

点击加关注 高中英语教学交流网 2023-03-09



1. 段首段落主旨总结句、引起下文


Passage 1

    19   If our self-worth is contingent upon being successful at work, we might only choose jobs that are easy. That way we never fail and ensure that we always know that we are worthy. Or, maybe we only think were worthy if we weigh less than 130 pounds. We might undereat or engage in unhealthy eating practices just to make sure that we feel good.


A. That may pose potential dangers.

B. Unfortunately, he is no exception.

C. When our self-worth depends on those, it's unstable.

D. Let’s cite some examples to further demonstrate that.

E. Let’s dive into the cause to learn more about self-worth.

F. Actually, hes always been labeled as other peoples child.

G. Instead, learn to base your self-worth on internal contingencies like virtues and faiths.


根据下文If our self-worth is contingent upon being successful at work, we might only choose jobs that are easy... Or, maybe we only think were worthy if we weigh less than 130 pounds. We might undereat or engage in unhealthy eating practices just to make sure that we feel good. (如果我们的自我价值取决于成功的工作,那么我们只会选择那些容易的工作。或者,我们只会认为我们是受到尊敬的如果我们体重低于130磅。我们可能吃少,或者养成不健康的饮食习惯仅仅确保那让我们自我感觉良好。)一共出现了三个例子,D项Lets cite some examples to further demonstrate that.(让我们引用几个例子来论证。)符合题意。故选D项。


Passage 2

____17____ Larger audiences often have little or no audience participation, so you need to ensure that your speech fills the time slot(空档) allocated. To attain the attention of a larger audience, your tone and body language is also more important, and maintaining eye contact with as many individuals is vital.____18_G___This means you’ll need to prepare enough material to fill the time slot if needed, but allow for questions or comments throughout while still delivering your message in the time you have.


A. They learn and take in information in many different ways.

B. You are talking to a particular age group, gender or profession.

C. The most effective way is to create two versions of your speech.

D. Audiences, large or small, are complex and have different requirements.

E. Adapting your speech based on the audience size is your first action-point.

F. No matter how much you prepare, you may find you are losing audience engagement.

G For smaller audiences they have more opportunity to be more conversational and relaxed.


下文“Larger audiences often have little or no audience participation, so you need to ensure that your speech fills the time slot(空档) allocated.”(较大的听众通常很少或根本没有听众参与,因此您需要确保您的演讲占满时间段分配。)说明,听众较大的时候,听众参与少,应该调整演讲占满时间段,E项中“the audience size”是关键词,根据听众大小调整演讲,E项“根据听众大小调整演讲是你的第一个行动点。”符合题意。故选E

2. 段中

(1) 文章细节


Passage 3

The second hurdle to overcome is that you naturally have lots of different types of people in the room.____19____ As a general rule, there are 4 different ways people learn: visual, auditory, reading and writing and kinaesthetic动觉的. Including elements of each learning style will help to engage more of your audience, and assist in connecting with different audiences.


A. They learn and take in information in many different ways.

B. You are talking to a particular age group, gender or profession.

C. The most effective way is to create two versions of your speech.

D. Audiences, large or small, are complex and have different requirements.

E. Adapting your speech based on the audience size is your first action-point.

F. No matter how much you prepare, you may find you are losing audience engagement.

G For smaller audiences they have more opportunity to be more conversational and relaxed.


下文“As a general rule, there are 4 different ways people learn”(一般来说,有四种不同的学习方式)说明,听众会有不同的学习方式,A项“他们以许多不同的方式学习和吸收信息。”符合题意。故选A。


Passage 4

Another way you’ll need to adapt your speech is whether you are addressing other experts in the same field, or if you are talking to beginners or an audience with limited knowledge. Targeting these two types of audience will be a bigger and more difficult task.____20____Trying to target both experts and beginners with the same speech could alienate(疏远) both parties and result in the loss of engagement completely.


A. They learn and take in information in many different ways.

B. You are talking to a particular age group, gender or profession.

C. The most effective way is to create two versions of your speech.

D. Audiences, large or small, are complex and have different requirements.

E. Adapting your speech based on the audience size is your first action-point.

F. No matter how much you prepare, you may find you are losing audience engagement.

G For smaller audiences they have more opportunity to be more conversational and relaxed.


