded with a smile, “Okay, let me ask around.”

The next day, she had an answer “Yourgrandmother will pay you to help her deliver lunch each day to the elderly.”Yes! I pumped my fist into the air. I couldn't wait to start my new job onMonday after school dismissed for the summer.

When my grandmother picked me up, I thanked herfor the job and started asking the job. “It's simple. We pick up a largecontainer full of hot meals in a nearby town and then we go on our deliveryroute,” she answered.

We arrived at the pick-up kitchen and got dozensof little shiny silver boxes with white lids that were hot. After our load wasarranged in the backseat, my grandmother drove us to our first stop: a smallwhite house. I took a meal and a small box of milk from the back and walkedbeside my grandmother to the front gate. She opened it and nodded to me to goin. I walked along the cracked walkway. Tall grass tickled (使发痒) my ankles.

Did someone really live here? I couldn't imaginethat. The house didn't look nice, but I kept going. In front of the doorleading to the enclosed front doorway, I paused, and my grandmother called out,“Mrs. Hershel, we've brought you some lunch.”


1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

The reply in a low voice came from my left,“Come on in.”


On the road home, my grandmother said,” For someof them, we're the only person they see and a kind word and a smile go a longway.”


【答案】The replyin a low voice came from my left, “Comeon in.” I turned around and found an old lady in the corner looking at me.She was in her nineties with grey hair. She was sitting in a rock chair in aloose dress. When I drew near to her, she smiled at me. My grandmotherintroduced me to her. She thanked me again. However, I stared at her and juststood there holding the food, unsure what to do. Under the guide of mygrandmother, I placed the food on her kitchen table. I was unwilling to staythere and withdrew at once.

On theroad home, my grandmother said, “For some of them, we're the only person they see and a kind word and a smile go a longway.” And she asked if I would try it again the next day. With the lonelywoman coming to my mind, I nodded. The next morning, I saw each person a littledifferently. I smiled at each one and greeted them. With those smiles I sawtrue happiness in their eyes. That summer I did something incredible not onlyearning money but making a difference to someone.






2. 续写线索:走近她——盯着她——退了出去——微笑——打招呼

3. 词汇激活


①走近她:drawnear to her/approach her

②盯着她:stareat her/gaze at her




①感谢:thank/showher gratitude


【点睛】[高分句型1]However, I stared at her and just stood thereholding the food, unsure what to do.(用现在分词作状语)

[高分句型2]That summer I did something incredible not only earning money butmaking a difference to someone.(用现在分词作状语)



6大词性/8大时态/3大从句, 一篇全搞定!

优质微课| 2022年高考英语熟词生义解析

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[词汇注释] 近年高考英语高频词,有心的同学已经开始记了...

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