
新人教版 高中英语 必修1 Unit 4 知识清单+巩固练习+答案

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1. rescue vt.营救;救援

(1)把某人从......营救出来: rescue sb from

rescue n.营救;救援

(2)进行营救: attempt a rescue

(3)设法(实行)营救: make/perform a rescue 


He promised to come to my rescue if I was in danger.

2. damage vt.损坏、迫害。n.损失;损害

 (1)弥补损失: recover a damage

(2)赔偿损失: pay for damage

(3)遭受损失、蒙受损害: suffer damage


The flood did/caused great damage to the crop.

3.survive vi.生存;存活 vt幸存、艰难度过

(1)靠......活下来;靠......生存: survive on

(2)比某人多活......survive sb by


Nobody survived the disaster.

→ survivor n. 幸存者;生还者

4. destroy vt. 摧毁;毁灭


Your words will destroy your child’s confidence.


We can’t continue to destroy the environment.

→ destruction n. 破坏;毁灭

5.affect vt影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动;使感染(疾病)


We were affected by his sincerity.


Nowadays technology has greatly affected our life.

6.shelter n避难所;居所;庇护 vt 保护 掩蔽 躲避


The big tree sheltered us from the heavy rain.


The plan is to provide shelter for the homeless.

→ effect n. 影响;效果;结果

7.ruin vt. 破坏;毁坏

(1)毁掉某人的希望、健康:ruin ones hope/health

ruin n. 破坏;毁坏

(2)坍塌 fall into ruin


After the disaster, everything was in ruins.

8.shock n. 震惊;令人震惊的事;休克 

(1)文化冲击: culture shock

(2)震惊;吃惊: in shock

shock vt. 使震惊

(3)对......感到吃惊: be shocked at/by...


We were shocked to learn that our favorite writer had passed away

9. trap vt. 使落入险境;是陷入圈套 n 陷阱;险境

(1)用......捕捉;使困于......: trap sb/sth in sth

(2)诱骗某人使之采取某种行动: trap sb into sth/doing


After earthquake, many people were trapped under the ruins.

10. bury vt. 埋葬;安葬

(1)专心于(某事):陷入,沉浸于;藏于:bury … in...

(2)埋头于;专心于 bury oneself in ...


She buried her face in her hands and cried bitterly,

11.effort n. 努力;艰难的尝试;尽力

(1)努力做某事: make an effort/efforts to do sth

(2)不遗余力: spare no effort

(3)值得努力: be worth the effort

(4)毫不费力地: without effort


He spoke in English with effort.

12. suffer vt.遭受;蒙受(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦 

(1)遭受: suffer from

(2)遭受疼痛: suffer pain


Their company suffered loss in business last year,

→ suffering n. 痛苦;苦难

13. supply n.供应量;补给;补给品。

(1)食物供应 food supply

(2)供应不足 in short supply

 supply vt.供应;供给

(3)提供给某人某物 supply sb with sth

(4)把某物提供给某人 supply sth to sb


The shop supplies all kinds of goods to customers.

14. power n. 电力供应;能量;力量;控制力

(1)某人有权、能力 within one’s power

(2)掌权 come into power

(3)有权力做某事 have the power to do sth

(4)停电 power failure 


Nobody here has the power to sign the paper.

→ powerful adj. 强有力的;强大的

15.calm n.镇静的;沉着的

(1)保持冷静: stay/keep/remain calm


She can keep calm in the face of danger.

calm  vt. 使平静;使镇静

(2)使某人镇静下来: calm sb down

→ calmly adv. 平静地;冷静地

16.aid n. 援助;帮助;救援物资 

(1)(对某人)实施急救 do/give/offer/perform/carry out first aid

(2)帮某人的忙 come to the aid of sb

(3)为了帮助:in aid of


A concert was given in aid of the flooded areas.

(4)在......的帮助下: with the aid of

aid v.帮助;援助

(5)帮助某人做某事: aid sb in doing sth/aid sb to do sth

(6)在某方面帮助某人:aid sb with sth

17.sweep vt/vi. 打扫;清扫( swept  swept)

(1)消灭;彻底清除: sweep away

(2)打扫干净,清扫干净: sweep out

(3)席卷;轻易通过:  sweep through

(4)打扫;清扫: sweep up


She was left to sweep up after the party.

18.wave n  海浪;波浪 

(1)一波......,一阵...... a wave of

wave  vt/vi 挥手;招手

(2)向......挥手: wave at/to ...


She waved at me from across the street.

(3)挥手告别: wave off

→  wavy adj 波浪形的

19. strike vt/vi. 侵袭;突击;击打

(1)打一个男孩: strike a boy

(2)钟敲了十二下 : strike twelve

(3)打击敌人: strike the enemy

(4)某人忽然想起: It strikes sb that…


It struck me that there was no one at home.

strike  n. 罢工;罢课;袭击

开始罢工、罢课 : be/go on strike

20. deliver. vt递送,传达,发表 

(1)发货: deliver the goods

(2)作报告: deliver a speech

(3)接生: deliver a baby

(4)送某人到家: deliver to sb’s house


David would get up early in the morning to deliver newspaper.