上文“Targeting these two types of audience will be a bigger and more difficult task.”(针对这两类受众将是一项更大、更困难的任务。)说明,针对初学者和专家这两类受众进行演讲是困难的,以及下文“Trying to target both experts and beginners with the same speech could alienate(疏远) both parties and result in the loss of engagement completely.”(试图用同一个演讲同时针对专家和初学者可能会疏远这两类听众,导致完全失去参与。)说明用同样地语言对待两种类型受众是不可行的,所以空处应说明应对这两类受众的方式,C项“最有效的方法是为你的演讲创建两个版本。”符合题意。故选C。





not only...but also..., also, too, as well, likewise, similarly, equally, in the same way, that is to say, as well as, same……as, even 等


but, however, yet, instead, contrarily, on the contrary, by contrast, on the other hand, unfortunately, while, otherwise 等


because,  for,  since,  as, considering that, seeing that,  in that,  now that,

due to,  on account of,  because of,  thanks to

so,  thus,  hence,  therefore,  consequently,  accordingly,  as a result,  for this reason,

so……that……,  such……that……,  in response to 等


although, thoughhoweverwhateverwhoeverwhomeverwhicheverwheneverwhereverwhetherno matter (who, what, where, when, etc)even ifeven though 等


if, only if,  if only,  unless,  otherwise, as long as, in case, suppose/supposing that, provided/providing that 等


for example, for instance, such as

Passage 5

As travel companies have transformed their operations with new digital systems, their focus has moved from the technology itself to the improved business outcomes and enhanced guest and passenger experiences driven by the technology.    18    . With advanced connectivity speeds and low latency(延时), guests can share their personal data to receive custom recommendations from travel companies in real time that should provide meaningful experiences.    19    For example, guests can involve themselves in viewing rooms and hotel facilities, or preview local attractions as they plan their trips.


A. It also transforms the travel experience.

B. 5G’s capabilities can support that change.

C. 5G offers significant security guarantee definitely.

D. However, people haven’t got well prepared for the 5C era.

E. Virtual experiences give guests an early taste of the destination.

F. 5G opens up a new way of accessing information and delivering business value.

G. Then they should find ways to adapt their processes and services to meet them.


故将上文As travel companies have transformed their operations with new digital systems, their focus has moved from the technology itself to the improved business outcomes and enhanced guest and passenger experiences driven by the technology(随着旅游公司用新的数字系统改变了他们的运营方式,他们的重点已经从技术本身转移到改善业务成果和提高由技术驱动的旅客和旅客体验上)可知,与 B项相呼应,5G’s capabilities can support that change.(5G的能力可以支持这一改变),故选A项。


根据下文For example, guests can involve themselves in viewing rooms and hotel facilities, or preview local attractions as they plan their trips.(例如,客人可以参与参观房间和酒店设施,或者在计划行程时预览当地景点。)可知,预览当地景点,需要虚拟现实技术,故 E项Virtual experiences give guests an early taste of the destination.(虚拟体验可以让客人提前体验目的地。符合题意。故选E项。


Passage 6

Direct your concern toward the problem, not your teammates. Don’t accuse or blame anyone on your team for causing the conflict, even if you believe they did. _____19_____ Have your team work through conflict, using it to their benefit.


A. Make sure you do an equal share of the work.

B. Volunteer to take on extra work when necessary.

C. Treat the team’s accomplishments as a group success.

D. Our guide will show you how to boost your teamwork skills.

E. State the issue you’re having, then listen to what everyone has to say.

F. Instead, keep all of your comments focused on the issue and how your team can solve it.

G. This can include explaining the expectations or asking questions if you find them unclear.


根据上文“Direct your concern toward the problem, not your teammates. Don’t accuse or blame anyone on your team for causing the conflict, even if you believe they did.(把你的关注点放在问题上,而不是你的队友。不要指责或责怪你的团队中的任何人导致了冲突,即使你认为他们确实造成了冲突)”可知,F项“Instead, keep all of your comments focused on the issue and how your team can solve it.(相反,你的所有评论都要关注这个问题,以及你的团队如何解决这个问题)”切题,该选项句意与上文构成转折关系,进一步阐述了要把关注点放在问题上而不是你的队友。故选F项。

