
8月31日 DDC ▶ 施坦威艺术家Jose Manuel Garcia Latin Jazz Trio

2017-08-19 黄昏黎明俱乐部

Piano: Jose Manuel Garcia 荷西博士https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=a0535vgkzkz&width=500&height=375&auto=0

“José is not only a remarkable talent but is a person with exemplary character.  His contributions to our country would be enormous musically, scholastically, and culturally.”


——Ahmad Jamal (美国爵士名人堂钢琴家)

 “José Manuel’s association with Steinway & Sons has been greatly valued by me and by my colleagues.  He is a highly gifted and creative pianist whose love of music and dedication to it are readily apparent to all who hear him perform.  Widely regarded by his colleagues as one of the most dynamic young pianists on the music scene today, he has performed throughout North and South America, and his performances have been filmed and broadcast.”

“我和我的同事高度认可José Manuel带给施坦威的巨大的价值。他是一个极具天赋和创造性的钢琴家,所有听过他音乐会的听众,都可以很自然地感受到他对音乐的挚爱与虔诚。他被同行们广泛的认可为当今乐坛上最有活力的年轻钢琴家之一。他已经完成在整个北美和南美巡演,这些表演已被录制和播放。”

——Peter B. Goodrich (施坦威公司 前全球副总裁)

“José Manuel’s brand of musicianship is rare: a pianist who is as much at home in the classical repertoire as in the jazz and Latin genres.”

“José Manuel的音乐品牌是非常罕见的:作为一个钢琴家,他可以在古典钢琴乐,爵士乐和拉丁流派中自如切换。”

——Carlos Urbaneja Silva (委内瑞拉钢琴家)


“José is an excellent pianist who has been able to successfully combine elements of European music with American Jazz and the rhythms of Afro-Caribbean music.  He is one of the few contributing members of the Atlanta musical community who possesses such unique talents.  As such he is able to bridge the musical gaps between our cultures and consequently enriching the musical life of Atlanta.”


——Gordon Vernick (爵士小号手和音乐教育家)

 “José Manuel is an outstanding performing artist and composer.”

 “José Manuel 是一位杰出的表演艺术家和作曲家。”

——Fazil Say (土耳其钢琴家)

“I find myself holding my breath when I hear José play.  Every note is charged with meaning.  He approaches the music with an obvious sensitivity, an endearing humility and a disconcerting dynamic sense.  From the up tempos redolent with life to the beautifully understated ballads, Jose’s playing is a truly gratifying experience.”


——Ilona Knopfler (美国歌手 )

施坦威艺术家、作曲家、音乐教育家,现任亚特兰大 Gwinnett 爵士交响乐团的音乐总监,亚特兰大交响乐团、Gwinnett 交响乐团、Gwinnett 合唱团钢琴伴奏。美国乔治亚大学钢琴演奏博士,乔治亚州立大学钢琴演奏硕士,克莱顿州立大学钢琴演奏学士,Emil Friedman 音乐学院荣誉毕业生。

Dr. José Manuel Garcia is a Steinway Artist, award-winning jazz pianist, composer, arranger, orchestrator and music educator, whose musicianship in the classical repertoire has been highly recognized as well as in the jazz and Latin genres. 

荷西博士出生于委内瑞拉的首都加拉加斯,其父母分别为意大利和西班牙人。荷西博士1992年毕业于委国Emil Friedman学院,之后获得在美国学习钢琴演奏的全额奖学金。荷西博士在克莱顿州立大学获得钢琴演奏的音乐本科学位,师从 George Lucktenberg 博士和 Michiko Otaki 博士。2001年,作为 Geoffrey Haydon 博士的学生,荷西博士于乔治亚州立大学获得钢琴演奏的音乐硕士学位。在乔治亚大学, 荷西博士师从Evgeny Rivkin博士(柴可夫斯基钢琴国际钢琴比赛三等奖,苏联全国钢琴比赛一等奖,俄罗斯全国钢琴比赛一等奖,奥克拉荷马国际钢琴比赛一等奖),获得音乐艺术博士学位。荷西博士获得的荣誉包括 Spivey 基金会奖学金,1991年 Harriet Serr 钢琴比赛一等奖,1994年 Moisés Moleiro 全国钢琴比赛最高奖,2004年乔治亚大学李斯特奖,2005年贝多芬俱乐部国际钢琴大赛 Madge Johnson Weir 奖,及2011年 Jacksonville 爵士钢琴大赛第四名。多元的学习和演奏经历使他可以在美国爵士乐,拉丁爵士乐,以及欧洲古典音乐中游刃有余,随意切换。作为一名作曲家和钢琴演奏家,荷西博士独特的表演及作曲风格以及杰出的成就获得 Ahmad Jamal 和 Chucho Valdés 等著名钢琴家的高度评价,并于2011年被收入施坦威艺术家名录。