→ delivery n 递送,分娩

21. summary n. 总结;概括;概要

(1)…的摘要、总结: summary of

(2)作总结: make a summary

(3)总的来说,总之: in summary


In summary, the campaign has been a great success.

→ summarize vt 概述;总结

22. effect n. 影响;结果;效果

(1)实行: bring/ put sth into effect

(2)产生效果: bring about effect

(3)生效;开始实施: come into effect/ take effect

(4)实际上;事实上: in effect

(5)从......起开始生效: with effect from


This in turn has effect on the food supply for wolves.

→ effective adj   有效的;生效的

23. length n. 长;长度

(1)最后,最终: at length

(2)长度: in length.

(3)十分详尽地: at great/full length.


The length of the table is twice its breadth.

→ lengthen v(使)变长


1.as if/though 似乎,好像;仿佛



He likes to talk big as if he was an important person.


It sounds as if/though there is a knock at the door.

2.in the open air 露天;在户外

(1)乘飞机: by air

(2)在传播中: in the air

(3)正在广播: on the air

(4)停止广播: off the air


He is now taking a walk in the open air.

3.on hand 现有(尤指帮助)

(1)交上;提交: hand in

(2)分发: hand out

(3)交出;移交: hand over

(4)交付,传递: hand on 

(5)在手边;可能很快发生的: at hand

(6)用手工: by hand

(7)握手: shake hands

(8)手拉手;密切关联: hand in hand


Women today are very busy. On the one hand, they have to take care of their families; on the other hand, many women choose to go out to work.


1. 主语+be+adj+(+for sb ) +to do



Water, food, and electricity were hard to get.



The volcanic eruption itself is really exciting to watch and I shall never forget my first sight of one.

2. be doing……when…正在做......,这时......



I was having breakfast with my three children when water started filling my home.


 I was walking home when my teacher kindly gave me a lift.



 She was about to raise her hand when class was over.



1. R_____ workers and soldiers were sent to help those who were _____(被困) under the building.

2. The first thing he did was to find _____(遮蔽处) from the freezing wind and snow.

3. His mother stood there, w______ goodbye to her son on the train.

4. A powerful typhoon ________(袭击) our town several years ago and a large number of people became homeless.

5. Some children were _______(滑行;滑动) on the ice happily when they heard someone _____(cry) for help.

6. He s_____ from poor eyesight and could no longer read properly.

7. The plane c_____ into the mountain, fortunately the pilot managed to survive.

8. In the traffic accident, the ________(幸存者) were all badly injured.

9. Universities should be about the acquisition(习得) of knowledge, ______(智慧) and understanding.

10. In 1892 Coubertin first put forward his idea to _____(恢复) the Olympic Games but failed.


1. The mother, along with her two children, ______(rescue) from the sinking boat.

2. As far as I’m concerned, staying up late every day is certain _____(affect) your heath seriously.

3. The old man went through a lot of _____ in the old days. What’s worse, he ______ from heart attack when he was in his eighties. (suffer)

4. The news ______(shock) the public, leading to great concern about students’ safety at school.

5. A rescue worker risked his life _____(save) two tourists who _______(trap) in the mountains for two days.

6. _____(bury) in study, he didn’t notice that all the others had left.

7. He treats me as if I ______(be) his own daughter.

8. What you said left us _____(lose) in thought.

9. I wonder why you refused _____(deliver) my letters to my home last week.

10. In my opinion, playing tame games outdoors with your friends is an ______(effect) way to get rid of anger.


make joint efforts_____

in ruins ______

cause great damage to______

in an effort to do...______ 

in shock _____ 

be trapped in ______

calm (sb.) down ______

suffer from _____ 

come into effect _______

have a great effect on ______ 

as usual _______ 

dig out _____ 

set up ________

1.A terrible earthquake nearly destroyed everything, leaving almost everything _____. 

2.The old farmer was very upset because the strong winds ______ his crops.

3.I looked at my husband ______, waiting for him to tell me that I had misunderstood everything.

4. ______ catch the opportunity, I made every effort to finish the assignment perfectly.

5. ______; there’s no need to be upset about it.

6. We would _______ to help survivors rebuild their homes.

7.The measures taken by the local government will _______ next month.

8.Smartphones which are now universally recognized as a must, _______ us.

9.It was reported that an American couple had ______ a lot of gold coins from their own yard.

10. Although I got up with a headache, I went to work _______. 


1. 现在越来越多的人意识到(aware)自然灾害与我们日常生活对地球所做的事情有关。

Now ______ people have _____ that _____ have much to do with _____ we have done to the earth.

2. 听到我们队获胜的消息,他没有感到兴奋,这使我很困惑(leave)。

_____ the news that our team won the game, he didn’t feel excited, _______.

3. 另一个让我们永不放弃的理由是:只有努力,我们才能从错误中学习。

Another reason ______ we should never give up is that _____


4. 被困在孤岛上的游客靠抓海里的鱼活下来了。

The traveler ________ the lonely island _____ on the fish ______(catch) in the sea.