3. 段尾

(1) 总结句


Passage 7

Ultimately, we listen to Adele’s songs when we want to recall, reflect, or belong. They let us feel her sadness, share our suffering, and connect with others. To all of us, Adele’s songs say: ___20___


A. You are not alone in your pain.

B. Music speaks louder than words.

C. These help us to tackle loss and pain.

D. We can also think at the spiritual level.

E. Few people are aware sad music makes us feel good.

F. This lets us share an emotional experience with others.

G. This may make us better prepared for when real loss strikes.


根据前文“They let us feel her sadness, share our suffering, and connect with others. To all of us, Adele’s songs say: (他们让我们感受她的悲伤,分享我们的痛苦,并与他人联系。对我们所有人来说,阿黛尔的歌中写道:)”可知,本段介绍的是通过听阿黛尔的歌,分享痛苦,悲伤不再是一个人的。A选项“You are not alone in your pain. (你不是一个人在承受痛苦。)”符合题意,故选A。

(2) 引起下文


Passage 8

No matter what profession or occupation you hold you will need to work with others to meet your goals. Group work is a great way to showcase your own skills while getting help from your teammates in areas where you might not be as strong. _____16_____

Clarify the team expectations so everyone is on the same page. ……

Make sure you do an equal share of the work.……

Direct your concern toward the problem, not your teammates.……


A. Make sure you do an equal share of the work.

B. Volunteer to take on extra work when necessary.

C. Treat the team’s accomplishments as a group success.

D. Our guide will show you how to boost your teamwork skills.

E. State the issue you’re having, then listen to what everyone has to say.

F. Instead, keep all of your comments focused on the issue and how your team can solve it.

G. This can include explaining the expectations or asking questions if you find them unclear.


此题为文章首段,首先阐述团队合作的重要性,下文中又列举了几个提高团队合作技能的方法,因此,D项“Our guide will show you how to boost your teamwork skills.(我们的指南将向您展示如何提高团队合作技能)”切题,该选项承接上文,统领下文,故选D项。


Passage 9

To prepare to roll out this new technology, travel companies should ensure they have a thorough understanding of their guests’ expectations on what makes a first-rank travel experience.     20     


A. It also transforms the travel experience.

B. 5G’s capabilities can support that change.

C. 5G offers significant security guarantee definitely.

D. However, people haven’t got well prepared for the 5C era.

E. Virtual experiences give guests an early taste of the destination.

F. 5G opens up a new way of accessing information and delivering business value.

G. Then they should find ways to adapt their processes and services to meet them.


此题为文章尾段,根据上文To prepare to roll out this new technology, travel companies should ensure they have a thorough understanding of their guests’ expectations on what makes a first-rank travel experience.(为了准备推出这项新技术,旅游公司应该确保彻底了解客人对一流旅游体验的期望。)根据句意,G项Then they should find ways to adapt their processes and services to meet them.(然后他们应该找到方法调整他们的流程和服务来满足他们。)符合题意。故选G项。

(3) 文章细节


Passage 10

The standards of perfection for parents these days are extremely high. Perfect parenting expectations begin with a drug free natural birth. Once our young are born we must breastfeed each baby for years. If we can’t breasted, we must at least feed on demand. ____17 A____ Let’s also not forget to organize our children’s days so they are engaged in educational pursuits in case they fall behind the curve (弯道). We must be involved in every aspect of our children’s schools. There is no free time for the perfect parent. ____18____ 


A. We must make our own baby food.

B. They are pushing themselves too far.

C. Robots would be much easier to parent.

D. There is only unlimited devotion to our children.

E. A good enough parent meets the needs of their children.

F. Parents have no enough time to live up to these high standards.

G. To meet those goals, parents are told that they must spare no effort.


根据本段内容及空前一句“There is no free time for the perfect parent.(完美的父母是没有空闲时间的)”可知,完美父母的标准很苛刻,没有空闲时间,分析选项,D项“只有对我们的孩子无限的奉献。”符合语境,句式与空前一句一致,意义上形成对比,故选D项。




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