
新外研版高中英语必修二Unit 1-3全部课文文本+翻译+录音,收藏备用

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 Unit 1

A child of Two Cuisines


1 Growing up in England with a British father and a Chinese mother, I’ve enjoyed food from both countries ever since I was able to hold a knife and fork—and chopsticks!
2 Mum has sweet memories of the food from her home town in Sichuan, and often cooks spicy dishes. Thanks to this, Dad has come to love hot pot! But there are still some dishes that Dad dare not try even after many years of marriage to my mother. He once told me he was surprised by what he saw on the table when he first visited my mother’s parents in China. He was even shocked at their wedding when he saw how the Chinese ate almost every part of an animal. Even today, he still does not easily take to eating things like chicken feet.
3 But I enjoy that sort of food myself. Last week, I went to the butcher’s and asked, “Do you have pigs’ ears?” “No,” the butcher said, pulling at his own ears, “just these ordinary ones.” He must have thought I was joking.
4 Dad can cook a super “full English breakfast” of bacon, eggs, beans, sausages and toast with butter—Mum and I just have to find a way to get him into the kitchen! He also does a typical Sunday roast. We all love roast beef and vegetables, but Mum says we’d better not eat too much roast food as it may make us suffer from heat inside our bodies, according to traditional Chinese medicine.
5 I’ll never forget my first visit to China. Mum encouraged me to try different kinds of food, and I did! I loved everything. But just when I thought I could deal with all Chinese food, I came across stinky tofu, a horrible grey thing that looked and smelt like a burnt sports shoe. “You needn’t try it if you don’t want to,”Mum said, but I gathered all my courage to take a bite and was amazed to find it wasn’t so bad. It reminded me of blue cheese, a similarly strong smelling type of food you either love or hate. Maybe I’ll fall in love with stinky tofu—someday.
6 People say that one man’s meat is another man’s poison, but I feel at home with food from both my cultures. To me, there’s nothing better than a cross-cultural afternoon tea of English biscuits and a cup of Chinese oolong tea in a fine china cup!

Cold Truths

Is there any truth behind the saying “You are what you eat”? We put this to the test by asking five people to open their fridge doors and talk about their lifestyles. Can you guess which fridge belongs to which person? Maybe you can recognise your own fridge here!
Ellie 24 埃莉 24岁
Junior doctor 实习医生
There’s not enough room to swing a cat in my small apartment, so I don’t cook very often. My fridge is usually half empty and I’m often too tired to eat much anyway. I often end up saving part of my meal for the next day. Some evenings, I’ll just have something quick, like toast, or even just a yoghurt with honey. As a doctor, I know I had better change the way I eat, but I just don’t have the time or the energy right now.
Jenny 31 珍妮 31岁
Teacher 教师
My husband and I avoid all products that come from animals. This means we don’t eat meat, and any milk or cheese had better be dairy-free. We like cooking at home and make our meals from fresh, seasonal fruit and vegetables. Cooking together gives us a chance to relax and catch up on each other’s days. If we have children, I want to bring them up just like us, but my husband says that everyone should be able to make their own lifestyle choices.
Ted 35 特德 35岁 
Construction worker 建筑工人
Each day at the construction site is more or less the same—tiring! When I get back home, there’s nothing more satisfying than a big meat dinner. I guess l’ve always been a big meat eater and in this house, no family meal is complete without some form of meat. I still don’t think that anything can beat my mum’s homemade sausages, though.
Mike 49 迈克 49岁 
Chef 厨师
With five children, we’re one big family! My wife and I both work full-time, so life can get pretty busy! Like a lot of chefs I know, I don’t really do much cooking at home. Sometimes I bring home food from the restaurant where I work. Once a week, we do a big shop and buy a lot of frozen food. I know we should eat more fresh fruit and vegetables, but ready meals are so convenient.
Max 19 马克斯 19岁 
College student 大学生
There are five of us living in our shared student house. My mum says I need to have three healthy meals a day, but I’m too busy studying and meeting friends! We don’t really buy fresh food, and I suppose the fridge could be kind of cleaner... I daren’t let my mum see this photo!

 Unit 2 


1 Many people still remember the magic of Father Christmas from when they were children. As parents, they try to keep that magic alive for their children for as long as they can.
2 That is why Letters from Father Christmas could be the perfect book for those who regard Christmas as a special time of year. The man who wrote these letters is one of the most famous names in English literature—J.R.R. Tolkien, author of The Lord of the Rings. The letters were Tolkien’s way of keeping Father Christmas alive for his four children, over a period of more than twenty years.
有些人把圣诞节视为每年的特别时光,对于他们,《圣诞老人的来信》可能是一本再合适不过的书了。写这些信的人是英国文坛的一位巨匠——《指环王(魔戒)》的作者J. R. R. 托尔金。二十多年来,托尔金以写信的方式让他的四个孩子相信圣诞老人真的存在。
3 Every Christmas, an envelope with a North Pole stamp arrived. It was addressed to Tolkien’s children. Who could it be from? The children must have been very excited as they opened it. Inside, they would find a handwritten letter from Father Christmas. The letters were also beautifully illustrated—each must have taken its true author, Tolkien, a long time to complete.
4 The letters told wonderful stories about Father Christmas’s life and adventures at the North Pole. A regular character in the letters was Polar Bear, who once climbed the North Pole (an actual pole in this case) and fell through the roof of Father Christmas’s house. In another letter, Father Christmas complained about how he could not stop his helpers playing games with the toys instead of wrapping them up. Interestingly, the letters did not contain the usual warnings to children that they might not receive their presents if they were not good. The letters did, however, change as Tolkien’s children got older: ... but if you find that not many of the things you asked for have come, and not perhaps quite as many as sometimes, remember that this Christmas all over the world there are a terrible number of poor and starving people.
5 Letters from Father Christmas tells us that as well as enjoying the adventures of Father Christmas, Polar Bear and other characters at the North Pole, we can all share the true spirit of giving at Christmas time. By expressing love for his children in such a special way, Tolkien may indeed have been the real Father Christmas.