5. 我突然想到还有另外一种方法可以解答这个数学题。


6. Tom 正要关窗,这时一只小鸟引起了他的注意。


7. 我们已经详细地讨论了这个计划,所以接下来我们应该不遗余力地实施它。

We have discussed this plan _______, so next we should ________.

8. 因为环境严重污染(with用法), 我发现要呼吸新鲜空气很难。


9. His parents died two years ago, _______(使他成了孤儿orphan).[leave用法]

10. He went on working ________(好像什么都没发生过).


Though it is estimated(估计) that about 500,000 earthquakes occur each year, only 100 of which cause damage! However 1_______ earthquake could occur any time of the day or night so it pays to be prepared if you are 2_____(fortunate) caught in the middle of one.
If you are indoors, stay indoors unless you are in the ground floor 3_______ you can easily run outside. The best thing 4______(do) if you are indoors is hide under a strong piece of furniture(家具) like a bed 5_____ desk. Do not try to head for the stairway 6______ you are living in an upper storey, as 7______(chance) are that the stairways may collapse(倒塌).
If you 8________(drive) on the road, get out of the traffic and stop on a clear stretch of the road. Do not stop on a bridge. Stay inside your car until the shaking 9_____(stop). before you resume driving, look 10________ for cracks, breaks in the road and bumps. Try to reach an open ground if you can.


It came with destructive force, a natural disaster that shocked the world and killed tens of thousands. The waters have now receded(退去), but diseases and food and water shortages trouble a number of countries around the Indian Ocean.
Food and water
The number of survivors in need of food aid after the Indian Ocean disaster has climbed to 5 million people. 1________ Relief teams hope to reach all of the estimated 700,000 hungry survivors in Sri Lanka within three more days. It could take longer before enough food aid gets to the nearly 1 million people in need in hard-to-reach parts of Indonesia. 2________.
3________ World Health Organization(WHO) crisis chief David Nabarro said 50,000 more people could die from diseases and other causes. WHO said it had already received a handful of reports of diseases such as malaria and dengue fever.
Psychologists are warning that mental health problems caused by the tsunami could prove harder to resolve than the physical damage. 
Some survivors say they are troubled by recurring nightmares(噩梦) about walls of water. 4_______ Although the Thai Government has offered to build temporary(临时的) beachside housing, many refugee families are refusing to come down from the hills. Others are afraid to go back to jobs on the sea.
Over 150,000 people were killed by the tsunami, but hundreds and thousands more have been left with no means to make a living. Dakshina Murti, a fisherman, not only lost three family members, but also lost his boats, his nets, everything. “Everything’s gone,” he says. 5________ For now, rebuilding the economy remains a distant concept.

A. Many locals are afraid to return to beachside homes.

B. Another serious problem is the need for clean water.

C. The number could rise further, the United Nations has said.

D. People around the world offered their timely and selfless help.

E. It was difficult to deliver food to the more than 1,000 islands.

F. There are several million people who suffered the same experience.

G. For those who survived the tsunami’s force, disease is now the No. 1 problem.


一、1. Rescue, trapped   2. shelter   3. waving   4. struck   5. sliding, crying   6. suffered   7. crashed    8. survivors    9. wisdom    10. revive

二、1. were rescued    2. to affect    3. sufferings; suffered    4. shocked    5. saving, were trapped    6. Buried    7. were    8. lost    9. to deliver   10. effective

三、1. in ruins    2. caused great damage to   3. in shock    4. In an effort to    5. Cam yourself down 6. make joint efforts   7. come into effect    8. have a great effect on   9. dig out   10. as usual

四、1. an increasing/a growing number of, realised/been aware, natural disasters, what 

2. Hearing, which left me puzzled/ leaving me puzzled

3. why, we can learn from mistakes only if/as long as we make our efforts

改写:only if we make our efforts can we learn from mistakes

4. (who was) trapped on, survived, (which was) caught

5. It suddenly hit/struck/occurred to me that there was another solution to the math problem. 

或Another solution to the math problem suddenly hit/struck/occurred to me.

6. Tom was about to close the window when his attention was caught by a bird/a bird caught his attention.

7. at length/in detail, spare no efforts to carry it out.

8. With the environment seriously polluted, I find it hard to breathe fresh air.

9. leaving him an orphan

10. as if nothing had happened

五、1. an    2. unfortunately   3. where  4. to do  5. or   6. if  7. chances  8. are driving  9. stops  10. out


新人教版 高中英语 必修1:Welcome Unit 知识清单+巩固练习+答案
新人教版高中英语必修1 Unit 1 知识清单+巩固练习+答案
新人教版高中英语 必修1 Unit 2 知识清单+巩固练习+答案
新人教版 高中英语 必修1 Unit 3 知识清单+巩固练习+答案


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