Dr. Garcia is currently the director of Gwinnett Symphony Jazz Orchestra. Prior to joining Gwinnett Symphony, Dr. Garcia served as Assistant Professor of Piano and Theory at Miles College in Birmingham, Alabama.  Over the past fifteen years, his work as a music educator, including seven years of college teaching experience at accredited institutions, has been greatly recognized by the students and the schools. Dr. Garcia received the Doctor of Musical Arts in piano performance from the University of Georgia,  the Master of Music in piano performance from Georgia State University, and the bachelor's degree in in piano performance from Clayton State University .作为一个钢琴演奏家,荷西博士在亚特兰大和整个美国都非常活跃。他曾与国际知名的艺术家,如 Michael Philipp Mossman, Ray Vega, Bill Summers, Kemba Cofield, Jennifer Holliday, El “Cano” Estremera, Luisito Rosario, Paquito Guzmán, Anthony Cruz, Willie González, Tito Rojas, Marlon Fernández, Oswaldo Román, Darmon Meador, Joe Jennings, Ilona Knopfler. Luisito Carrión, Ignacio Berroa, María Teresa Chacín, 以及 Juan Carlos Salazar 等合作。荷西博士是国际 Groove Conspiracy 组合的发起人。国际 Groove Conspiracy 组合是一个总部位于亚特兰大的爵士乐三人组合,曾获得 Ahmad Jamal 和 Chucho Valdés 等著名钢琴家的高度评价。他同巴西艺术家 Guilherme Lacerda 录制了 Ponto de Vista (2008) 专辑,和委内瑞拉歌手 Eric Casal 录制了 Canto a tí (2010) 专辑。荷西博士的最新的钢琴独奏专辑 Cruz del Ávila,于2010年12月发行。钢琴巨擘 Ahmad Jamal 对荷西博士钢琴演奏的评价是“细腻而卓越”。

Dr. Garcia is a founder of International Groove Conspiracy, an Atlanta-based jazz trio which received great reviews by giants in the industry such as pianists Ahmad Jamal and Chucho Valdés. In 2005, the trio´s album Beyond Horizon was released and received great reviews nationally and internationally. The trio also performed at major venues in the nation, including the Atlanta Jazz Festival, the Montreaux Jazz Festival, the National Black Arts Festival, the Rialto Center for the Arts, Callawolde Fine Arts Center, Mable House Barnes Amphitheatre, and the Blue Note in New York City. Dr. García’s latest CD, Cruz del Ávila, released in December 2010, is a solo piano project, in which Ahmad Jamal describes Dr. García’s pianism as “sensitive and brilliant.”

Bass: 邢一帆师从贝斯演奏家大中、Daniel 、张柯。爵士小号演奏家李晓川;吉他演奏家刘文祥等。在校期间获得第八届“佩里扎罗”最高奖学。CMA爵士大乐队、阿Q爵士乐队贝斯手。活跃于北京一线爵士现场“东岸”与一线的爵士音乐家合作演出,例如:Moreno Donadel、Nathaniel Gao、夏佳、刘玥、Izmi Koga、小豆、罗宁等。 


Drums: Leandro Severo Fonseca PerezLeandro Severo Fonseca Perez来自古巴,毕业于Amadeo Roldan 音乐学院。毕业之后,开始与Bobby Carcases合作。这个团队曾在古巴重要的Jazz Plaza爵士音乐狂欢节演出。他曾与许多著名交响乐团及优秀的指挥家、音乐家合作,包括Frank Fermandez、Marcos Madrigal、Aldo Lopez Gavilan、La Camerata de Zenaida Romeu、Javier Zalba等。

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年8月31日 21:00 

门票/Ticket: 60(presale)/80(door)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 

电话/Tel: 010-64078969 

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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