Time for a Change?
Social Insights

A family dinner is an important tradition to celebrate Spring Festival. Nowadays, some people choose to have the dinner in a restaurant, but not everyone is keen on this idea. What do our readers think?
Dear Editor,
1 We have eaten out for the Spring Festival family dinner for the last three years, and we have enjoyed it no less than eating at home. I don’t understand why some people refuse to embrace the change.
2 Can’t they admit that the preparations for the dinner are hard work? I really don’t think it’s worth the effort of spending so much time preparing for a single meal, and then another hour cleaning up the mess after it’s over. We work all year, so why can’t one day be about spending time with family and relaxing?
3 Eating out is a good choice and it has nothing to do with loss of traditions. We still have the dinner with the same people, just in a different place. The occasion is more enjoyable without all that tiring cooking, and the dishes taste better!
4 In my opinion, what or where we eat on Spring Festival Eve really doesn’t matter. Eating out may change the form of this tradition, but the love between the family members sitting around the table together remains the same.
Wang Peng, software engineer
Dear Editor,
1 For this year’s Spring Festival family dinner, my son has booked a table at the best restaurant in town, but I’m a bit unhappy about it. For me, it just won’t feel like Spring Festival having the diner out.
2 When I was a little boy, the dinner on the eve of Spring Festival was what I looked forward to most. It was not only for the delicious food that we seldom got to eat, but for the opportunity to have our whole family gathered together. I would run around the house, listening to the adults chatting about their year. I’d get under my mother’s feet in the kitchen, watching her make dumplings. She’d put tokens in some dumplings: candies for a sweet life and peanuts for a long and healthy one. In the evening, all of us would sit around the table, enjoying the food and being together again. We toasted each other, we laughed, and the simple, homemade dishes tasted more delicious than anything cooked by a top chef.
3 I hope my children and their children will still value our memories of preparing the dinner together. To me, the process is even more important than the dinner itself.
Liu Yonghui, retired teacher

 Unit 3 

A Game for the World

1 These days, football is one of the most popular sports in the world. Given that Neil Armstrong wanted to take a football to the Moon, we could even say that it is also the most popular sport out of this world! The history of the game goes back over two thousand years to Ancient China. It was then known as cuju (kick ball), a game using a ball of animal skins with hair inside. Goals were hung in the air. Football as we know it today started in Great Britain, where the game was given new rules.
2 That football is such a simple game to play is perhaps the basis of its popularity. It is also a game that is very cheap to play. You don’t need expensive equipment; even the ball doesn’t have to cost much money. All over the world you can see kids playing to their hearts’ content with a ball made of plastic bags; just like Pelé did when he was a boy.
3 Another factor behind football’s global popularity is the creativity and excitement on the field. It is fun enough to attract millions of people. You do not have to be a fan to recognise the skill of professional players—how they use their bodies to pass, score and defend can be amazing to see—or to feel the excitement of a game ending with a surprising twist.
4 What’s more, football has become one of the best ways for people to communicate: it does not require words, but everyone understands it. It breaks down walls and brings people together on and off the field. Take, for example, the famous football game on Christmas Day 1914. World War I had broken out months before, but British and German soldiers put down their guns and played football together—one moment of peace to remember during years of conflict.
5 “Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, ... ” said Bill Shankly, the famous footballer and manager. “I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.” This might sound funny, but one only has to think about the Earth to realise that our planet is shaped like a football.
“有些人认为足球事关生死,……” 著名足球运动员兼教练比尔·尚克利曾这样说过,“我可以向你保证,足球远比生死重要得多。”这听起来或许有点儿夸张,但是只要想想地球,你就会意识到我们星球跟足球的形状一样呢。

Running into a Better Life

This global site is a place for runners to share their stories about running. So, if you are a runner with a story to tell, get in touch—we’d love to hear from you!
Li Yue, 16, Beijing
I was born with asthma and I never thought I’d be a runner! I only joined my local athletics club because my doctor told me that in my particular case exercise could improve how my lungs work. But before I knew it, I was taking part in local races. As my fitness and my running improved, I started running in national competitions. This year I won silver in the under 18’s 10,000 metres! And who knows, next year I could win gold!
Sarah, 36, Montreal
Not so long ago, I didn’t do any exercise—not even any jogging! Then I discovered an app called Running Power. It lists your performance against other runners in your social network. At first, I kept running just to see my name in the top five. Soon, I found that I was not alone—I came across other runners in the same area running for the same purpose! Now I no longer use the app, but I’ve fallen in love with running, and still do it with my running friends.
David, 52, New York
As a computer engineer, there’s always a new challenge just around the corner! It can be quite stressful at times, though, which in turn makes me feel anxious. To help deal with this, I go running as often as I possibly can. Whether I’m at the gym or on the road, my nervous energy pushes me through mile one. By mile two, the tension has moved from my mind to my legs. By the end of the run, all my stress has disappeared and I’m ready to face the next day at work!
Grace, 25, Manchester
This year I entered the Great Gorilla Run in London. This is a programme run by The Gorilla Organization to raise money to save the world’s last remaining gorillas from dying out. Each runner receives a gorilla suit and off they go! It’s a bit hot and sweaty inside the suit, and my legs ache, but it’s a lot of fun. The funniest moment was when someone watching the race offered me a banana—a real treat for a running gorilla! I had a great day out in London, as well as helping to save gorillas!


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