











Pavement,planting barrel and lawn

Central plaza in sunset

The field division of dynamic and static state

Design method of adjacent space in architecture and pavement

Design method of edge in outer green space

Design method of pavement texture

Daily use of the plaza space

Form of planting and pavement

The combination of surrounding green space

Regularity in Irregularity – Landscape Architectural Design in Chang Ying Gong Yuan Business Centre


This project is located on a 2 hectare site which is surrounded to the south by an exterior wall of 23 storey business centres and in the southeast by 29 storey apartment complexes. A 3 storey building which is connected completes the southeast section of the commercial centres.


Most of the important outdoor activity is located in the northwest area of the site which consists of numerous scattered areas separated by underground garage entrances, roads and parking lots. Doing this and finding the best ways of utilising these scattered areas became the most important key element in the whole design.


According to the direction of the circular route, pavement and planting lines radiate vertically from the line of the road and are integrated into a uniform decorative shape over the whole area. Scattered belts of trees and islands of green embellish the square form of the paving in a changing manner creating a multiple organic harmonious coexistence of spatial heterogeneity with both dynamic and static states. Warehouses for equipment and parking lots have been appropriately covered to avoid detracting from the visual aspect of the display area.



【理事专栏】章俊华作品:设计从属场地——新疆博乐人民公园改造设计(A 地块)





【理事专栏】章俊华作品:“时”与“序” 的感悟——新疆博乐文化路环岛







宜昌鸿坤·花语墅 千江凌云景观 杭州翡丽海岸 杭州阳光城·未来悦 万科·翠湖国际 北七家科技商务区 IDEO Q 嘉祥县曾子广场及洪山河景观绿化工程 South Park 戴家湖公园生态修复工程 武陟龙泽湖公园 大诺瓦西市马恩河岸 Banyan Tree Yangshuo Resort 太舞滑雪度假小镇 保利江门•云上西棠田园综合体示范区 荷兰Afsluitdijk大堤加固项目 福建永安建发·玺院 融创·藏马山阿朵小镇示范区景观工程 苏州世茂铜雀台 天瑞宸章示范区 长沙湘江西岸商业旅游景观带

