
WeChat ID ujstuanwei Intro 江苏大学团委官方微信 咱们的江大真是越来越国际化了呢。当你走在校园里时不时就能看到各种可爱帅气有活力的外国小哥哥小姐姐小弟弟小妹妹们,那么,当你向“歪果仁”介绍江大时,该怎么说? 下面快看↓↓↓ Our Jiangsu University, Located in Zhenjiang--a beautiful ancient city, which is surrounded by several mountains and rivers. The city is located in one of the most developed areas of China--Yangtze River Delta. 我们的江苏大学: 坐落在镇江——一个被山山水水怀抱着的优美古韵城市。这座城市位于中国最发达的地区之一——长江三角洲。 Founded in 1902, Jiangsu University has accumulated deep cultural heritages. Countless talents have graduated from Jiangsu University, who have done great contributions to the society. 江苏大学创建于1902年,至今积淀了深厚的文化底蕴。数不过来的人才曾毕业于江苏大学,他们也对社会做出了巨大的贡献。 You will be amazed by the big campus when you take a walk on the paths. Don't worry, there are several schoolbus routes across the campus. The buses  are called “Cabbages” because of the green and white colors covered over these buses. 当你在漫步在校园小路上时,一定会感叹咱们江大怎么这么大。别担心,这里有好几条公交车线穿越整个校园呢。大家把校园公交车叫做“大白菜”,因为它绿色和白色相间的车身。 As is known to all, the new-built school library is one of the most splendid buildings of all. 谁都知道,咱们新建的图书馆是全校最高大上的建筑之一。 Its stairs rise to the sky spirally, which makes the people have a strong technological feeling. 它的楼梯螺旋式上天,有一种强烈的科技感。 Perhaps you will be surprised at the sunset and lakes here. 也许你会惊叹于这里的夕阳与湖。 Perhaps you will be surprised at the crooked neck trees and flowers here. 也许你会惊叹于这里的歪脖子树和朵朵鲜花。 Perhaps you will be surprised at the charming playground and yellow street lamps here. 也许你会惊叹于这里的迷人操场和黄色路灯。 Perhaps you will be surprised at the seasons all over the year. 也许你会惊叹于这里的春夏秋冬。 However, you had better never miss the delicious food here as well. 但是,你也千万不能错过这里的好吃的。 Such as the Red-cooked pork in No.1 Restaurant, Guogai Noodles in No.2 Restaurant and the steak in Oversea Students Restaurant and so on. 比如说,一食堂的红烧肉,二食堂的锅盖面,留学生餐厅的牛排等等。 If you are fond of small animals, do not miss the cats who walk on the paths from time to time. They have a pleasant time in the campus, because some students always feed these lovely elfin. 如果你喜欢小动物,千万不要错过不时地在小路上游走的猫咪们,他们在江大活得美滋滋,因为每天都有善良的学生们喂食这些可爱的小精灵。 If you are lucky enough, you may come across a  talented dorm caretaker of, who may be good at painting and handwriting. Look, this blackboard is her(his) wonderful works! 如果你足够幸运,你也许会偶遇一位多才多艺的宿管阿姨(叔叔),她(他)也许会擅长画画和书法。看吧,那宿舍门口旁边的黑板就是她(他)的杰作! The temperature is getting cold recently, please take care of you.  近来天凉了,请多多注意你身上的衣服吧。 Hopefully, you will fall in love with Jiangsu University sooner or later. 期待你爱上江大。 Hey~不知道分享给大家的,你们都学会了嘛?如果在路上遇到在校园里不知所以的“歪果仁”,记得一定要用一口流利的英语为他(她)介绍咱江大哟~ 如果你也有其他想对各位“歪果仁”介绍咱江大的话,记得在评论区留言啊! 精彩回顾 学习十九大 ||兴业不忘来时路,南湖溯源寻根情小博传递||最具人气社团齐亮相啦——江苏大学第十八届社团巡礼节开幕式 江大青年 || “仙女下凡”大概就是她走下舞台的那一刻 图片、文字丨陈金鹏、留学生 编辑 | 朱文浩 更多精彩内容点击右上角的“查看公众号”阅读历史消息>> 如果你有好的内容或者对我们的微信有什么建议和意见,欢迎发送至邮箱ujstuanweiwx@163.com 小编一定会认真阅读及时回复的么么哒~ 动动手指请给我们好多好多赞呦,欢迎转发分享喉~↓↓↓ Reward 长按二维码向我转账 受苹果公司新规定影响,微信 iOS 版的赞赏功能被关闭,可通过二维码转账支持公众号。 Scan QR Code via WeChat to follow Official Account

